
Wang Yirong, a powerful painter of gongbi, carries forward the charm of Chinese painting with traditional brush and ink

author:Light and light green

The charm of calligraphy and painting lies in sending affection, words and things, cultivating interest, cultivating sentiments, and promoting culture, while the collection of calligraphy and painting is actually a manifestation of cultural accomplishment, a spiritual temperament, a cultural guidance, and the highest quality family culture edification and inheritance. As Wang Yirong, who is a heavy color of today's Gongbi paintings, the level of painting has been perfected, and his Gongbi paintings are deeply loved by collectors.

Wang Yirong, a powerful painter of gongbi, carries forward the charm of Chinese painting with traditional brush and ink

Powerful painter Wang Yirong's new masterpiece "Red Li Nine Fish Figure" Source: Yi Congzi Calligraphy

Wang Yirong's family origins, her Gongbi flower and bird paintings are like a mirror, a benchmark, in today's Gongbi painting flower beds have important reference significance. She works and writes. He studied at the Beijing Academy of Painting and the School of Art of Chinese Min University, where he studied under Mr. Zheng Zhenxi. He studied at the Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Academy, where he taught Yu Zhizhen and Mr. Jin Dajun, and personally taught him the Gongbi Heavy Color Painting Method, becoming a "Gongbi Heavy Color Successor". His works, simple composition, bright colors, vivid shapes, ethereal and free, pure and touching, can be called unique. In 2002, he represented Chinese painting in the World Chinese Art Exhibition and was named "World Chinese Artistic Talent";

Wang Yirong, a powerful painter of gongbi, carries forward the charm of Chinese painting with traditional brush and ink

Wang Yironggong stroke peacock peony figure "Rich and Noble Chengxiang" work source: Yi Congzi calligraphy

An important branch of Chinese painting is Gongbi Painting, which is delicately depicted and the ink color is real, which is deeply loved by the public. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it was listed as a royal tribute, and in Dunhuang, Yongle Palace, Changsha Mawangdui, Yuanmingyuan and the Forbidden City, Gongbi heavy color painting is of considerable historical value. And it will be listed as a protection project by the China Intangible Heritage Protection Association. Over the years, the works painted by Master Wang Yirong have won many important awards and have a high collection value.

Wang Yirong, a powerful painter of gongbi, carries forward the charm of Chinese painting with traditional brush and ink

Wang Yirong's four-foot banner fine grape picture "Fruitful" work source: [Yi Congwang]

As a Gongbi painter with great collecting potential, Wang Yirong's works have great potential for appreciation, and Chen Liang, a collector who is the executive director of the Fujian Collectors Association, believes that within three or five years, the market price of Gongbi heavy color Chinese paintings will definitely take a leap forward, and there will be tens of millions of yuan or even hundreds of millions of yuan of works. The market price of tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan of Gongbi heavy color Chinese paintings has been greatly underestimated, and the three generations of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have been listed as royal tributes to the Gongbi heavy color Chinese paintings, and the collection value still has a lot of room for growth, and it is likely to become a "dark horse" in the collection market.

Wang Yirong, a powerful painter of gongbi, carries forward the charm of Chinese painting with traditional brush and ink

Wang Yirong's new work "Home and Wealth" works source: Yi Conghua calligraphy and painting

Wang Yirong was named "World Chinese Artistic Talent", won many awards in the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition, and many works were collected by entrepreneurs at home and abroad, calligraphy and painting enthusiasts, collectors, art galleries and so on. At present, her works have entered thousands of households through the platform of "Yi Cong calligraphy and painting", and are hung in the homes by more and more home owners, and are often given as gifts to leaders, customers, elders, friends, teachers, etc., which can be described as "decoration, gift-giving, and collection are all appropriate".

In short, from the overall trend, the calligraphy and painting market will last forever. Its particularity lies in the fact that the artwork of calligraphy and painting is not only a material existence; Moreover, it is the crystallization of a spiritual culture, which can be used as a kind of material wealth savings, and can also be appreciated and studied as art.

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