
The camp is on fire, there is more garbage, "can't manage it"?

author:China Economic Net

Source: China Environment News

Ren Jing, a trainee reporter of this newspaper, was zengzhen

Recently, "camping" has become a high-frequency word on various social platforms, and has also become a leisure method for many people on weekends and holidays. According to the recent data of the "Tmall List", the cumulative sales of camping tents in the past 7 days have exceeded 40,000. On the Little Red Book, "camping" was used as the keyword to search, and the relevant notes were as many as 3.56 million.

"A tent, a chair, a drink, a little wind blowing, feeling poetry and far away at the door of the house, who doesn't love this?" Mr. Tian, who had just gone camping, said with a smile.

However, coins tend to have two sides. On the one hand, the exquisite beauty of camping, on the other hand, there is a series of unexpected problems brought about by the surge in camping phenomenon. In order to understand the problem, the reporter visited and interviewed relevant experts.

The years in the lens are quiet, and the garbage outside the lens is overflowing

Recently, Beijing Yizhuang Xincheng Riverside Forest Park (hereinafter referred to as "Binhe Park") has become a popular campground in Beijing. Riverfront Park is an open park backed by the Liangshui River. Recently, the reporter went to the riverfront park to visit the field. During the visit, the reporter saw that many tents "grew" in the shade of trees on both sides of the riverbank, and there were tables and chairs next to the tents, and snacks, drinks, and fruits were readily available. The admission instructions of The Riverfront Park clearly state that camping and tents cannot be set up in the park.

According to Master Zhang, a staff member of the park, the camping wind blew up around the "May Day" festival. "There weren't many people here before, and occasionally there were some fishing people. After the camping fire started, the number of people who came suddenly became more. ”

Compared with the eye-catching beauty and exquisite tents and food on social platforms, what is more eye-catching in reality is the garbage that has nowhere to be placed. The reporter rode along the river and encountered an average of one garbage can every 50 meters. But the trash cans have been seriously overloaded, and more garbage can only quietly "lie" by the side of the trash can, waiting for recycling.

According to public reports, the Liangshui River, where the riverside park is located, was once the largest sewage discharge site in Beijing's southern city, and the river was polluted by the direct discharge of sewage on both sides of the river, and was called the "stinky water river" by the citizens. In 2014, Beijing launched the Liangshui River Comprehensive Treatment Project and formulated a "one mouth, one policy" treatment plan for sewage outlets. Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone combined with the construction of rain and sewage diversion pipelines, completely banned sewage outlets, and planned to build "Yizhuang New Town Riverside Forest Park" to create a new landscape of liangshui River with "smooth rivers, clear water, green shores, beautiful scenery, and people".

The Liangshui River is also a pilot project for the "waste-free river section" in Beijing. The pilot construction concept of the "waste-free river section" is that "garbage does not land" within the scope of the river, that is, tourists consciously take the garbage generated out of the river to achieve a reduction in the source of garbage in the river. However, the places where garbage and tourists are dense are also the pilot sections of the "waste-free river section".

In addition, the reporter also noticed that there was a small pit next to a tent, and the pit was full of garbage. The owner of the tent said that the garbage was not thrown away by them, and that it was there when it came.

In fact, as early as the beginning of May, some citizens reflected on the people's network leader message board: "During the holiday, many tourists set up tents and barbecues in the riverside park, leaving a large amount of garbage that no one cleaned up, which brought great trouble to the surrounding residents." ”

In this regard, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone responded that the situation is true, and has asked the maintenance unit to strengthen inspections, found violations of park regulations, camping and tents, etc., and stopped them on the spot in a timely manner. At the same time, increase the frequency of garbage cleaning, disinfect and record areas with large passenger flow many times, and provide a good environment for tourists to visit the park.

Riverfront parks are not unique, and today, the wind of camping has blown across the country, and with it comes some uncivilized camping. Not only is there garbage everywhere, but after camping, the lawn is also damaged to varying degrees.

On the social platform, tourists in many places complained: "Before leaving, I thought I could get close to nature and see the beautiful scenery, but all I saw when I went to the place was garbage and a bald lawn." Some netizens shouted: "Please, civilized tourism, garbage please take away." ”

Camping fire, management means "embarrassed"?

In the face of the surge in garbage, park managers have indeed stepped up regulation.

Taking the riverfront park as an example, the park staff told reporters: "In addition to our own garbage disposal, there are people outside to support us, pulling 3 trips in the morning, pulling 3 times in the afternoon, and helping to pull 6 times a day." But there is too much garbage to dispose of. "It's a real headache for them.

Master Zhang believes that the occurrence of littering has something to do with the lack of mandatory effect of park management. "We have seen that some people littering are also managed, but they can only be verbally dissuaded, tourists are unconscious, and it does not have much effect." In particular, although some tourists have agreed on the surface, the garbage is still thrown away. Master Zhang also said with some helplessness, "We can only transport the garbage one by one." ”

In addition, in terms of management, the openness of the park space has also brought some "trouble". The admission instructions of Binhe Park clearly state that it is not allowed to camp and set up tents, but according to Master Zhang, Binhe Park does not have a clear entrance like other parks, and some tourists enter the park from the roadside path, and the park staff cannot effectively dissuade and intercept all tourists with tents. This has led to repeated bans on camping and more and more garbage.

But is it really only up to tourists to "consciously" dispose of camping garbage?

The answer is no. In recent times, many places have given their own answers.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News, in the face of the surge in garbage caused by camping, Qianjiang Century Park in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, has temporarily increased the number of cleaning staff to deal with the doubling of garbage, and is considering formulating management measures for uncivilized behavior in lawn camping.

In addition, according to the "Chengdu Release" news, around the problem of camping management difficulties in the suggestions of citizens and feedback from park managers, the Chengdu Park City Construction Administration bureau is carrying out pilot work in parks and greenways in the city, delineating designated areas for citizens to camp and set up tents. At the same time, we will study and formulate targeted management methods to standardize everyone's camping behavior in the park and let the public participate in the protection of the beautiful environment.

It can be seen that in the face of the surge of garbage, park managers are not only helpless, but should do a lot. "Localized park management is actually the main force in solving the garbage dilemma." Huang Jianhong, a researcher at soochow Think Tank at Soochow University and a professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration, pointed out.

Multi-party cooperation and co-governance to solve the problem of open park management

It is worth pondering that the garbage dilemma brought about by camping is only one of the problems faced by open parks, and behind it is the management ability and quality of tourists that need to be improved urgently.

Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, staying out of the city has become a daily routine, and being close to nature has become a just need for many people, and open parks with complete infrastructure and beautiful scenery have become the best choice. The environmental and management problems brought about by mass camping make the problems faced by open parks more obvious.

As more and more people join the ranks of park camping, how can we strengthen the management of open parks?

In this regard, Huang Jianhong told reporters: "It is recommended that multiple parties cooperate in governance. "First of all, we must expand the work coverage of the integrated law enforcement team. The Park Management Office may, together with the comprehensive law enforcement team, conduct regular and fixed-point inspections, such as patrolling the park during peak tourist seasons such as weekends and holidays, so that the forces with law enforcement power can extend to the park and manage uncivilized behaviors that damage the park environment.

The open park can also be co-created with nearby communities. In general, visitors to open parks are mainly from the surrounding community and have a reasonable coverage radius. The Park Management Office can promote the civilized visit of tourists to the park by jointly building a civilized park and a harmonious park with nearby communities.

"In addition, play an active role as a volunteer. Volunteers can be organized to preach civilized behavior on weekends and holidays, preach harmony and co-construction, and make the red armband not only appear at traffic intersections and indoor exhibition areas, but also go deep into daily life scenes and face ordinary audiences. Huang Jianhong said.

At the same time, park management can try to take the road of marketization. The government can entrust the management and operation of the park to professional institutions by purchasing services, and at the same time carry out performance appraisal and star rating, improve the enthusiasm and initiative of the park management, from "want to say two sentences and two sentences, do not want to say it" after seeing uncivilized behavior, to "see the problem must be said". In addition, through the government's purchase of services, the government's management system can also be extended to the market-oriented operation of open parks, from "can't manage, don't know who is in charge" to "someone to manage, find someone to manage".

Finally, we will build a three-dimensional publicity and education network covering families, schools and society. Starting from family education and school education, we advocate garbage classification, garbage does not land, and advocate civilized travel. At the same time, publicity advocates civilized behavior, and defines uncivilized behavior through laws and regulations.

"Cooperative governance does not mean equal responsibility, and localized park managers are the main force in controlling chaos, both to connect with the government's law enforcement departments, but also to connect with the communities around the park, and to effectively accept volunteer services." Huang Jianhong concluded that in this process, through the precise market-oriented road, the civilized open park consumption concept formed by the family, school and even society can truly form a synergy.

Open parks open up space, not relaxation of the observance of basic rules and basic ideas. "Openness is because we have an open mind, we have the ability to follow open rules, and we can be close to nature and at the same time have some reverence for the rules." This is the state of mind and social behavior that modern citizens, especially those who have gradually become materially rich, should have. Huang Jianhong said.