
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women

author:Hearts have a spirit rhinoceros 2020
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women

Georgia was also originally a feudal dynasty, which ended and developed into the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, officially becoming a Soviet republic. The Declaration of Independence was issued on November 4, 1990, naming the country the "Republic of Georgia", which is similar to ours!

The picture above shows the coat of arms of Georgia, modeled after the coat of arms of the Bagrates. The middle depicts a statue of St. George slaying a dragon, with a crown on top and a ribbon with a Jerusalem cross on the bottom, written in Georgian as "Unity is Strength", and supported by two lions.

By understanding the humanistic landscape of a country, we can better understand the paintings created by Georgian painters!

The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women

In a socialist country, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and its picture shows the people's peaceful living and contentment in peacetime, although it is not rich and noble, but the Georgian people can also have enough food and clothing and enjoy themselves!

The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women
The Grugi painter Taudia, through his paintings, shows the living conditions of Georgian women

Redish Taudiya Radish Tordia, Georgian artist! 他用大笔触,酣畅淋漓,挥洒自如,他用一支充满朝气和激情的大画笔,运用缤纷斑斓的色彩,描绘了格鲁吉亚人日常生活中的言行举止、音容笑貌,喝茶聚会‬、养花种草、弹琴,舞蹈等各种生活场景,展现了宁静祥和的社会风貌,画面时而‬清新自然,时而‬气氛热烈而奔放,点燃了观者的情绪!

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