
The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

author:Literary and historical re-reading

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As mentioned earlier, Han and Zhao successively fell to the state, and the Qin general Wang Qitun (王翦屯) sent troops to Zhongshan, and the soldiers pointed to the Yan state from afar. In this situation, what countermeasures can yanguo have?

Although Zhao Jia, the King of Zhao, seized the remnants of the Zhao State and quickly formed an alliance with the State of Yan, this strength was not enough to compete with the State of Qin. What exactly was The plot of Yan Wangxi, the historical data has not left a record, we only know that Prince Dan wants to make a difference.

The original words of the Zizhi Tongjian read: "Prince Dan of Yan complained about the king and wanted to repay him, so as to ask him Fu Juwu", which means that Prince Dan resented Yingzheng for being rude to him and wanted to take revenge, so he consulted Ju Wu, whose identity was Prince Dan's Fu.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

A short sentence raises two questions:

First, what Prince Dan was most concerned about was not the major affairs of the country, not the precarious situation of the Yan state, but the disrespect of YingZheng to himself. This is really full of aristocratic style;

Second, Sima Guang's wording was supposed to be "Prince Dan of Yan complained about the King of Qin", but the necessary word "Qin" was missing and became "Prince Dan of Yan complaining about the King", obviously speaking from the standpoint of the Qin State.

First look at the first question: Sima Guang's historical source is the "Chronicle of the Assassins", the version of the "History" is more detailed, saying that after Prince Dan fled from Xianyang and returned to China, he could not swallow the evil breath of his own incivility, and began to look for people to help him avenge himself, and later saw that the pace of the Qin State's aggression was getting bigger and bigger, and they were already approaching Yishui and bullying the borders of the Yan State, and the national vendetta and personal grudge were combined.

Look at the second question: Perhaps you have noticed that since the Zizhi Tongjian entered the "Qin Dynasty", the standard of the Qin State has been a bit obvious, such as the first emperor's three years of "Mengxiao Fa Han", not writing "Qin Menghua Han", the thirteenth year of the First Emperor "Huan Gong Fa Zhao", not writing "Qin Huan Fa Zhao", everywhere.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

This kind of writing, if viewed by harsh Confucian standards, is politically incorrect. Therefore, Zhu Xi's "Outline of Tongjian" should be changed whenever it encounters such a way of writing, "Mengxiao Fa Han" is changed to "Qin Fa Han", "Huan GongQi Fa Zhao" is changed to "Qin Fa Zhao" - these are all parts of the "Program", and even in the "Purpose" part, Zhu Xi is not ambiguous, like the current sentence "Prince Dan of Yan complains about the king", Zhu Xi's writing method is not "complaining about the king", but "complaining about the king of Qin".

All of Zhu Xi's efforts were made to eliminate the Qin state standard of the Zizhi Tongjian. We often say that ancient Chinese historiography was developed, but from such details, it is not difficult to find that historiography is first and foremost political philosophy, and secondly historiography.

You may wonder: Since Zhu Xi has worked so hard to eliminate the qin state standard, will the "General Outline" vigorously commend the Jing Ke hero when it writes about Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin?

Not really. Zhu Xi's writing is: "Prince Dan of Yan made the robbery of the King of Qin", which is the part of the "Gang", not only did not even mention Jing Ke's name, but also added a very dishonorable title to him: theft. This makes Jing Ke's feat of stabbing the King of Qin and the so-called "theft and killing" mentioned earlier be classified into the same category.

Confucianism pays attention to the light of Zhengda. So in the situation of the Yan Kingdom, how can it be considered to be just and bright?

Ju Wu's plan is relatively correct. At that time, in the face of Prince Dan's advice, Ju Wu moved out of the most traditional strategy of collusion, and the only new idea was to add the Xiongnu to it. Prince Dan did not think so, saying that this kind of stupid kung fu was protracted, and he did not have the patience.

Another point to note is that when the "Zizhi Tongjian" records that when Prince Dan consulted Ju Wu, he arranged this matter after Wang Zhai destroyed Zhao, but in fact, it was reversed, referring to the later text of the "Zizhi Tongjian" and the "Biography of the Assassins in History", at this time Zhao Guo was still surviving.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

Not long after, the Qin general Fan Yu (wū) fled to the Yan state and was taken in by Prince Dan.

Mr. Yang Kuan had an inference that Fan Yu was probably the Qin general Huan Yi, who had appeared frequently in recent years, because he had lost at the hands of Li Mu and had to be questioned according to law, so he embarked on the road of escape.

Obviously, compared to Gan Mao at that time, Fan Yu period simply had no choice. This is not because Gan Mao is more capable than Fan Yu period, but because in Gan Mao's time, the Six Kingdoms of Shandong still had capital to compete with the Qin State, and even if the Qin State wanted to copy Gan Mao's home, it must also weigh whether it was worth tearing his face with Gan Mao. In Fan Yu's time, the State of Qin had no scruples about disposing of senior talents according to law, and since Fan Yu period dared to escape, he would even join his entire family and force Yan Guo to hand over people.

At first, King Zhaoxiang of Qin demanded Wei Qi's head for Fan Sui, and made a good chicken and dog jump, first Pingyuan Jun clenched his teeth and did not make friends, then Yu Qing abandoned everything and fled with Wei Qi, and then Xin Lingjun won Hou Wei's radical general's law and prepared to escort Wei Qi to the Chu State for refuge... Although everyone can't afford to provoke the Qin State, there are always people who don't believe in evil and stand up to the Qin State.

Now the situation has changed, the once prosperous Three Jins only have the crippled Zhao and Wei, while the Qi and Chu countries no longer dare to provoke the Qin state, and the national strength of the Yan state is too big a gap with the Qin state. Looking around like this, it is said that no one will dare to take in the fugitives of the Qin State. Ju Wu was calm-headed and hurried to persuade Prince Dan.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

How can Ju Wu persuade him? If you persuade Prince Dan to drive away Fan Yu period and let Fan Yu period escape, as long as you don't stay in the Yan kingdom, this is too much to do, not only Ju Wu can't say it, but Prince Dan can't do it. Therefore, Ju Wu gave a very reasonable plan: ask Prince Dan to send Fan Yu to the Xiongnu as soon as possible.

Ju Wu's opinion is of great landmark significance in the history of the Warring States. Before that, whether it was the flow of talent or the flight of disasters, it was basically within the scope of "Tianxia", and the farthest was nothing more than the Qin State to the State of Qi, from the State of Zhao to the State of Chu, which was already safe enough, and would not escape from the border of "Tianxia" and enter the scope of the "Four Seas".

As mentioned earlier, the scale of the heavens in the minds of the ancients was far smaller than today. Strictly speaking, although there is only one "heaven", and "under the heavens, there is no royal land", but the territory of the barbarians does not belong to the "heaven", but belongs to the "sea", so it is not the "royal land". On all sides of the "royal land", whether there is water or not, it is called "sea", collectively called "four seas", and farther away it is called "overseas".

At present, although the Qin state is still some time away from the unification of the world, it has formed a powerful enough deterrent force for all corners of the world, so from fan Yu period onwards, fleeing has become an extremely hard thing. Either to the north to the Xiongnu, or to the south into Baiyue, whether to the south or to the north, from language and clothing, to customs and beliefs, there will be an earth-shaking change.

In this way, any ideological concepts and academic propositions that are not in line with the mainstream will not only lose their place in the "world", but even if they go to the "four seas" or "overseas", they will not be able to survive because of the unsatisfactory water and soil, and the era of "a hundred schools of thought" will begin to close the curtain from here.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

Then again, in the face of Ju Wu's suggestion, Prince Dan disagreed, and the reason was still aristocratic: "General Fan came to me when he was cornered, and this is exactly when I was fighting with my life to protect him, you still help me think of some other way." ”

As mentioned earlier, in this ancient moral code, class identity is higher than national identity, and when someone comes to you and entrusts his life to you, it is equivalent to identifying with you as a person, and this sense of identity is equivalent to a great compliment - people come to you because they look up to you, or why not run to others? This "affordable" is entitled to the same degree of return, which makes people obligated. At this time, if you still have to calculate the pros and cons, it is the face of the villain.

Ju Wu saw that Prince Dan refused to lower the moral standard, and only in vain, he said a series of very beautiful moral proverbs, the original words were as follows: "Husbands act in danger to seek safety, create disasters for blessings, plan shallow and deep, connect one person and then make friends, regardless of the great harm of the country, the so-called grievances and help the disaster." This means that seeking a safe result with dangerous actions, but thinking that it is beneficial to run into trouble, short-sighted and forming a deep vendetta, in order to help a new friend without regard for the security of the country, this is a road of self-destruction.

Ju Wu's remarks seem normal today, but the circumstances of the time are particularly intriguing, because it means that the interests of the state override moral standards.

In contrast to the Wei Qi incident, Pingyuan Jun, Yu Qing, Xin Lingjun, and Hou Wei, these moral models who are full of golden light can all put moral standards above the national interest. This means that in aristocratic conduct, morality can be defended at the expense of the state, but morality cannot be sacrificed to defend the state. In other words, the state is only a tool, not an end. If morality must be sacrificed to preserve the state, then such a state is not worth preserving.

The Qin general Fan Yuzhi fled to the Yan state due to defeat, why did he almost become a Xiongnu?

When we see the background color of these concepts, it is easy to understand that Ju Wu complained that Prince Dan", "connecting with one person and then making friends, regardless of the great harm of the country", indicates the end of an old era and the beginning of a new era.

As for Prince Dan, since he had accepted Fan Yu, he had to make preparations early to cope with the pressure from the Qin state.

So what else can Prince Dan do?

We'll talk about that in the next step.

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