
Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary

author:Dr. Shuo talks about health

How long has the meat in your refrigerator been frozen?

With the continuous progress of the economy, everyone's living standards have been improved, the diet structure has changed, and meat has become an indispensable daily food.

Not only lamb, pork, duck, beef, chicken, fish, etc. have gradually become regular customers on the table, especially with the development of refrigerators, more and more people have developed the habit of hoarding meat, no matter what meat they buy, they like to put it in the refrigerator, the refrigerator is used as a crisper box, and any food put in it can ensure the freshness of food and will never break.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary


"Meat" frozen for a long time, what happens to the meat?

Although the meat can be frozen in the refrigerator to extend the shelf life of the meat, there are still some changes in the meat during the freezing process.

The pre-treatment of food affects the shelf life of frozen food, such as fish that have not been treated can be frozen up to one or two months, and if the fresh fish that has been scientifically treated, it can be stored for half a year.

Frozen meat, as the name suggests, is the meat that has been frozen for a long time, the meat that has been stored for a long time, so from the surface, there is almost no difference in the meat now, but for a long time, no matter what kind of food, moldy and deteriorated will occur, and there will be a tendency to poison after eating.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary


Long-term eating frozen meat can cause cancer?

Often eat frozen meat will not appear carcinogenic, but there may be other dangers, generally speaking, after the meat is frozen, it is best to eat within a month, the country for the storage of frozen meat and production requirements are very strict, slaughtered meat after freezing, the temperature needs to be guaranteed below minus 6 ° C can be.

If the food is heated to 100 ° C, it is likely that bacteria will multiply, so it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is constant when heating.

Meat to be frozen for a long time, in a relatively low environment, can extend the storage time, to avoid spoilage, if the meat is often frozen, it is likely to make the water in it expand, so that the inner wall of the cell is damaged.

Frozen meat is not contaminated, preserved in a better environment, storage time is not very long, no breeding bacteria, the nitrite content in meat is low, carcinogenic components will not appear, if the frozen meat is repeatedly thawed, the conditions for frozen storage are not good, which will make the frozen meat pH and temperature suitable for bacterial breeding, and carcinogenic components will appear.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary


How should pork be stored?

First: Consume as soon as possible

Whether it is fresh meat or frozen meat, the meat stored in the refrigerator must be of good quality, the frozen meat bought back is best eaten within 1 month, the cold fresh meat is best eaten within 3 days in a refrigerated environment, and the hot fresh meat that is not refrigerated should be eaten on the same day.

Second: preservation liquid storage

Prepare 24 kg of water, 0.36 kg of salt, 0.09 kg of glucose, 1.2 kg of maltodextrin, adjusted to a PH value of 3.5 mixed liquid with citric acid, soak the pork in solution for 10 minutes, will form a protective film on the surface of the pork, which can be stored for more than a week at room temperature.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary

Third: liquor preservation method

Prepare a bottle of high liquor, pour it in a bowl, then put the pork in the liquor and grasp it with your hands until the surface and interior of the pork are covered with liquor.

In this way, we put it in a cool and ventilated place, or hang it directly on the balcony to air dry for preservation, so that it can be stored for a long time.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary


What are the benefits of eating pork for the body?


Pork has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the blood, nourishing the yin and moisturizing the dryness, and improving the qi, and is of great benefit to patients suffering from dry cough fever, injury, thirst, thinness, anemia, constipation and other symptoms.

——Provide high-quality protein

Pork if cooked properly, it can also become a "longevity medicine", pork after a long time of stew, fat will be reduced by 30% to 50%, unsaturated fatty acids increased, and cholesterol content greatly reduced, pork can provide human beings with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary


How to prevent the emergence of cancer?

Adjust your mindset: Maintaining a good attitude, relaxing your mood, taking appropriate ways to release work pressure, and maintaining adequate sleep, trying to stay up late, can reduce the probability of cancer to a certain extent.

Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment: refers to the early screening of high-risk populations in order to detect early tumor cases, so as to carry out early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment, secondary preventive measures include: breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening, esophageal cancer screening, etc.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary

Stay up late, sleep well: staying up late is a common disease of modern people, especially most young people, often stay up late, all night, medical research shows that people who often stay up late compared to people with normal sleep, the risk of cancer will be higher, so the usual sleep time has been guaranteed to reach 6-8 hours a day.

Do not eat leftovers, away from cancer: many elderly people or people with poor economy often have the habit of eating leftovers, but the nitrite contained in overnight leftovers is very high, if you often eat leftovers, these nitrites accumulate to a certain amount of time, it is easy to induce digestive tract cancer, therefore, in order to reduce the occurrence of cancer, it is best not to eat overnight leftovers.

Does long-term eating frozen meat cause cancer? How long does it take to freeze meat in the fridge? That's a neat summary