
Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

author:Reading Q&A

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded, and since then, the oppressed and enslaved Chinese people have stood up. After the founding of New China, many overseas experts and scholars were full of patriotism and hoped to return to the motherland to contribute their strength to the development of New China. In this group, the most famous is the "two bombs and one star" meritorious scientists, and Qian Xuesen is one of the brightest stars in this group.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

In 1949, Qian Xuesen was already a professor and director of the Jet Propulsion Center at the California Institute of Technology. After the news of the founding of New China reached the United States, Qian Xuesen and his wife Jiang Ying made preparations for returning to China. At that time, Qian Xuesen already had considerable influence in the field of mechanics and also had excellent living conditions.

They also know that if they return to a poor and white China, they will lose all this accordingly. But what can be worthy of a patriotic heart? The mother of the motherland needs herself, the new China needs itself, and their only wish is to return to the motherland and repay the mother of the motherland with what they have learned in their lives.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

The US authorities understand what it means for the newly founded New China to let Qian Xuesen and other Chinese students return to China. U.S. Navy Vice Secretary Danny Jimble once confessed that one Qian Xuesen can be worth the strength of 5 divisions. This also doomed Qian Xuesen's road back to China full of ups and downs.

In 1950, Qian Xuesen was preparing to leave for China, but as soon as he entered the port, he was stopped by American officials and then imprisoned. Until his return to China in September 1955, Qian Xuesen suffered unfair treatment by the US authorities for five years, was under surveillance, and lost his freedom to live. The US government detained and persecuted Chinese students and overseas Chinese with the purpose of preventing them from returning to China.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

Upon learning of the news that Qian Xuesen and other patriotic scholars had been prevented from returning to China and suffered persecution, the CPC Central Committee and Premier Zhou attached great importance to it. On the one hand, the Chinese Government openly denounces the United States and solemnly protests, and on the other hand, it actively communicates and mediates and conducts negotiations through diplomatic channels.

At that time, it was the korean war and subsequent negotiations, and both sides had chips and hoped to achieve their own goals through negotiations. This also makes it possible to win qian Xuesen and others back to China through diplomatic channels. Premier Zhou Enlai was well aware of the return of Qian Xuesen and others to their hearts, the great significance of them to New China, and the real intention of the United States in setting up numerous obstacles, so he did not hesitate to release the American pilots captured in the Korean War as a quid pro quo.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

Under the personal command of Premier Zhou and the Chinese Foreign Ministry doing a great deal of meticulous work, Qian Xuesen finally received a notice from the Us side on August 4, 1955, after several twists and turns. He burst into tears and returned to his heart like an arrow. On September 17, 1955, Qian Xuesen and his wife and son boarded the "President Cleveland" ship and embarked on a journey back to the motherland. At this moment, he waited for five years.

Before leaving for China, Qian Xuesen received a telegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed by his father Qian Junfu: I am glad that you can go home, be careful on the road, and do not get off the ship in the middle! When you get there, I'll let my friend pick you up at the border station.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

Departing from San Francisco, USA, the ship passes through Rocky Rocky, Honolulu, Yokohama, Manila and other places, and finally reaches Kowloon, Hong Kong, which is still controlled by the British. This 21-day journey seems to be calm and calm, but it is actually an undercurrent. What will happen in the end, Qian Xuesen is not clear, but he understands one thing, that is, the US side is not willing to let itself go back to China so painfully. So during the journey, he strictly followed the instructions in his father's telegram and did not leave the ship for half a step under any circumstances.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

On October 8, Qian Xuesen's family landed in Kowloon and set foot on Shenzhen's land via the Lo Wu Bridge connecting the mainland and Hong Kong. Finally back, finally back to the embrace of the mother of the motherland! That moment for China and for New China is worth going down in history. It is precisely because of this person's return that the successful launch of China's missiles and atomic bombs has advanced at least 20 years.

How important are atomic bombs and missiles, Chairman Mao once pointed out to the point: "In today's world, if we want to be free from being bullied by others, we cannot do without this thing." The Qian Xuesen family arrived in Shanghai on October 12 to meet their father. When talking about the telegram that kept him safe along the way, Father Qian said he knew nothing about it.

It was not until 2005 that the matter was declassified. According to Qian Xuesen's son, Qian Yonggang, the telegram, signed Qian Junfu, was actually sent by the Chinese Foreign Ministry to remind Qian Xuesen not to get off the ship in the middle of the way, in case of an accident.

Qian Xuesen received a mysterious telegram before returning to China: Do not get off the ship in the middle of the way, and only in 2005 did you know the identity of the sender

In fact, the Party Central Committee has always been very concerned about qian Xuesen's return to China, from promoting his return to China through negotiations, to determining his specific return time, reminding him to guard against dangers on the way back to China, and sending Zhu Zhaoxiang, the head of the preparation of the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to greet him.

After learning the time of Qian Xuesen's departure, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a telegram to Qian Xuesen in the name of Qian Junfu, instructing him not to get off the ship on the way, because no one could say what would happen in the middle of the way. This detail fully demonstrates the great concern of the Party Central Committee for the return of Qian Xuesen's family.

Conclusion: On October 8, 1956, a year after Qian Xuesen returned to China, the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense announced the establishment of the Institute, with Qian Xuesen as the dean. China's missile and aerospace science and technology industry has opened the way to take off. Today's Qian Xuesen has many honors and titles, but he does not care, he values more of an identity, that is, to be an upright and dignified Chinese, so that his motherland stands proudly in the east of the world!