
This is how the new scenic spot was born

author:Red Clay House

In the 1990s, when I was working in the forest farm, I was catching up with the national large-scale construction of scenic spots, and the township where our forest site was located had mountains and water, and naturally did not want to fall behind, so I also set up a scenic spot preparatory committee, and later felt that this name was too big, and I couldn't afford it, and I changed it to a scenic spot preparatory group.

Because I occasionally published a small article on tofu blocks in local newspapers and periodicals, I was a conspicuous figure at the grassroots level where talent was lacking, so I was also seconded from the township and joined the preparatory group. The secretary is the leader of the group, but the actual work is taken care of by the township chief.

The township chief is less than forty years old, and he has come from a low-level cadre who is lower than the grass-roots level, and he is very capable of bearing hardships and has some ability. At that time, let alone build scenic spots, regular scenic spots have not been, I simply do not know where to start. The township chief led a few of our core personnel, first from the nearby city, and then went to the neighboring provinces, turned to several scenic spots, inspected the planning, facilities, and operations of others, tired of the skin lost a layer, the legs lost a circle, finally knew a rough idea, came back to paint the cat and the tiger.

After returning, the township mayor led us to the mountains for a few days, made a general plan, and determined the scenic routes and scenic spots. Write a report and report to the secretary.

The secretary attached great importance to it, and after reading the report, he specially convened a meeting of the personnel of the relevant departments to discuss. The secretary has studied in college for four years and is a cultural person, so he is always a little uneasy about the culture of our half-hangers, and he has made a lot of comments on this plan. The first is the name of the attraction, what beacon peak, moon cliff, large wine bowl, chessboard ditch, too vulgar, without a little cultural atmosphere. Especially the name of this scenic spot, what is the Baoli Mountain Scenic Area, how can this attract tourists? Although we are called Bao calf mountain, bao calf township, but also can not be too conformist, the name of the township we can not change, but the scenic spot can be a good name.

So the secretary personally took us up the mountain to go around. At the bottom of the beacon mountain, the secretary asked everyone what this mountain looks like, and everyone said that it was like a pen holder with a brush in ancient times. The secretary smiled: "You are all preconceived, I heard that this mountain is called Beacon Mountain, so I looked like a beacon, and then looked closely, what else is it like?" Everyone stopped making a sound, and after a long time, the secretary Xiao Wu tentatively asked, "Is it a bit like a woman lying down?" The township chief laughed and scolded:, haven't you ever seen a woman, your wife can still stand so high when she lies on her chest? You haven't been home for half a month, do you think your wife wants to go crazy? Everyone laughed, and the secretary's face was a little hanging. He said: "I think Xiao Wu is right, the natural thing is to take an artistic conception, which can be divided into no differences, and it is not a sculpture." The crowd then busied themselves with laughter.

The secretary also said: "When you look at the moon cliff, there is a missing piece, it is quite like half a moon, but the names of Beacon Mountain and Moon Cliff are too ordinary and have no characteristics." I don't think it's better to call it Bath Girl Peak. Then he said to me, "Our great writer took the trouble to make up a folk legend, saying that the daughter of the Jade Emperor took a private bath, and was discovered by the Jade Emperor and punished her for turning her into stone." Moon Cliff, just next to beacon mountain, said to be the jade emperor's daughter's dressing mirror, was broken, so there was a vacancy. The story is wonderful, and some love elements are added to it, which makes people feel excited as soon as they hear it. “

The crowd said yes. The township mayor smiled in his heart, and said that where is the Bath Girl Peak, this mountain plus the Moon Cliff, just happens to be the "WC" in the English letters, called MaofangLing is more appropriate!

The big wine bowl is in a ravine, which is the trace of the ancient glacial movement, and there are many such pits around, but only this one large pit, half a person deep, and extremely round, like a large bowl. The secretary observed for a long time and said: ... It's really like a bowl. How can I tell tourists? Say the Eight Immortals have drunk here? Stories like this suck and aren't fun. Do you have any good ideas? Seeing that everyone was silent, he said, "Is this okay?" This place is just facing the ancient road, and we also made up a legend, saying that Yang Guifei was selected to enter the palace, passing by here to rest and pee when a pit was born. This is not conventional, but also a little bit of that meaning, it can definitely attract people. ”

Everyone agreed, but no name was taken, and everyone couldn't think of it when they broke their brains. The township chief said, "Just go straight ahead and ask Yang Guifei to pee." The crowd laughed.

The secretary even said that it was inappropriate and inappropriate. The township government is a first-level administrative organ in the township, the authority of the whole township, but it is just a section-level unit, a place to pee, how can it be called "department"? ——It is one level higher than the township government!

Finally brainstorming, the name was finally settled, called "Guifei Well", which is both elegant and will make male tourists think about it.

In the chessboard ditch, it made everyone difficult. Here is also the remains of the glacier, pieces of boulders scattered at the bottom of the ditch, surrounded by green mountains, the bottom of the ditch is babbling, the scenery is very good, it is nothing like, can not make up a story. Finally, the township chief said: "Otherwise, let's go to the stone yard, find two large stone lions carved into rough blanks, grind off the edges and corners and put them here, and call it Double Tiger Pond, just say that the tiger raised by The Taishang Laojun trampled over the Laojun furnace, afraid of punishment, ran here, and turned into stone." The secretary said yes busily, and added that it would be better to call a few stonemasons to come up and hit two with ready-made stones, so as to save the trouble of moving around. Because Shuanghutan is the core of the scenic spot, the name of the scenic spot is also set as "Shuanghutan Scenic Area". After the completion of the scenic spot, the scenic spot of Shuanghutan was well received, and tourists came to see it, said "like", and scrambled to climb up to take photos.

After the scenic spot began to operate, the business was not hot, but it was passable. It's just that there is something wrong with the guifei well, there are always some malicious male tourists who listen to the introduction, and also secretly defecate in the pit, and the pit has no outlet, and in a few days it will be unheard of here, so that later tourists mistakenly think that the phoenix drowning of the noble concubine has not dried up for a thousand years. The scenic spot could not, had to set up a sign next to it, writing "Defecation is strictly prohibited here", but soon there were good tourists who added a line under the sign: "Except for Yang Guifei", adding laughter in vain. Later, the secretary Xiao Wu came up with an idea, changed the name of this scenic spot to "Taigong Spring", and brought a stream of spring water from elsewhere, saying that Jiang Taigong was fishing here and often drank this spring, so he could still lead his troops to fight and govern the country and the country in his eighties. Modern technology proves that this spring water is rich in inorganic salts, minerals, trace elements, active particles, nanocomponents... Wait a minute. Tourists listened to the introduction, not only no one peed in, but also always had to lean over and taste it, in order to prolong life and nourish yin and yang.

At the county's tourism work summary meeting at the end of the year, the township was greatly praised. The leaders of the county also deliberately came around, praising them all the way, saying that the ideas were unique and worth promoting. It's just that there is no "Guifei Well", such a good idea is wasted, more or less a pity, to choose another place to restore.