
Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

author:Dr. Xin talks about health

People take food as the sky, and the older generation often hangs the saying "people are iron rice is steel, a meal is not hungry and panicky", although it seems to be earthy, but there is a certain truth. #爱乐养生 #

Only by ensuring the state of continuous diet can people better maintain their physical health, provide due energy and calories for tissues and organs, participate in tissue metabolism, and eat when they are alive, only in this way can they better ensure nutrient intake, improve their own immunity and resistance, resist the container of viruses and bacteria, and maintain good health.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

With the improvement of national living standards, people's concept of health has undergone earth-shaking changes, modern people no longer have to worry about food and clothing problems, food and clothing have become a thing of the past, for this reason many people have also developed the bad habit of overeating, and uncontrolled eating and drinking, seriously affecting physical health, will also increase the burden of the stomach and intestines, induce gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastric perforation, gastric mucosa and other gastrointestinal diseases.

With the improvement of national health awareness, coupled with the pursuit of external image of modern people, more and more people in order to maintain a slim and sexy good body, have joined the ranks of light fasting, many weight loss people are only eating one meal a day, can achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

Stones can indeed achieve weight loss in a short period of time, and can also quickly reduce weight, but if they have been insisted on, they will also affect the body's absorption of nutrients and induce a variety of chronic diseases.

I don't know where the Internet rumors about eating only one meal a day, can live 28% more method, adhere to light fasting can really prolong life and improve their own immunity? Listen to the scientists' answers.


Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

The Daily Mail has published such an experimental report, which pointed out that by eating, it can effectively eliminate the aging necrotic cells in the body, thereby promoting the growth of new cells, improving their own resistance and immunity, activating immune cell activity, so as to enhance their own immune system.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

After the body is metabolized, a large number of lipid substances and toxin garbage accumulated in the body will be excreted through the function of metabolism, and will also bring certain benefits to the body, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cardiovascular diseases, and achieve the effect of weight loss and weight loss.

Light fasting as a very common way of weight loss, many weight loss people in order to achieve the effect of weight loss, have tried light fasting, in the study found that light fasting for two days, to a certain extent can indeed play a role in improving their own immunity effect.

German experts have also made relevant experiments on this problem, and before the experiment began, experts randomly prepared 100 mice with similar physical conditions to divide them into three groups.

The mice in group 1 maintained a normal diet and water intake, three meals a day.

The mice in group 2 were properly fasted, maintaining a normal diet for 5 days a week, and drinking only water on the remaining two days.

The 3rd group of mice ate only one meal a day.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

After many experimental investigations, it was found that the physical health of the mice in the first group who maintained a normal diet and drinking water was about 54%, while the mice in the second group who guaranteed two days of light fasting had a physical health status of about 84%, and the mice who ate only one meal a day had a physical health status of about 46%.

It can also be seen from this that proper light fasting can indeed activate the activity of human immune cells, this is because when the human body fasts lightly, the immune cells in the body will be activated, and a large number of immune molecules will be intensified, at this time the brain will play a wrong instruction to the immune system that the body has no nutrient intake, so that the immune factors are released and activated, improving autoimmunity and resistance.

Appropriate light fasting can also improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the discharge of toxic garbage, maintain good health, and from the concept of light fasting is also a way to benefit human health.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

Eating only one meal a day can improve the body's metabolic capacity from the root, but for some patients with weak bodies or severe diseases, it is not recommended to try such a method, otherwise it will increase the burden on the body, and will also affect the tissues and organs, for the absorption and utilization of nutrients, so that the lack of energy in the body is prone to hypoglycemic reactions.


What are the benefits of sticking to light fasting for the body?

1. Detoxify and nourish the face

Light fasting can improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the discharge of fat garbage in the body, help the body discharge excess fat and calories accumulated in the body, provide due energy for the brain, heart, liver, hematopoietic organs and other living organs, in fact, the toxins accumulated in the body are excreted, promote the absorption of blood and lymph, maintain good health, promote blood flow, detoxify and maintain skin health.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

2. Weight loss

The weight loss method of light fasting needs to cultivate people's self-consciousness so that dieters can choose foods with low fat, high protein and high dietary fiber in proportion, so that they can produce a sense of fullness, while also helping the human body reduce the excess calories accumulated in the body, which is helpful for weight loss and weight loss.

Dieters who insist on dieting have a better weight loss effect than those who diet directly.

3. Extend life

Aging is an inescapable natural law, relevant experts have found that when properly liquidated, the energy obtained by the body can be used to repair genes, through intermittent light fasting and gene repair, long-term persistence can improve their own resistance and achieve the effect of prolonging life.

4. Hypoglycemia and cancer prevention

Insisting on light fasting can stimulate the sensitivity of insulin in the human body, promote the secretion of insulin, reduce the accumulation of sugar in blood vessels, and thus play a role in lowering blood sugar.

Insisting on light fasting can also effectively resist the spread and growth of cancer cells, achieve anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, and reduce the chance of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer.

Eat only one meal a day or live 28% more? Scientists have found: fasting for 2 days or restarting the immune system

5. Improve brain function

Light fasting has a certain impact on the human body, especially the activation of brain creativity, but also one of the many benefits of light fasting, through research found that in the process of light fasting, the human body will be in a state of hunger, hunger when the human spirit will also be highly concentrated, thus showing the characteristics of extreme excitement, adhere to light fasting helps to stimulate the imagination and concentration of the human body, improve the efficiency of work and learning, delay the speed of brain recession, effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease.