
The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

author:Dr. Meng Health Home

Compared to vegetables, meat is rich in amino acids, minerals, and high-quality proteins and trace elements and vitamins that our body needs. The reason we choose meat is partly because it is rich in nutrients that can improve our body's immunity.

Meat is also good for enhancing our physical fitness. People take food as the sky, and meat has a rich taste and can also bring a sense of fullness, which also makes many people addicted.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

First, should the elderly eat more meat?

The scientific nutritional structure mentions the combination of meat and vegetarian, vegetables and meat. In this way, we can draw the energy and nutrients that our bodies need from food, and for teenagers and young people, eating meat can supplement a lot of energy and make people more energetic.

Should the elderly eat more meat? For some elderly people with chronic diseases, eating more meat may cause a great burden on their own stomach and intestines, causing three high problems.

Especially now, more and more middle-aged and elderly people are beginning to pay more attention to their own physical health problems. In order to stay away from the three highs, they began to stay away from meat and give up eating meat, so is this choice right or wrong? What kind of impact does it have on the body?

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

The answer is no, there are some nutrients in meat that our bodies need that are not found in other foods or vegetables. If we do not eat meat for a long time, we cannot consume the energy and nutrients that maintain the normal operation of the body through other foods, but it will reduce physical fitness.

Eating less meat can control the diet to a certain extent, away from the three highs and the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases they induce. If the complete refusal of meat will not only reduce immunity, but also lead to a decline in the body's balance ability, osteoporosis, weakening of muscle strength, and increased risk of fractures.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Middle-aged and elderly people to a certain age with the decline of physical function, bone problems are very normal, pay attention to their own physical condition, adhere to exercise, for the body in time to supplement high-quality protein. If you want to prevent the emergence of problems, middle-aged and elderly people can not only stay away from meat, but also control the intake of meat.

Absorb the nutrients and related trace elements needed by the body, and also pay attention to the combination of exercise to enhance their physical fitness and absorption capacity.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Second, why do you have to eat meat?

1. Enhance physical fitness

Vegetable foods and meat foods are rich in nutrients, but meat foods have a very significant feature that they are more easily absorbed by our bodies. If you refuse meat food for a long time, you only rely on vegetables and other foods to consume nutrients, and the absorption rate of protein is relatively low.

At the same time, the body's absorption capacity declines, the rate of metabolism slows down, and our immune system is also affected after the metabolic rate decreases. When immunity declines, physical fitness naturally declines.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Long-term insufficient protein intake in addition to the immune system imbalance, physical fitness will decline, especially for the elderly physical fitness is relatively poor, coupled with the decline in physical fitness, and then refuse to eat meat but not health, while some chronic diseases will also come to the door.

Therefore, for the elderly, we must eat meat, enhance their physical fitness, and enhance immunity, so that they can combine their own situation with scientific and reasonable health.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

2. Maintain the internal balance of the body

Choosing meat can be scientifically and rationally arranged diet. Combined with the intake of the energy our body needs, this can maintain the balance within our body and ensure the normal operation of our body.

If we eat vegetarian food for a long time without eating meat, we will not eat enough fat and protein. The energy ingested is not equal to the energy consumed by the body, and the circulation inside the body is disturbed, and there will be endocrine disorders and endocrine system disorders.

For female friends, the general manifestation of endocrine disorders is menstrual irregularities. Long-term endocrine system disorders will also make the skin worse and worse, affect their own emotional problems, serious fertility problems, and most likely accelerate aging.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

For male friends, it may be relatively unfamiliar with endocrine disorders, and endocrine system disorders in men begin to deteriorate. The skin is getting worse and worse, affecting the growth of hair, and even the problem of hair loss.

3. Replenish the trace elements of the body

For the energy needed by our body, in addition to a large amount of fat, sugar, protein, there are also some trace elements, which may not seem so remarkable, but it is really important for our body.

For example, the heme iron ingested from meat is an important source of iron that our body needs.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

The iron content in vegetables is about 1%, and the iron content in meat can reach about 10% to 25%. The iron content of long-term vegetarian diet and meat intake simply cannot meet the normal needs of our body, which will cause the problem of iron deficiency anemia in the long run.

Therefore, for people with iron deficiency anemia, we must pay attention to diet. Mild cases can rely on adjusting the diet structure to obtain from meat, and severe cases are supplemented with meat food intake with drug therapy to enhance the hematopoietic system to maintain red blood cell synthesis.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

In addition to heme iron, meat is also rich in other trace elements, which can also be better absorbed by the body. There are relatively many types of trace elements.

Although the needs are relatively small for us, they play an important role in the internal circulation of our bodies. Therefore, in the diet, we do not abandon meat food, and efficiently consume trace elements to supplement the body's needs.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Third, what meat should the elderly choose?

1. Low fat

When it comes to low-fat meat, the most representative is fish. For the elderly, eating fish properly will not only not cause the accumulation of fat to affect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

It can also help regulate blood lipids, and to a certain extent, it can also protect our blood vessels, which is conducive to protecting the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for the elderly.

In addition to being low in fat, fish meat is also rich in vitamins and folic acid, which can be more efficiently absorbed by the body, help repair brain nerves, prevent degenerative changes in brain cells, and have a certain prevention and treatment effect on neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

At the same time, compared with pork and beef and mutton, fish and meat are more cost-effective, more abundant, diverse in taste, soft and rotten, and the absorption rate is relatively high. For the elderly with poor teeth and gastrointestinal function, it is easier to absorb and does not cause a burden on the body.

2. High protein

When it comes to high-protein meat, the first thing that comes to mind is chicken breast, low-fat and high-protein, or the first choice for many fitness people to lose fat and supplement energy.

Chicken is also more common in our lives, in addition to the enticing flavor, variety of cooking methods, cheap price, making it favored by many families. In addition, for the elderly, eating chicken properly can supplement the protein needed by the body and ensure good health.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Protein-rich chicken strengthens muscle protein, prevents protein loss in the body, and strengthens muscle content. For some patients with relatively weak bodies, proper intake of chicken can nourish the body, improve resistance, and enhance physical fitness.

According to the results of some survey statistics, the elderly who eat more chicken tend to have more powerful immune function and a lower risk of liver disease. This is mainly because the liver is rich in protein to replenish the body's needs and is easier to absorb.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

It has less impact on the liver and stomach, and can also effectively remove metabolites from the liver and some accumulated toxins, which can improve the regenerative ability of cells.

Chicken cooking methods are diverse, steaming and frying, no matter which has a different flavor, but for the elderly, it is necessary to avoid high oil and high salt in the diet and reduce the burden on the body.

Therefore, in the choice of cooking methods, it is recommended that you stew chicken soup. Chicken soup not only has less oil and less salt, but can also achieve the effect of warming and nourishing while maintaining the deliciousness of food.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Fourth, the choice of meat processing and cooking methods

1, try not to pickle, bake

With the development of the food processing industry, a variety of fast food products are produced, including some processed and synthetic meats and some cured meats.

Like bacon or sausage, although it has been processed by modern technology, the flavor is good. However, due to too much salt, additives, and preservatives inside. Long-term consumption has great damage to the human body, so we should try to avoid cured meats.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

In addition to processed meat, there is also barbecue. On a hot summer evening accompanied by cicadas, drinking beer and strung strings, life is very comfortable.

However, meat foods will form heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and advanced glycosylation end products after being roasted at high temperatures, which are harmful to our body and will greatly increase the possibility of cancer.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Eating these cured processed meats regularly and grilling has a lot of damage to our body, not only can not effectively absorb the rich protein in meat.

At the same time, it will also stimulate our cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases because of excessive intake of harmful substances, increasing the risk of disease, and at the same time, these too greasy foods for our stomach and intestines also cause a very large burden.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

So in order for us to better absorb these nutrients, when eating meat food, in addition to paying attention to the choice of meat, we also need to pay special attention to the way food is cooked.

Try to avoid pickling and roasting, you can use steaming or boiling, not only will not destroy the nutrients, but also reduce the fat content.

2. Try to avoid frying

In the summer, the night market is dazzling with all kinds of fried objects, especially meat, from fried chicken fillet and fried small crispy meat to crispy pork belly and so on. The crispy and delicious catch attracts a lot of people, and you can often see long queues at the stalls of fried meat.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

But this type of fried meat can greatly increase the risk of stomach disease. For the elderly with weak physical fitness, it is easy to increase the risk of chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Foods that are pickled before frying already have additives, and after frying, the fat content is higher. It will cause the accumulation of fat and increased blood lipids, and the accumulation of toxin garbage in the blood.

If you eat such fried meat or fried food for a long time, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing some digestive problems and stomach diseases. Increase the burden on blood vessels, and even cause blood vessel blockages.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

3, it is best to be light

For middle-aged and elderly people, not only the cooking method of meat needs to be biased towards lightness, but the overall diet should also be light and heavy, not too heavy on taste. The digestive function of the elderly itself is weak, and too heavy taste of food will cause a great gastrointestinal burden.

For the elderly, it is best to choose stewed or boiled foods, which can not only satisfy the appetite, but also nourish the body. Reducing the intake of oil and fat and the accumulation of fat, promoting blood circulation to clean up toxin garbage, and more conducive to good health.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more


We can't fight against time to fight aging, physical aging is inevitable, and the decline of body function is an irreversible law. In the face of aging, it is best to actively cope with maintaining an optimistic attitude and a healthy physical state.

The older you get, the more you have to eat more meat? Doctor: After the age of 55, these 2 kinds of meat may wish to eat more

Pay attention to the maintenance of your body, pay attention to the combination of diet, keep your mood comfortable, and participate in more exercise, which is of great benefit to our health and the maintenance of our mentality. It is hoped that middle-aged and elderly people can have a healthy body and can enjoy their old age in peace.