
12 early manifestations of mental retardation in children, see if your child has it?

author:I am a little parenting assistant

Judging that children are mentally inferior, the younger the age, the more difficult, but there are also traces to follow, usually children with low intelligence, in the early stages have the following manifestations:

12 early manifestations of mental retardation in children, see if your child has it?

1. The baby often behaves very honestly and quietly in the first few months after birth, does not cry or make trouble, is sleepy all day, does not even have the requirement to breastfeed, is difficult to breastfeed, and rarely moves.

2. One or two months after birth will not laugh, under normal circumstances, after the birth of the child 1-2 months, when someone teases will smile, and then later the child can laugh out loud.

3. Both eyes are unresponsive to people and things around them, are not interested, have poor eye function, and are often mistaken for blindness.

4. Hearing function develops well, lacks response to surrounding sounds, and it is often considered that the child is not deaf.

12 early manifestations of mental retardation in children, see if your child has it?

5. Chewing function develops late, normal children feed him solid foods such as biscuits and steamed buns after 6 months, he can chew, although there is no teething but there is also a chewing action. Children with mental retardation do not chew until very late.

6. Normal children lie in bed at 3-5 months, often playing with their hands in front of their eyes, repeatedly looking at it, and after 6 months, this behavior will gradually disappear. But the mentally backward children continued to have this movement after 6 months.

7. When the child is two or three years old, he often puts toys, blocks, etc. in his mouth, and generally normal children will only have this behavior when they are 6-12.

8. Normal children will stop drooling when they are about 1 year old, but children with low intelligence often drool after the age of three or four.

12 early manifestations of mental retardation in children, see if your child has it?

9. There will be teeth grinding when awake, and this behavior is almost non-existent in normal children.

10 The cry is very straight, the tone does not fluctuate, the time from stimulation to crying is longer, and sometimes repeated stimulation is required to cause crying.

11. I don't have much interest in toys, and I won't play with them if I give him a toy. But some mentally retarded children hold a simple object in their hands all day long.

12. Some children with low intelligence have changed from loving to sleep all day to being too active, and they are aimlessly hyperactive and unable to concentrate.