
Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

author:Home Appliance Forum

Greedy play is the nature of people, click on the sound players of this article, must be because of greedy play will jump into the sound world, right? However, after everyone buys the three major pieces of sound sources, amplifiers, and speakers, they often say to themselves that "it is time for the Buddha to tie up and listen to music well."

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

In fact, as an important part of the entire sound system, how can the wire be truly sound performance if the machine cable is simply used? If you agree with this, or have already planned to buy audiophile audio cable to improve the sound effect, why not start with the crucial power line? The famous American audio cable brand - Revelation Audio Labs, which is familiar to everyone, is the "audio inspiration", and its Precision II Cryosilver Reference power cord is very suitable for audio players who pursue cost performance to try it.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

The design concept is "transparent"

Founded in 2004, Level Audio Labs is a Hi-End audio cable manufacturer based in Florida, USA. Although young, the variety of wires sold ranges from analog to digital. At the same time, in order to ensure that the wire is up to standard, each wire is carefully designed and handmade, so it does not hesitate to extend the construction period, and prefers to spend more time to pursue superior quality. When the audio player receives the wire from The Level Audio Labs, they can also find a letter to the user in the package, accompanied by a autograph, which can be said to highlight the sincerity.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

If you've had the pleasure of playing with RevivalAudio Labs' cables, your first impression should be to marvel at how the sound system can deliver real sound. Yes, Revelation Audio Labs' cable design concept is "transparent", and they hope that audio players will enjoy a sense of realism that other wires cannot match after using the wire of Revival Audio Labs, and appreciate the original and true effect of the recording.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

Become a big fan of Silver Wire

The wire of each link in the sound system will produce a huge difference in sound quality effect due to the situation of the line base material and the shielding effect; This is the same for the power cord, no matter how good and pure the power supply, in the transmission process by the wire deterioration will not be worth the loss. To this end, Revelation Audio Labs selected 5N high-purity silver, which is more difficult and expensive than the general copper wire, as the standard wire base material for its full range of wire products. Notice the "Cryosilver" in the name of the power cord introduced this time? This is the factory's proud wire technology, first polishing the silver wire surface to brightness to obtain the best electron flow and improve the skin effect; The silver wire is then cooled to -315 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. -193 degrees Celsius) and the impact of electronic flow is reduced using progressive refrigeration technology.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

In terms of shielding, RevelationAudio Labs provides air insulation for this Precision IICryosilver Reference power cord and its full range of wire products. Air is the best insulator after vacuum, with effective shock absorption effect; In this regard, the factory also deliberately stated that the dielectric value of air insulation is much better than the insulation effect of other materials. Therefore, the wire of each Leveling Audio Labs is thicker than the general wire, and it is sealed with a PTFE conduit to ensure that there is an appropriate amount of air as an insulating layer. In addition, the factory also applied Progressive Individual Hand-wrap Shielding System shielding technology to further effectively resist the impact of noise such as electromagnetic waves on the line base.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

It is worth mentioning that the Preview II Cryosilver Reference power cord introduced this time is a new version made by RenewalAudio Labs, the covered shield is changed to complete black, and the connector follows the high-quality Furutech FI-28 plug terminal, be sure to ensure that the power cord can be firmly connected to the socket and equipment.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

Touch your true voice

As mentioned above, RevelationAudio Labs cable is very good at restoring the original appearance of recording, this Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord after the author connected to the audio and headphone system, an ear to feel a clean, transparent texture. Especially when listening to Friedrich Gulda's piano works, superb piano skills have become more courageous at this moment, and it is easier to touch the hearts of philharmonics.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

What if listening to poor quality pop music? In fact, with the Blessing II Cryosilver Reference power cord, you will find that the mid-range vocals are more cohesive and powerful, which is undoubtedly a plus for pop music. Instead of changing to the work of jazz girls, I think from the moment the female voice starts, I think you will be attracted by the sound and just want to listen to the whole album quietly.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

It should be noted that the Precept IICryosilver Reference power cord is recommended for use on the audio source part, such as CD players, digital broadcasts, streaming players, etc. are applicable. If you are connected to the amplifier, you will have a slight sense of power when listening to the music works of the big dynamics, so please choose the right equipment before connecting, so as to show the infinite charm of The Level Audio Labs cable.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord


Everyone chose the sound, which proves that everyone has a playful side and wants to pursue the satisfaction brought by sensory stimulation. Now that the audio equipment has been bought, how can the perfect wire be missed? Try the Precision II Cryosilver Reference power cord created by Revival Audio Labs, always keep a playful heart, and pursue cost-effective music listening.

Inspire your playful nature Acoustic inspiration Precept II Cryosilver Reference power cord

Sound of Strings Audio