
The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...

author:The Road to Health channel

Bitter melon is the best vegetable to eat in the summer, but do you know what are the benefits of eating bitter melon in the summer? There are many benefits of eating bitter melon in summer, and the following is for everyone to talk about bitter melon.

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...


Little bitter melon is a lot of use


Nourish the blood and nourish the liver

Bitter melon tastes bitter, raw is cold, ripe is warm. Raw food to clear the heat and fire, relieve fever and eliminate annoyance; Cooked food nourishes the blood and liver, moisturizes the spleen and tonifies the kidneys, can remove evil fever, relieve fatigue, purify the mind and eyes, and improve qi and aphrodisiac.

Reminder: But eating bitter melon should also pay attention not to damage the spleen and lungs. Despite the hot summer weather, people should not eat too many bitter foods, and it is best to accompany spicy foods (such as peppers, peppers, onions, garlic), which can avoid bitterness and help to replenish the lungs.

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...


Detoxify and detoxify

Bitter melon is a cold food, which can release the heat in the heart and eliminate toxins from the body. After eating bitter melon, it can cool off the fire, and has a good adjuvant treatment effect on the mouth and tongue sores, dry throat, sore throat, and boils caused by the rising fire.

Reminder: The best way to eat bitter melon is still cold mix. Cold mix can well retain the vitamins contained in bitter melon. If you use the method of stir-frying, these vitamins will be lost in the process of frying, and the content of oil after frying is relatively high, and people will consume more oil after eating, which cannot play a cooling role.


Aids in blood sugar control

Bitter melon crude extract contains a substance similar to insulin, which has a certain auxiliary sugar control effect.

Reminder: Chinese medicine believes that bitter melon has a sweet, bitter and cold taste, can clear heat, remove annoyance, and quench thirst; Mussel meat is sweet and cold, can clear the heat and nourish the yin, quench thirst and diuresis. The two are combined to clear heat and nourish yin, and are suitable for diabetes mellitus and gastric yin deficiency and heat.


Lowers uric acid

Bitter melon contains only 11.3 mg per 100 grams of purines, the content of purines is almost negligible, and bitter melon also has the effect of uric acid, and gout patients can eat more bitter melon.


Unlock the delicious recipe of bitter melon


Yam fried bitter melon

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...

Ingredients: The main ingredient is bitter melon and 1 yam; Seasoning for salt, salad oil, ginger, garlic to taste, diaper, 2 tablespoons of water starch, a little sugar.

Directions: Wash the bitter melon, cut in half, scrape off the bitter melon seeds and cut into strips; Wash the yam, peel it and cut it into strips; Bitter melon strips and yam strips soaked in water for 2-3 minutes, fish out the dried water; Pour salad oil into the pot, add bitter melon strips and yam strips when the oil temperature is 60% hot, and fish out after oil; Bitter melon strips, yam strips back to the pot once, add salt, sugar to taste, and finally use water starch to outline the sauce.


Bitter melon mixed with eggs

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...

Ingredients: 1 bitter melon, 2 eggs; Seasoning is salt, sugar, cooking wine, sesame oil, a little monosodium glutamate, 2 cloves of garlic.

Directions: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and cooking wine and beat well; Pour oil into the pan, then pour in the egg mixture, fry until formed, scatter and let cool; Wash the bitter melon, cut it in half, scrape off the bitter melon seeds, cut into strips, add salt and mix well, marinate for 20 minutes, drain; Mix the bitter melon strips and egg pieces together, add sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, and minced garlic and mix well.


Dried plum vegetables steamed bitter melon

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...

Ingredients: 2 bitter melons as the main ingredient; The accessory is 1 bowl of Yandang Mountain special grade plum dried vegetables; Seasoning is soy sauce, cooking wine, and rock sugar to taste.

Directions: Wash the bitter melon, slice it from the middle, scrape off the bitter melon seeds and place on the periphery of the plate; Wash the prunes and place in the middle of the plate; Put some rock sugar on top of the plum vegetables, add soy sauce and cooking wine, put cold water on the pot, boil the water and steam for 5-10 minutes.


Red dates stuffed with bitter melon

The perfect dish to eat in the summer! Liver does not eat it, uric acid is high to eat it, antihypertensive and stable sugar to eat it...

Ingredients: 4 bitter melons and 7 dried dates; Seasonings are a pinch of salt, oil and honey.

Directions: Wash and pit the dried dates; Wash the bitter melon, slice it from the middle, scrape off the bitter melon seeds; Put water in the pot, a little salt, oil, put in the bitter melon after the water boils, blanch the water for 1-2 minutes; Stuff the dates into bitter melon segments, slice them into thin slices, and drizzle with honey.


Contraindications to eating bitter melon:

1. People with weak spleen and stomach should not eat bitter melon.

For people with a weak spleen and stomach, it is still not suitable for eating bitter melon, bitter melon is a relatively cool food, the spleen and stomach are too weak, easy to cause diarrhea.

2. Pregnant women should eat bitter melon with caution.

Because bitter melon contains a substance called quinine, it will stimulate uterine contractions, which is not very good for the fetus, although the content is very small, and eating some in moderation is not particularly big a problem, but for the sake of prudence, it is recommended to eat less.

3, low blood pressure, low blood sugar people should also be cautious about eating bitter melon.

Because bitter melon is helpful to lower blood pressure and blood sugar, there is also a normal person who over-consumes bitter melon is not very good, not only bitter melon, any food can not be eaten in large quantities.

4, people who need calcium supplementation are no longer recommended to eat bitter melon.

Because the oxalic acid contained in bitter melon will hinder the absorption of calcium in food to a certain extent.

5. Preschool children should not eat too much bitter melon.

Children are pure yang bodies, the stomach is often surplus, the spleen is often insufficient, coupled with the children's self-control ability is poor, so eating too much is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach.

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