
Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

author:Teacher Wang of Chinese medicine talks about skin care

Now more and more people have begun to pay attention to health, and in the human body, the most important thing is the five internal organs. The five internal organs are actually a concept of Chinese medicine, and the five internal organs refer to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. So what to do when there are toxins in the five internal organs? Today we will talk about what the performance of the five internal organs if there are toxins, and how to expel these toxins!

Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

First of all, let's talk about the five viscera!

First of all, when the heart has toxins, the general manifestations are tongue ulcers, forehead acne, insomnia and palpitations. So to get rid of the toxins from the heart, all we have to do is control our weight, and of course we have to lose weight and control our weight in a healthy way. In addition to controlling weight, sleep should also be sufficient, and the usual food should be less salt and maintain a pleasant mood! At the same time, you can also eat some heart-tonic foods, such as red beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, dates, tomatoes, etc.

Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

Speaking of the heart, let's talk about the liver, the liver has toxins in our body generally manifested in migraines, decreased appetite, acne on the cheeks and dry eyes. When our body has these manifestations, we should rest more, do not drink alcohol, do not stay up late, do not tire, and keep a good mood. At the same time, eat more grains, dates, cinnamon balls, kelp, celery and other foods.

Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

Then let's go on to talk about the spleen, if the spleen has toxins, the general performance is that the face has pigmented spots, too much vaginal discharge, and there will be breath, mouth ulcers and fat accumulation. These are simply the natural enemies of many women on the road to beauty and weight loss. Therefore, we must take good care of it. To take care of your temper, the first thing to do is to avoid overeating and excessive intake of greasy food. In addition to that, keep a good mood! Usually, you can eat more spleen-nourishing foods, such as dates, cherries, yams, lotus meat, ginseng, edges and corners.

After talking about the heart, liver, and spleen, let's talk about the lungs, if the lungs generally have toxins, there will generally be these manifestations, such as rusty skin, dullness, constipation, sentimentality, and easy sadness. At this time, you should breathe more fresh air and try to avoid staying in places where the air is dirty. In addition to this, you can eat more pears, loquats, monk fruit, lilies and other foods.

Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

Finally, when we talk about the kidneys, when the kidneys have toxins, the signals given to us by the body are that the menstrual period is small or the menstrual period is short and dull, as well as edema, the jaw is acne, and it is easy to get tired. When the body gives these signals, we have to start to act, by soaking our feet, not letting our feet get cold, and drinking more water to care for our kidneys. Eat leeks, yams, okra, pumpkin, and black sesame seeds, which are good for the kidneys.

Are there toxins in the five internal organs? This is how it is arranged

Finally, I hope that everyone will check themselves more, take care of them in time, and protect their own internal organs1