
20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game


Game Name: 20 Minutes Before Dawn PC STEAM

This is a pixel plane shooter with a slightly meat pigeon gameplay.

The game's graphics are pixel-style, and the whole walk is a relatively dark tone, which is generally acceptable.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

But the picture has a more serious problem is that because most of the colors in the game are black, dark green and other colors, resulting in my playing time a little longer is a little bit unclear about the distance between the enemy and me, sometimes I will inadvertently encounter the enemy and die, if the follow-up can change the color slightly (mainly to make the color of the player character brighter), the experience should be much better.

The gameplay is somewhat similar to Vampire Survivor.

If you haven't played Vampire Survivor, I'll talk about the gameplay here.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

Simply put, after the player selects the character and weapon to enter the game, there will be a steady stream of enemies on the map to kill the player.

After the player kills the monster, eats the light points dropped by the monster to gain experience level, and after upgrading, they can get a variety of skills, and then kill the incoming monster with faster efficiency - after 20 minutes, this sentence is over.

After that, you can settle to the red currency, and new weapons, characters, and runes can be unlocked in the initial interface.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

The only meat pigeon in the game is a skill that can be obtained after leveling up.

I've experienced all of these skills after playing them for over seven hours. It is roughly divided into elemental streams, summon streams, weapon streams, and some other buffs such as pick range, movement speed, and so on.

The elemental stream looks at the attack speed of the weapon, and the summon stream looks at the damage of the weapon.

In my current experience, both the forming speed and late damage of the elemental stream are much higher than the summon flow.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

And in the last few minutes, when the monsters are frantically pouring in, the elemental stream can basically be full screen to clear the monster, and the summoning stream has to walk down the position with a little care, from the cool feeling, how to be cooler than the elemental stream.

The difficulty of the game is divided into 15 levels, each time you play it can challenge the next level, and the level is actually related to the strength, damage, and speed of the monster.

Here's a genre that I'm cool to use.

Characters choose Abby, weapons choose double guns.

Abby's special skill is that after clicking the backkey, it will shoot all the bullets in the magazine at a slightly faster speed in a random direction.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

At the initial level 5, the player points out the skills of lightning, fire, ice, and these three elemental streams as much as possible (preferably lightning, because lightning is the lightning that will fall from the sky every 2 shots to attack nearby enemies).

If you don't initially encounter elemental skills, click on the weapon stream's skills to increase attack speed and movement speed (the change speed doesn't matter, because you may not need to change the bullet at all later).

After getting the lightning, pressing the back button once not only can send 32 bullets, but also 16 lightning bolts will fall from the sky, and the surrounding enemies are basically very close.

After that, the first boss, after killing will increase the attack speed of the backkey, the middle player can choose some lightning attack enemies to restore ammo, combat power shooting does not consume ammo skills, after which you can even feel what it is like to never have to change the clip.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

After that, the key is the second boss, after killing there will be a triple cartridge (also increase the attack speed) boost, although the whole boost will reduce bullet damage, but it does not matter, because the elemental flow is not related to the damage of the weapon, but related to the attack speed of the weapon.

Once you get the entire triple clip reinforcement, after the game is completely unchallenged, the skills after that can be randomly according to your favorite points, you can continue to point out the +12 lightning damage skills, you can also point out the fire and ice skills, if it goes well, about level 20, the player is completely formed, and the time after that is cool from beginning to end.

20 minutes before dawn - very decompressing refreshing pixel plane shooter game

Here to emphasize, the damage of the weapon does not matter, if you take the elemental flow, then the most important point is always the speed of attack, the elemental flow, whether it is fire, ice or lightning, basically rely on the damage of the element itself, and the weapon damage has nothing to do.

It can be said that even the point weapon penetration and weapon ejection are much more useful than the point weapon damage.


From the experience point of view, once the player builds, then the game is actually very stress-relieving, watching a bunch of enemies explode instantly, the experience is still very cool.

However, the follow-up still hopes to slightly improve the color ratio of the picture, add more monster types, add an endless mode or something.

By the way, it is better to add a prop to the map that can instantly eat all the experience points on the map - in my experience, the player's 20 minutes and more than 40 levels are already the limit, and it is still unrealistic to want to point out all the skills.

The game country area 15 blocks is still very cost-effective, very recommended to try this game.

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