
shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group

author:Mobile phone and news network

Along with the tipper's request to "fall five times and hit five times", an orange-white kitten was slammed to the ground. At the same time, in the video message area, some people constantly brushed comments such as "hitting with a stick" and "falling hard".

Recently, a live video of cat abuse was exposed. The people in the video not only live-streamed their own cat abuse throughout the process, but also opened a live broadcast tip, and the watcher can customize the way to abuse and kill kittens as long as they pay money. In the video, the kittens that are constantly beaten shrink helplessly in the corner, and the cat abusers repeatedly emphasize in the live broadcast, "You say we can fight as much as you say!" ”

An investigation by Legal Daily found that behind acts such as abuse of cats and dogs, there is also a black industrial chain such as video sales and live broadcast rewards.

The methods are extremely cruel

Wang Lin is the head of a group of small stray animals in Beijing. She still remembers a scene that happened that evening 6 years ago— a stray white cat she rescued was skinned from its tail and bloodied out of the grass of the community's life square.

"In the end, the cat's tail is not saved, and its ability to survive will be greatly reduced." Remembering the scene when she wrapped the stray cat with her clothes and brought it home, the cat struggled fiercely in her arms, and Wang Lin's eye sockets were moist.

Skinned kittens, abusive animals after pretending to be adopters, instructing their dogs to chase and bite stray cats at group care points... Doing animal rescue for many years, Wang Lin has seen and heard too many unbelievable acts of cruelty to small animals.

Li Kunmin, a doctor at a pet hospital in Beijing's Chaoyang district, also rescued a stray cat with trauma and blurred flesh. After diagnosis, the kitten was hit with something like a stick, the skin and flesh were cracked, and even the wound had become suppurative.

Regarding the abuse of small animals, Wang Lin and Li Kunmin both said that the behavior was extremely cruel and really incomprehensible.

I believe that this is also the idea of the vast majority of people.

What is even more bizarre is that such inhuman and bloody acts have occurred repeatedly, and even derived a dark and bloody industrial chain.

Incidents of abuse are frequent

In fact, similar news has been reported for a long time.

On October 11 this year, according to the surging news, some readers reflected that netizen Ronin sold foot animal videos on the Internet, and he shot thousands of videos of animals, ranging from tens to thousands of yuan, and could also be customized. According to the screenshot of the video provided by Xiaoyu, R named the video after the type of shoe + the type of animal, and the content was mainly to kill fish, turtles, rabbits, dogs, etc. with their feet, and the picture was extremely bloody.

The person said that the cries made by the trampled animals were "more irritating" than other methods of torture.

In 2020, the 22nd issue of Half Moon Talk in 2020 reported that similar gore videos appeared according to G and were available for sale.

"Two cats were killed this week, the orange cat was killed on the wall, and Sanhua was beaten to death by the steel pipe." In some QQ groups, such messages are accompanied by bloody pictures and videos, which sting people's hearts.

An anti-cruelty animal volunteer provided half a month to reporters with a total of 130GB of cat abuse videos, and another 60GB of dog abuse videos. From the volunteer statistics table, it can be seen that between April and October 2020 alone, they collected more than 100 records of abuse and killings on the Internet, involving 21 provinces, including live burial, skinning, fire, water scalding, eye gouging, etc.

A volunteer said that she had been exposed to more than 10 such QQ groups, with groups ranging from 20 to 30 to 50 or 60 to a few hundred. From their conversation, we can tell that animals are tortured and killed every day.

Such QQ groups often use "code words" or "jargon" to cover up the abuse behavior, such as the group name is titled "love cat group" and "small animal performance art appreciation group", and the torture video is named after "learning materials" and "care video".

Moreover, similar incidents have actually appeared in the media many times, and there have been many cases this month:

shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group
shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group

Only the official micro of the People's Network has repeatedly forwarded relevant reports, and each time it has been shocking:

shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group
shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group
shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group

The "Bloody Trading Chain" was exposed

Joining the group requires "submission"

As mentioned above, many people even sell and disseminate videos of cruelty to small animals, forming a secret black industrial chain.

Recently, an article titled "Men spend 40 yuan to buy 100G cat abuse videos, live rewards can also customize the method of death" circulated on the Internet. According to the article, the cruelty of abusing cats such as electric shock, peeling, fire, boiling water, and broken legs with pliers is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Mao Shi", who was once a cat abuse video seller, disclosed in an interview with the media that there is a complete industrial chain for the sale of cat abuse videos. There are cat abusers who specialize in recording videos of abuse and killing, professional sellers who organize video resources to be packaged and sold, intermediaries who specialize in expanding customers in various channels, and various sellers.

According to a previous report by Banyuetan, sellers generally attract "customers" through platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, and Tieba, and buyers pay through two-dimensional codes or idle fish links, and then watch videos through Baidu network disk sharing codes.

At that time, the reporter contacted a seller through QQ, and the other party said that the relevant videos were filmed by the team, and the ordinary video was 10 yuan a piece, and it could also be "privately customized" as required. After the reporter paid, the other party immediately sent a Baidu network disk sharing code, and after opening it, you can see a 30-minute dog abuse video, which contains a variety of abuse methods.

According to reports, the price of such videos ranges from 2 yuan to 10 yuan, and the packaging price ranges from 30 yuan to hundreds of yuan. Some sellers said that the general price is 40 yuan and 200 videos, and the gift of "the latest series" is "a good product with a beginning and an end for more than 30 minutes". Some "original" videos sell for as much as $1 a minute and range from half an hour to an hour. There are also originals who say that they can package all videos for 500 yuan.

Making and selling videos can make a lot of profits. It is revealed that some people can earn more than 100,000 yuan a year.

In addition to selling videos of animal cruelty to individuals, they are also sold to websites for users to watch for a fee. Prices are often based on the brutality of the killer law and the seniority of the photographer. If the photographer is a celebrity and celebrity in the circle, the selling price is high; if it is a newcomer who has just entered the circle, it is relatively cheaper.

shocking! The "blood-colored trading chain" of torturing and killing animals was exposed, and some people earned more than 100,000 yuan a year, and they needed to submit a name to the group

Figure: Figure worm

According to legal daily, Wang Lin revealed that this kind of business can not be searched directly, "the group that sells videos of abusing cats and dogs, it is difficult for ordinary people to find and join them." ”

Joining these groups even requires a "name".

According to Wang Lin, the volunteers who rescued the stray small animal group where she was located had tried to break into the relevant groups, but after entering the group, someone would "assess" and ask the volunteers why they wanted to join the group, whether they knew the "rules", and whether they had similar abuse and killing experiences before. "It's important to prove that you're the same type of person as them in order for you to really reach out to their 'business.'" So the phenomenon that is really exposed is only the tip of the iceberg. ”

In the 2020 report, Half Moon Talk also mentioned that new members joining such organizations generally have to pass certain "tests", such as having to live broadcast the abuse and killing behavior according to their requirements, making "victory" gestures, etc.

According to informed sources, group members will hold offline gatherings from time to time, torture and kill animals together, and many people will rush to the agreed location from other places to shoot at the scene and trade with buyers on the spot.

In addition to selling videos of cruelty to small animals, there are even more people who use the lives of small animals to extort rescuers.

According to media reports, a man in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, pretended to adopt a stray cat, and after the successful adoption, he extorted the rescuer on the condition of the stray cat's life. Some rescuers were asked to transfer more than 1,000 yuan, and the day after they refused to transfer money, they received videos of cat abuse.

Animal cruelty is not regulated by existing laws

Why do small animal abuse incidents occur frequently and breed related industrial chains?

According to Legal Daily, Liu Hongyan, director of the Ecological Law Research Office of the Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, analyzed that the abuse of small animals, especially for non-wild animals, is not effectively regulated by China's current laws.

"At present, the acts of trafficking, hunting, stealing, transportation, illegal trade, and indiscriminate consumption of wild animals can be punished accordingly in accordance with relevant laws and relevant regulations. But for a single act of animal cruelty, there is basically no corresponding legal regulation. Liu Hongyan said that in addition, with the rise of the network economy in recent years, some profit-seeking people continue to break through the bottom line of social morality and try to earn traffic profits by publishing videos of cruelty to small animals through the Internet, which is also one of the important reasons.

Liu Hongyan believes that the violence of abusing small animals and selling related videos for profit and spreading violence not only break through the bottom line of human civilization, but also suspected of violating the law, which may guide minors to follow the example of violence.

"If this kind of spread of violence is not effectively stopped, it will inevitably bring unstable factors to society, and in the long run, it will have a serious negative impact on the progress and harmonious development of social civilization." Don't let the absence of the law be a disguised cause of condoning animal cruelty and its spread. Liu Hongyan said.

Legislation faces practical difficulties

According to the Legal Daily, for animal abusers, most of them are morally condemned and punished according to industry norms.

For example, the perpetrator of the "boiling water pouring cat" incident in Taiyuan, Shanxi, whose employment unit terminated the labor service relationship with him after the incident;

Fan Mou, a college student in Shandong Province, once tortured the cat to death by bad means such as fire, electric shock, and skinning, and filmed the whole process and sold it online, and was withdrawn from the school.

In recent years, some localities have written "prohibition of cruelty" into local regulations, but have not stipulated specific rules and penalties after violations; there is no special anti-animal cruelty legislation at the national level.

Cao Mingde, a professor of environmental law at The China University of Political Science and Law, believes that an important reason behind this is the lack of an active promoter. "From the perspective of legislative procedures, China is basically based on departmental legislation at present, such as the Environmental Protection Law, which is led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment." And for small animals, who is its spokesperson? In the absence of facilitators, the legislative process is bound to be greatly affected. ”

In Liu Hongyan's view, from the name of the law, the scope of adjustment of the "Anti-Cruelty to Animals Law" is relatively single, and it is debatable whether the introduction of a special "Anti-Cruelty Law" will certainly meet the ethical requirements and efficiency demands of society for animal protection; at the same time, the academic community has not yet formed a consensus on anti-cruelty to animal protection legislation.

He believes that special anti-animal cruelty legislation will inevitably involve a comprehensive adjustment of the existing national animal protection management system and a fundamental change in social ideology and cultural concepts.

"The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has also mentioned that animal cruelty in social life is only a very rare phenomenon, more citizens and animals are in harmony, and a special law is formulated for this less immoral behavior, which lacks necessity and can basically be solved by improving existing laws and regulations." Liu Hongyan said, "It can be seen that there are many obstacles to promoting anti-animal cruelty legislation. ”

For the relevant reporting information, the Special Letter and Petition Office of the State Internet Information Office pointed out that the pictures and videos of cat abuse are "bloody and violent information" that "violates laws and regulations", and said that it will urge the website platform to be comprehensively cleaned up, further increase the intensity of disposal, and effectively maintain a good network ecology.

Despite the difficulties, several experts insist that anti-animal cruelty is necessary.

"We can no longer allow this kind of conscienceless, low moral standard to continue, especially some people still seek illegal benefits from it, affecting the moral standards of the whole society." Cao Mingde said.

People's Quick Review:

Torture and killing cats and dogs, conscience will not hurt?

See you again!

How distorted the psychology should be to engage in the behavior of abusing cats and dogs; values should be more pathological, and only then will they use the abuse of cats and dogs to make money.

To enter the group, first accept the name certificate, which is enough to show that these people are well aware of the fact that torturing and killing cats and dogs hurts nature and harms nature, deviates from public order and good customs, and knows even more that this perverted behavior offends public anger and is disdainful.

Talking about why cats and dogs are killed, one seller said that the bark made by the trampled animals was "more exciting.". What a terrible bad taste it is to hurt cats and dogs in order to listen to the stimulus? Basing one's own happiness on the pain of cats and dogs lacks a basic humanitarian spirit.

Compassion is everyone's heart, a little human, in the face of the painful bark of cats and dogs being abused, will be unbearable, and some people use animal abuse to find stimulation, it is really not lightly ill! Chilling!

To a certain extent, those who abuse and kill cats and dogs, stepping on small animals, are also trampling on conscience and human nature, and they are taking names and crimes!

Unfortunately, because the legal system is still in place, it is difficult for such people to be punished by law. Judging from the endless occurrence of cases of cruelty to small animals, the relevant departments should increase the intensity of legislation, through improving legislation and strictly enforcing the law, so as to curb the occurrence of animal abuse to the greatest extent.

However, the legal system is no longer perfect, and live animal cruelty is illegal and non-compliant. The anchor is sick, and the platform cannot turn a blind eye! There is an obligation to stop such acts in a timely manner, otherwise they are accomplices.

Some philosophers have said that if a person aspires to a righteous life, the first step is to forbid harm to animals. As a modern person, you should be a civilized person, you should have compassion, and you should refuse to abuse and kill animals.

Source丨 21st Century Business Herald Legal Daily (reporter Chen Lei trainee reporter Sun Tianjiao), People's Daily, Half Moon Talk, The Paper, People's Daily

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