
After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

author:Yan Feng Love Affair 1
After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

There is a Bao Qingtian in Kaifeng, the iron mask is selfless to distinguish between loyalty and adultery, whenever you hear this sentence, everyone will have a fair and selfless image of Wei'an in their minds. As a famous Qing official of the Song Dynasty, the story of Bao Qingtian was passed down from generation to generation, inspiring and touching many people.

Around Bao Qingtian, there has always been a loyal red guard, but after his death, that guard disappeared, what did Bao Qingtian say to him that would make him disappear overnight?

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

Bao Zheng's deeds

Bao Qingtian's name is Bao Zheng, he was honest and honest all his life, judged cases like gods, and was deeply loved by the people. When Bao Zheng was the governor of Duanzhou, he had a good name of not holding a stone at the end of his life. Many people may not understand the meaning of this, in fact, all this is related to the cultural background of Duanzhou, at that time, Duanzhou Yantai was notoriously expensive.

You know, the Song Dynasty is a dynasty with a very strong cultural atmosphere, the most loved to send between the literati and scholars is the Yantai, brush, emblem ink these things, at that time, a Piece of Duanzhou Yantai, like a famous watch now, both grand and highlight the identity. Not to mention that the Yantai of Duanzhou is still a tribute to the royal family, if you have a piece of the same type of Yantai as the royal, how face-saving!

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

But it's too expensive for many officials to afford. The local officials who served in Duanzhou, in order to please the high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital, would let the people make more brick platforms to use to dot the top. Layer by layer, this simple measure became complicated and increased the burden on the people. However, since Bao Zheng took office, he explicitly banned this unspoken rule and led by example, refusing to accept a single piece of Duan Yan.

Until he was transferred to the capital, there was no Duan Yan at home, and in a place where Duan Yan was produced, he did not get a Duan Yan, which was so rare! It was also because of this that his incorruptible style was spread to the DPRK, and he had a good reputation for not holding a single stone in his old age.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

Incorruptibility is only one of Bao Zheng's strengths, he is also very good at judging cases, and can be called the "Sherlock Holmes" of the Song Dynasty. When he was serving as the governor of Tianchang County, a person came to report that his cow's tongue had been cut, but he did not know who cut it, hoping that Bao Zheng could find the murderer and give him justice. If this case were to be replaced by someone else, there would definitely be no clue, but Bao Zheng was different.

He only thought about it for a moment and then came up with a way. He had the man kill his own cattle and then go to the market to sell beef and lure the suspect into the bait. Sure enough, after the suspect knew about this matter, he went to Bao Zheng to report this person, saying that he had killed cattle and sold meat, violating the laws of the Great Song Dynasty.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

But in fact, this is a bureau set up by Bao Zheng, because the Song Dynasty killed cattle is illegal, the suspect cut the tongue of the cow, there is no money to get, most of them have a personal vendetta with the master's family, if he knows the other handles of the master's family, he will definitely choose to report to the officials. In this way, a suspense case was cleverly resolved by Bao Zheng.

Zhan Zhao joined Kaifeng

To say that Bao Zheng is really inseparable from a person, his bodyguard - Zhan Zhao. Bao Zheng was able to expose the truth of the case many times, but he was still safe and sound, showing great merit. He is honest and kind, strong in martial arts, and is known as "Nanxia" in the jianghu. The first time he and Bao Zheng met, it was on the way to Bao Zheng's entry into Beijing to catch the exam, he and Bao Zheng saw each other as before, and drank wine together, they thought they would not meet again, but they did not expect to save Bao Zheng in the case of yin and yang.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

At that time, Bao Zheng stayed at the Golden Dragon Temple, met two bad monks, they took advantage of the darkness to save Bao Zheng's hands, poor Bao Zheng is a weak scholar, simply can not beat these two people, just when Bao Zheng thought that he was going to die in the Golden Dragon Temple. Zhan Zhao descended from the sky and rescued Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng was very grateful to Zhan Zhao for saving his life, in addition to this time, Zhan Zhao saved Bao Zheng in Tulonggang and ChenZhou, perhaps it was this wonderful fate, Bao Zheng saw that Zhan Zhao was a brave and strategic warrior, so he began to recruit his thoughts, he invited Zhan Zhao to join Kaifeng Province many times, and helped the people with him. Perhaps it was Bao Zheng's sincerity that touched Zhan Zhao, and he agreed to Bao Zheng's request.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

After Zhan Zhao joined Kaifeng Province, Bao Zheng introduced him to Emperor Renzong of Song. Zhan Zhao showed his exquisite martial arts in front of Song Renzong, his light skills and hidden arrows had shocked Song Renzong, as soon as the sword technique came out, Song Renzong praised him continuously, and immediately sealed him as a four-pin sword guard, and also praised him as his own royal cat. Since then, Zhan Zhao has had the title of Royal Cat, and he has followed Bao Zheng step by step to protect his personal safety. It is precisely because of Zhan Zhao's protection that Bao Zheng has escaped danger many times, and he died of illness at the age of sixty-four.

After Bao Zheng's death

After Bao Zheng's death, Zhan Zhao and others also lost track, so what did Bao Zheng say to Zhan Zhao, and Zhan Zhao disappeared? No one knows the specific content of what Bao Zheng said, but it can be roughly guessed that Bao Zheng has solved countless cases in his life, exposed many conspiracies, and offended many people, when Bao Zheng was alive, these people were jealous of Bao Zheng's clear name and the emperor's favor for him, and did not dare to attack the people around him.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

However, after Bao Zheng's death, these people had no scruples, and it was likely that in order to retaliate against Bao Zheng, they attacked Zhan Zhao and others. For the safety of Zhan Zhao and others, Bao Zheng should persuade them to leave the court, go as far as possible, hide their names, and live their own lives. After all, Zhan Zhao had helped him enough, in this life, he could know Zhan Zhao is also a fortunate thing, he is going to die, Zhan Zhao no longer has to guard him, should live his own, idle and comfortable days.

It can be said that Bao Zheng and Zhan Zhao helped each other all their lives, worked together to uphold justice for the people, were tacit partners and good brothers, Bao Zheng hoped that after his death, Zhan Zhao could live in peace and security, in order to realize Bao Zheng's last wish, Zhan Zhao left Kaifeng Province overnight, hid his name in the countryside, no longer worried about danger, and lived the free life he once wanted.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died


As the governor of Kaifeng Province, Bao Zheng took it as his duty to serve the people all his life, and was the true parent official in the mouth of the people. He is selfless with an iron face, judges cases like a god, always worries about the sufferings of the people, helps innocent people many times, and is a truly good man.

It is said that before Bao Zheng took office, it was very difficult for the people to report to the officials, and they wanted to give money to the people who were guarding outside the palace, and asked them to report to the officials. After Bao Zheng learned of this incident, he directly abolished the tradition of informing the servants, but instead let the people directly file a complaint, which not only saved the people money, but also accelerated the efficiency of handling the case.

After Bao Zheng died, why did Zhan Zhao disappear overnight? Look at what Bao Zheng said before he died

From this small matter, it can be seen that Bao Zheng is not only honest and honest, but also judges cases like a god, but also observes many things in detail, perceives the people's feelings, knows the needs of the people, treats his subordinates like brothers, arranges a back road for them, and Zhan Zhao can disappear without a trace. Bao Qingtian's spiritual qualities are worth learning from all of us.

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