
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen

author:The light of the Buddha shines on me1

One flower per day (Flower Encyclopedia)

Coral flower (Cyrtanthera carnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as The Brazilian Feather, is a perennial evergreen subshrub. The flowers are densely formed into short conical inflorescences, apical, and the flowers are rose purple or pink, and the flowering period is from June to August. The shape and color of this species are similar to coral, bright and elegant, suitable for decorating the living room. Prefer sunny and warm moist environment, not hardy, should be rich in humus, smooth drainage of sandy loam soil.

One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen
One flower of the day (flower encyclopedia) Coral flower (Cyrtantheracarnea (Lindl.) Bremek.), also known as the Brazilian feather, is a perennial evergreen

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