
What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

author:Yakushi Hanako

A friend had high blood pressure and a bad heart, and the doctor gave him the sakuba valsartan. He and Huazi said that they were not familiar with this medicine, he knew that valsartan was a blood pressure lowering drug, but he was very unfamiliar with Shakubaqu, and when using it, what should I pay attention to?

Huazi said that sakubatri valsartan is a new type of drug, it is the world's first marketed angiotensin receptor cerebrorphipeptase inhibitor (ARNI). It was originally used to treat heart failure, but it was later found that it also had a good control effect on high blood pressure, so it was approved for the treatment of high blood pressure.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

I. Special single co-crystal "compound drug"

Many people, when they see the name "sakubal valsartan", will think that this is a compound drug. This understanding is not wrong, after taking, it will break down the two components of sakubaqu and valsartan in the human body. However, sakuba tridansartan differs from the traditional combination of mixing two drugs with tablets, which is a single co-crystalline drug made of two drugs with a massager number of 1:1.

This advanced process can not only increase the stability of the drug, but also in sakuba tri valsartan, the bioavailability of valsartan is higher.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

Second, sacobatre is a cerebral lining peptidase inhibitor

There is a natriuretic peptide system on heart cells and vascular endothelial cells, which can combat the effects of the "renin-angiotensin-aldosterol" system (RAAS). However, the body's own natriuretic peptides are rapidly degraded by the enkephtase, and the half-life is only a few minutes.

The sakubatrex can inhibit the activity of cerebral lininge, enhance and prolong the effect of natriuretic peptides, strengthen the inhibition of RAAS, and exert antihypertensive and anti-heart failure effects.

Sakubatrex can inhibit bradykinin degradation, while pry drugs can also inhibit bradykinin degradation, so both can cause dry cough and angioedema, and adverse reactions increase when combined. Sakubatrex and pry drugs can not be used together, if the previous use of pry drugs, need to switch to sakuba tri valsartan, need to be more than 36 hours apart to take the drug.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

Third, valsartan is a RAAS inhibitor

Valsartan is an angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist that inhibits the binding of angiotensin 2 to receptors on blood vessels, inhibits RAAS, exerts antihypertensive and anti-heart failure effects.

After valsartan and sakubaqu formed a single co-crystalline drug, bioavailability increased significantly. In 50 mg of sakuba triacchartan, containing 24 mg of sakuba and 26 mg of valsartan, equivalent to 40 mg of valsartan.

When used to treat high blood pressure, pay attention to dose conversion. For example, the original taking 40mg valsartan can control blood pressure, taking 50mg of sakuba tri valsartan can be; If you were originally taking 80 mg valsartan, you can choose 100 mg of sakuba tri valsartan.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

Fourth, other precautions

Sakuba tridan saltan is little affected by diet and there is no strict limit on the time of taking; Dry cough may occur during the administration of the drug, but usually the symptoms are not serious, it is recommended to adhere to the drug and do not stop the drug without authorization; However, if angioedema occurs, the drug should be discontinued immediately and a doctor should be seen.

Sakubatri valsartan causes an increase in serum potassium, which should be measured before administration, and if serum potassium is greater than 5.4 mmol/L, potassium should also be monitored during administration.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

Drugs that inhibit RAAS have the potential to cause renal failure, and when combined with NSAIDs, the risk of renal impairment increases, so renal function monitoring is required during administration.

Shakubabha valsartan cannot be used in conjunction with Aliskiren; It is possible to increase the adverse effects of statins, caution should be exercised when combining with statins; It is possible to aggravate the adverse effects of hypotension of sildenafil and other PDE-5 inhibitors; It is possible to reduce the bioavailability of metformin.

What should I pay attention to when using sakuba tridan, which can treat heart failure and lower blood pressure?

To sum up, sacobatri valsartan can be used for heart failure and hypertension, the main attention when using it can not be applied simultaneously with pry drugs, should be more than 36 hours apart; When used in the treatment of hypertension, pay attention to the dose conversion with valsartan; In addition, attention should be paid to adverse reactions and interactions with other drugs. The drug should be used under the guidance of a doctor, if you have any doubts about the use of the drug, please consult a doctor or pharmacist. I am a pharmacist Huazi, welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.