
Looking Back and Exploring (11) | The king of the ling world who is infected with hibiscus

author:Opium War Museum

Previously, "Looking Back and Exploring" launched a series of "Secret History of Imperial Opium", revealing the things about opium in the royal palace and nobility, and in this issue we will walk into the literary and art circles to see the "evil fate" of opium and literary and artistic celebrities!

Tan Xinpei, the king of the Ling world who is infected with hibiscus fetishes //

Looking Back and Exploring (11) | The king of the ling world who is infected with hibiscus

Tan Xinpei

Tan Xinpei (1847-1917), whose real name is Jin Fu (金福), is a famous Chinese master of Peking Opera performing arts and the founder of the Tan School of Peking Opera, who is revered as the originator of the Peking Opera circle and also praised by the King of the Lingjie. In 1905, Tan Xinpei's black-and-white silent film "Dingjun Mountain" shot at the Fengtai Photo Studio was the first film in China.

Looking Back and Exploring (11) | The king of the ling world who is infected with hibiscus

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, famous characters such as Wang Xiaonong, Wang Yaoqing, Tan Xinpei, etc., were all infected with hibiscus fetishes, among which Tan Xinpei, who also used the stage name "Little Called Heaven", was the most cattle. According to the Republic of China notebook novel "The Secret History of the Qing Dynasty", during the Dragon Boat Festival, Empress Dowager Cixi gave a banquet at the Summer Palace and summoned Tan Xinpei and other famous characters to the palace, but he replied: "I am an addicted person, I do not smoke enough black smoke, and I can no longer sing opera." The empress dowager said, "Even if you go into the palace and smoke, as long as he sings well, I will also send two eunuchs to pack cigarettes for him!" ”

Looking Back and Exploring (11) | The king of the ling world who is infected with hibiscus

Tan Xinpei is the founder of the first old school in the history of Chinese Peking Opera, the Tan School, and with this "smoking on purpose" pear garden style, since then, the horns of the Tan School have hardly not smoked big cigarettes, as if they cannot smoke a few big cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes has become the norm for celebrities.

There is a saying in the pear garden line that "no cavity does not learn Tan", and even many latecomers in the Peking Opera circle have specially contracted a smoking addiction in order to learn "Tan Cavity". Opium smoking has gradually become a major bad habit in the pear orchard industry. However, the harm of opium is not virtual, and many Famous Peking Opera singers have injured their throats due to opium smoking, which has affected their bodies and eventually have to leave the stage.


Attempts to show status or inspire inspiration by smoking cigarettes are ultimately futile and even more than worth the loss. The truly healthy and upward "literary and artistic fan" should reject the "fireworks" of opium drugs.

Welcome to continue to pay attention to "Looking Back and Exploring" and learn more about the "Secret History of Tobacco and Poison"!