
Beef, in the end, is it a low-fat food? Can it help lower blood lipids?


Doctor, recently I checked out the three highs, the doctor told me to eat less pork, poultry offal, etc. So I didn't know what to eat, there was no meat to eat, and my stomach seemed to be croaking. Cattle are grazing animals, should be less fat and cholesterol meat, three high patients to eat should be safer, right? One patient asked me.

Beef, in the end, is it a low-fat food? Can it help lower blood lipids?

The patient's problem is actually a question that many patients with three highs want to know, how to eat with three highs? This is also a concern of many patients, and today Dr. Lai came to talk to you about this problem.

Beef, in the end, is not the safest low-fat. Meat with low cholesterol?

When it comes to beef, people generally think that cattle are a grazing animal, that they are considered to be a nutritious and healthy ingredient, and because there are very few cattle, the price is also very expensive. Therefore, people generally rarely buy beef as the main dish, but only occasionally buy it when improving their diet.

In fact, every 100 grams of beef contains 288 calories, carbohydrates of 0 grams, fat 19.55 grams, protein 26.33 grams, fiber 0 grams, sodium 384 mg, potassium 315 mg. From the data, it can be seen that beef is a high-calorie, high-fat, high-protein ingredient.

Beef, in the end, is it a low-fat food? Can it help lower blood lipids?

Can beef help lower three highs?

My answer is no! Because beef contains more sarcosine than any food, sarcosine can help individuals grow muscle, strengthen strength, and is rich in protein, if you eat beef regularly, it will increase the risk of cholesterol and fat accumulation in the body and cause the risk of three highs. Especially for patients who have been diagnosed with three highs, it is best not to eat beef.

Although beef is a herbivorous animal, with the development of modern breeding, in addition to grass feeding cattle, cattle farmers will also add some feed to feed cattle, and even add some hormones to feed cattle to increase cattle growth and income.

Since beef is a meat with high fat content, long-term eating of beef will cause excessive fat intake and lead to the accumulation of fat, resulting in liver cells being infiltrated by fat cells, which affects liver function. Therefore, beef not only can not help reduce high blood lipids, but also cause the accumulation of fat and affect the normal function of the liver and cause the occurrence of cardio-cerebral diseases.

Therefore, if a patient who is unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with Triple Heights wants to use beef to help reduce Triple High, Dr. Lai advises you to be cautious. Although the control of the three highs requires strict control from the diet, what is needed is scientific adjustment, and it is not a personal belief that such a healthy ingredient must be a healthy and safe food. Triple high disease is the source of the high incidence of cardio-cerebral diseases, I hope that everyone may be more helpful in the diet after consulting the doctor scientific choice.

Beef, in the end, is it a low-fat food? Can it help lower blood lipids?

If in doubt. You can leave a message in the comment area, Dr. Li will reply to you, you can also forward to the relatives and friends who have the same needs around you, especially those who eat more or like to eat beef, so that more people can benefit, so that more patients with three highs can scientifically choose diet to control the development of three highs.

Learn more about blood lipids, especially how to control blood lipids through eating habits, and pay attention to Dr. Li li to give you more health guidance.

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