
Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

author:39 HealthNet

Like many of the patients' families, Ms. Li realized she was sick after she realized that something was wrong with her mother. Also like many patients, when Li Mu was diagnosed, she had missed the best intervention period...

First, the family self-report: the 72-year-old mother was repeatedly forgetful and diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease

My mother is 72 years old this year, still very healthy, usually at home responsible for buying vegetables and cooking, and will gather with old girlfriends in her spare time.

One morning, I was getting ready to go out to work, my mother asked me what I wanted to eat at night, I said I wanted to eat braised ribs, she smiled and said to make it for me at night. When I came home from work that day, I found no sign of braised ribs on the dinner table, and asked my mother why she didn't do it, but she said that there was no such thing.

After the meal, I opened the refrigerator to get fruit, found a box of ribs in the refrigerator, so I asked my mother: "You have bought the ribs, why don't you make them for me?" The mother looked puzzled, saying that she had not bought ribs, and asked if I had bought them.

Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

At that time, I was a little angry, plus I was too tired to work during the day, so I went back to my room to rest and did not continue to talk to my mother.

The next morning, I woke up to find my mother not at home, and when I was ready to go out, I saw my mother sweating profusely and walking into the door carrying a basket. My mother excitedly took out a copy of the ribs and said that she would make me braised ribs at night.

I felt particularly strange: "Mom, there are already ribs in the refrigerator, how did you buy another one?" The mother did not believe it, opened the refrigerator, looked at it, and asked in surprise: "When did you buy it, why didn't you tell me?" ”

It was then that I finally realized that something was wrong with my mother, so I took a leave of absence to take her to the hospital.

After the examination, the doctor said that the mother had Alzheimer's disease, which is Alzheimer's disease, or Alzheimer's disease, and that the disease had progressed to the middle stage, missing the best time to intervene. When I heard the doctor's diagnosis, my hands trembled, my brain went blank, and I almost cried out. Then the doctor prescribed medicine and told me to let my mother take the medicine on time, accompany her more often, and never let her be alone at home.

Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

Stories like this happen in thousands of families. In the mainland, the prevalence of dementia in the elderly is about 8% to 10%, and there are at least 15 million elderly dementia patients, involving tens of millions of families.

Second, Alzheimer's disease is eaten? 3 habits to change

At present, the cause of Alzheimer's disease has not been clearly defined, but it is generally believed to be related to factors such as cerebral degenerative diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, genetics, hypertension, and diabetes. Related studies have found that Alzheimer's disease is also associated with diet, especially the following 3 bad eating habits, which may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

1, like to eat foods rich in heavy metals

Numerous studies have shown that heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, and mercury poison brain cells, and the greater the exposure, the higher the incidence of mental decline and dementia. In the daily diet, the food with high content of heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, mercury, and copper is contaminated fish and shellfish, and it is recommended that when buying food, be sure to go through formal channels.

Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

2, like to eat salty

Research by the internationally leading journal Cell Report shows that long-term eating too much salt can lead to vascular compression, overactive neurons, leading to excessive hypoxia of the brain, tissue damage, and increased risk of dementia. Long-term high-salt diets not only induce high blood pressure, but also increase the risk of diseases in the brain region such as depression and neurodegenerative diseases (such as cerebral ischemia, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease) and so on.

3, like to drink

Research in the medical journal Molecular Neurobiology has revealed that frequent, heavy alcohol consumption can lead to abnormal phosphorylation of tau proteins and loss of their normal biological functions, which in turn accelerates the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease and makes symptoms more severe.

Third, seize the opportunity of golden treatment

Due to insufficient awareness of the disease, many patients miss the golden opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment. Early Alzheimer's disease has the following main manifestations:

  • Poor memory: recent memory loss, can not remember what happened in front of the eyes;
  • Decline in language function: language function declines, can not call out the name of acquaintances, can not pronounce words that they have known before, and do not meet their expectations when speaking;
  • Hearing loss: some patients have hearing loss, which is easily overlooked;
  • Large mood swings: patients have anxiety, large mood swings, and even sudden tantrums;
Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

Fourth, 5 kinds of nutrients are beneficial to the brain, eat more appropriately

Dr. Brennan, an American health care expert, has suggested that diet affects overall health, especially the brain, and that certain foods and nutrients help keep the brain healthy. For example:

1. B vitamins

B vitamins such as folic acid and vitamin B12 are involved in the synthesis of brain chemicals, as well as energy conversion. If the body is deficient in B vitamins, it can lead to nerve damage, forgetfulness, depression, learning difficulties, and confusion. Common foods rich in B vitamins include milk, animal liver, grains and legumes.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E can reduce the natural destruction of brain cells in the body, if the body is not enough vitamin E, it may lead to muscle weakness, poor stability and coordination, sensory nerve damage and so on. Lean meat, spinach, cabbage, kiwifruit, almonds, corn oil and other foods contain more vitamin E.

Old afraid of dementia? 3 eating habits to change! Experts: 5 nutrients for a healthier brain

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain development, are the building blocks of brain cells, and assist in the functioning of the nervous system. Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids may cause a decrease in memory, concentration, and learning. In addition to seafood such as salmon and sardines, the content of omega-3 fatty acids in foods such as cauliflower, tofu, and flaxseed is not low.

4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect brain cells and also help improve memory loss and inflammation. Some fruits and vegetables contain more antioxidants, such as tomatoes, grapes, cauliflower, blueberries and so on.

5. Choline

Choline protects nerves, makes brain chemicals, and if choline is insufficient, can trigger memory-related problems. The human liver can produce choline, but it is not enough to meet the demand, so it is also obtained from food. Choline-rich foods include eggs, milk, beef, mushrooms, peanuts, and cruciferous vegetables.

If the elderly at home have related symptoms, they can be taken to the hospital for examination and delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease through early intervention and away from risk factors.

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[1] What to Know About Foods for Brain Health,WebMD,Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 29, 2021

[2] Are you a high-incidence group with Alzheimer's disease? Do these 8 things well, press the pause button!.Health Times, 2021-09-21

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