
No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

author:Aoyama reading the sun

No apologies! The German "Iron Lady" does not admit that she is wrong.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel was interviewed for the first time since leaving office, insisting that she would not apologize for her views. In Europe now, no one may be able to surpass her political ability, during her 16 years as Chancellor of Germany, Germany has consolidated the authority and economic strength within the European Union, if the German Chancellor is still her, perhaps she can avoid the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, if not prevented, at least will not lead Germany into a quagmire and unable to extricate itself.

After leaving office, Merkel spent a long time relaxing on the Baltic Sea, as an "evergreen tree in the political arena" in Europe, deeply loved by the people, and in order to avoid being recognized, she wore a hoodie. Merkel sighed at the dramatic changes that have taken place in Europe just after stepping down. On the evening of June 7, she sat in her seat at the Berlin Ensemble Theatre and talked to reporters.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

She does not deny that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a tragedy. As the leader of the European Union, as the main participant in the Minsk Agreement that year, Germany understands the historical gap between Russia and Ukraine, as a party to the "Normandy-style negotiations", she has made great efforts to this end, unfortunately, under the obstruction of the US government, success is only one step away, but peace is far away.

Now that ukraine and even within the European Union are accusing her of implementing a policy of security against Russia, Merkel's words express the core idea of her diplomacy with Russia: "The EU and Russia are neighbors, have energy interests, and must find a way to coexist, despite all the differences between us." No matter from what point of view, Merkel's policy toward Russia is in the interests of both sides and deserves to be affirmed!

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

The Minsk Accords bought Ukraine seven years, and if Germany had left it alone, Ukraine might have been even more miserable. Merkel looks back and says frankly: I tried to avoid disaster, I didn't admit it was wrong, I didn't apologize. If Germany and France had not mediated, would there have been conflicts 7 years ago?

Dating back to 2014, Crimea was incorporated into Russia, it was not Germany's fault, it was the result of the "color revolution" in the United States, for the sake of political correctness, Germany still followed the United States to sanction Russia, and together with other countries kicked Russia out of the G8, Germany for Russia, as it is today. But at the 2018 G7 meeting, Merkel led the crowd to "fight the bright top" and took a tough and uncompromising attitude towards then-US President Trump.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing
No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

During Merkel's administration, probably most of the time, she struggled to balance the relationship between Germany and the United States and Russia, and a Trump made her see the essence of the United States. During her term of office, she and Russia jointly built the "Nord Stream-2" that was beneficial to both sides, unfortunately, after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, this energy pipeline that had been repaired and could have benefited the German people was shelved, and now, Germany still has to cut a lot of imports of Russian energy for political correctness, and instead uses high-priced energy from the United States and Norway, and the people use firewood to cook and heat in order to reduce expenditure, it cannot be said that Merkel's departure from office has also taken away Germany's luck, and Germany's economic and international prestige has been reduced by more than half.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

Merkel represented a steady, pragmatic era in Europe that also retired with her, and now the whole of Europe is forced to tie up the Us-Ukraine chariot and charge for the United States without regard to its own blood. Merkel's partner at the time, French President Macron, was still struggling in the whirlpool, trying his best to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, but in the end he returned to the end.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

Back then, the approachable Aunt Mo's first visit as German chancellor was China, and since then 12 visits to China have brought Sino-German relations closer, China has become Germany's largest trading partner, and Germany's goods, including lathes and cars, have continuously entered the Chinese market, bringing unprecedented opportunities to German enterprises and national economic development. Scholz's first visit to Japan after taking over the German chancellor discussed how to sanction Russia and aid Ukraine, a set of methods for a leader, the passage of time, the people walking tea and cold, and Merkel, who was not in her position and did not seek her own government, could not do anything but sigh.

No apologies! German "Iron Lady" Merkel insisted on herself: I did the right thing

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and one person cannot control the development of the general situation. As a defeated country in World War II and with 20,000 US troops stationed on its own, the German government cannot get rid of its own limitations. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which weakened Germany's influence over the European Union and Europe, divided the European Union and hit the European economy hard, which may take a decade or more to repair.

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