
Talk about those things about beekeeping in Miyun - Zhang Kantaishou named "Chaohe White Honey"

author:The bottom of the article is pleasing to the eye

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, a folk song was popular in the Miyun area: "Mulberry has no branches, and ears of wheat are two qi." Zhang Jun is in charge of the government, and his happiness is unbearable. ”

The gist is: mulberry trees have no crazy long side branches, and they grow vigorously. Wheat produces rare double spikes, which is a good omen for a bumper harvest. Folk art reflects the flourishing agricultural production in the Yuyang area at that time.

Zhang Jun in the folk song refers to the Yuyang Taishou Zhang Kan at that time.

This song is from the "Book of Han , Zhang Kan Biography " , which was included in the " Water Sutra Notes and Gu Shui " by the Northern Wei Dynasty , and when Du Wenlan of the Qing Dynasty compiled the "Ancient Ballad Proverbs", he added the title of "Yuyang Min for Zhang Kan Song". This song has a strong northern folk song characteristics, simple and unpretentious, and the emotion is sincere. The people always love and praise the morality of local officials who "save the people from water and fire, and save the people from the charcoal".

Talk about those things about beekeeping in Miyun - Zhang Kantaishou named "Chaohe White Honey"

The picture shows Yuyang Taishou Zhang Kan

It is reported that Zhang Kan served as the Taishou of Yuyang from 39 to 46 AD, persuading the people to cultivate, planting millet seeds in the mountains and wheat in the plains; He developed water conservancy in the Chaobai River Basin, diverted the tide and irrigated the water of the Bai River, and passed on the advanced agricultural technology he mastered in his hometown of Nanyang to the local farmers, including the rice planting technology he mastered when he was too punctual in Shu County, and at the same time vigorously developed commerce and handicrafts. The history is called "Yuyang Huizheng".

Among the twelve counties under the jurisdiction of Yuyang, The three counties of Yuyang, Yiping and Xixi are all within the current miyun range. Yiping (present-day Gaoling Town) and Xixian County (present-day Gubeikou Town) are located in the hinterland of Yanshan Mountain, in the Basin of Baoqiu Water (present-day Chaohe), rich in chestnuts, dates, millet and so on. During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Jie said in "Mao Shi, Grass, Wood, Birds, Animals, Insects, Fish and Vegetables": "There are chestnuts in all five directions, but Yuyang and Fanyang chestnuts have a long sweet taste, and they can't know it." The people on both sides of the Chaohe River have maintained the tradition of growing rice on the vast Yanluo Plain, and miyun rice is called japonica rice in the local area.

Talk about those things about beekeeping in Miyun - Zhang Kantaishou named "Chaohe White Honey"

The picture shows the high ridge area on the north bank of the Chaohe River

What makes the people of Miyun even more happy is that Zhang Kan has greatly promoted the breeding of local bees.

According to legend, Zhang Kan went to Laoxi to inspect, and local officials reported that there was gold in the local mountains, and there were often gold diggers from the south who pretended to be merchants to steal in the mountains, and the government sent people to arrest them many times, and the gold diggers often escaped.

At that time, the state's policy was to suppress business, restrict gold mining, and panning for gold was a crime. Zhang Kan attached great importance to this matter, and he made a private visit, and finally found out the real reason why the gold digger was able to escape.

It turned out that the people who lived in the local area usually planted rice by the Chaohe River for a living, and in the autumn, they went to the mountains to collect wild honey and familiarize themselves with the path in the mountains, and the gold prospectors spent a lot of money to hire them as guides to avoid being arrested by the government.

Zhang Kan did not delve into the honey pickers, but told them in detail about the process of honey picking, and also ordered the military doctor to find the Shennong Materia Medica for detailed investigation. The book records that "stone honey, bees, bees, wax" are all medicine "top products", honey has the role of "removing hundreds of diseases, and hundreds of medicines", and honey has "no hunger and no age", bees have "lustrous, color is not old" anti-aging, beauty and other effects.

Zhang Kan personally tasted the honey picked by the honey pickers, sweet and delicious, he saw that this honey was as white as fat, and the honey picking mountain was adjacent to the Chao River, so he named it "Baoqiu White Honey", which was later "Chaohe White Honey". This trademark is now owned by Beijing Aojinda.

Talk about those things about beekeeping in Miyun - Zhang Kantaishou named "Chaohe White Honey"

The picture shows white honey

Zhang Kan began to let honey pickers pick more honey, and the number of honey pickers gradually increased in the supply army. At the same time, Zhang Kan encouraged the people to keep bees artificially. The specific method is to cut down the trunk attached to the wild honeycomb (that is, the original natural honeycomb), put it in a wooden barrel in the courtyard, or under the eaves, and the direction of the honeycomb is consistent with the natural posture of the original trunk. Yuyang began the history of artificial breeding from wild bees to bees.

The cultivation of rice in the river provides a huge space for the development of the bee industry. The flowering period of rice ears is generally between July 30 and August 10, and the Chinese bees, which mainly collect wildflowers from the mountains, are experiencing green and yellow at this time. The wind blows the aroma of rice flowers on both sides of the river, and the lush rice flowers provide a rich natural source of powder for bees

Talk about those things about beekeeping in Miyun - Zhang Kantaishou named "Chaohe White Honey"

The picture shows the wind blowing rice and flowers on both sides of the strait

Captive bees developed rapidly.