
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming

author:Hushan line tea

Lancang Ancient Tea, formerly known as Lancang County Ancient Tea Mountain View Mai Tea Factory, was founded in 1966. In 1998, Lancang County Tea Factory was restructured, and Lancang Ancient Tea was established. In 2021, the revenue generated by Pu'er tea products is calculated, and Lancang Ancient Tea is the second largest Pu'er tea company in China. After losing the sprint A-share in 2020, Lancang Ancient Tea targeted Hong Kong stocks. On the evening of May 30, Lancang Ancient Tea submitted an application for listing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Switched to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to sprint IPO. As for whether it can be successfully listed, we will wait and see.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming

Lancang ancient tea product line believes that tea friends are not strangers, according to the raw materials and process can be specifically divided into raw tea, cooked tea and flavored tea three categories, mostly with number numbers as product names, such as 0085, 001, 0081, 007 are representative of Pu'er raw and cooked tea.

Today we are evaluating the 2022 version of 001, according to its official introduction, 001 selection materials from Yan LengShan, Mangjing, Jingmai and other villages of ancient tree raw materials, after high standards and strict screening, select excellent quality Ming pre-spring tea to make 001. Through many careful and meticulous reviews and tastings, the tea makers transferred the aged 001 raw materials on the basis of the raw materials selected in the year. This year's 001 has a variety of versions in specifications, 200 grams of cake, 400 grams of cake, and other tasting cake packaging such as brick and tuo. Let's get into the main topic and see how this so-called ancient tree blend performs.

Dry tea

The cord is medium, obvious, and has a certain honey fragrance.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming

Previous paragraph

The entrance thickness is still good, the bitter bottom and sweetness are more obvious, relatively speaking, the feeling of sweetness seems to be stronger, so the taste is slightly greasy, the performance on the waterway is general, the aroma is slightly floral, and the honey fragrance is still dominant. The intensity is medium, because the aroma of the new tea is inevitably weak.

In terms of physical sensation, Shengjin is more generalized, the tea performance is good, the throat rhyme is obvious, the back to the sweet play is better, and the retention and intensity are good. After the taste of the second brew is high, the overall taste begins to decline. The overall presence of astringency is not obvious, and the taste coordination is not bad. The overall style of tea soup has a tendency to be sweet, which is different from the style of previous years.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming


The downward trend of thickness and taste is obvious, the harmony of the soup sense becomes better, the residual astringency is obvious, it is difficult to dissolve, but the duration is not long. There is a certain lack of taste support, and the six bubbles have a bottoming trend, at this time the bitter bottom is obviously receding, and the sweetness is highlighted. Although this style is more palatable, the overall soup feeling is obviously not neat enough, and there are similarities with Runyuanchang's new tea this year, the difference is that 001 is more coordinated.

The body sensation is not bad, the tea is still reflected, the return to Gan continues the excellent performance of the previous section, and the soup is soft and more coordinated.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming


The taste is slightly repeated, and the astringency is also synchronized, but soon this stage is over, the taste is at the bottom, the sweetness is the mainstream, and the final stage of the soup is sweet and the coordination is good. The somatosensory sensation gradually subsides. After eight soaks, the water is obvious and ends.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming

Comprehensive evaluation

Score: 41 Stars: 4 stars+

To this year's taste, compared with the previous years 001 style trend, began to prefer to drink more obviously, the bottom of the leaf looks basically new tea, but the green taste is basically gone, the overall taste is very sweet and greasy, is the adjustment of this kind of process formed an industry trend? To be seen.

Looking back, in addition to the weakening of the taste strength, this tea performs well in coordination, especially in the strength and retention of the sweetness. But other than that, there are not many highlights. Not on the side of an ancient tree. Now Lancang's ex-factory price is rising year by year, and at the current price of more than 2 channels, people have no interest in buying at all.

Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming
Special fragrant, particularly sweet and greasy? Lancang Ancient Tea 23rd Generation 001 Review is coming