
The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market


The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Original Author: Good Fire

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

The offseason of the NBA is usually ridiculed by fans as the "fishing period", in fact, for some teams and stars, the offseason is also very important, because adjusting their positioning again can give new possibilities for careers; To put it bluntly, the offseason is the best time for stars to change teams, and it is also the best opportunity for teams to rebuild their lineups, after all, there is plenty of time.

So which stars will change teams this offseason?

This question is not simple, after I closed my eyes and thought for up to 8 hours, I gradually came up with the top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason, of which 4 or three-way transactions, 5 are very popular in the market, and one is the most bizarre, may have to change teams through human feelings.

Without further ado, I'll introduce the top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason one by one in order, and comment:

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Tenth, Lavin

At present, LaVine is a free agent, handsome and can play, very popular in the market, want to join any team should be no problem; If LaVine wants to win the championship, he should have to change teams, and may choose to join the Clippers; My feeling is that the Bulls haven't had a chance to win the title since they didn't have Jordan, as if they were cursed.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Ninth, Gobert

At present, the Jazz have made a choice, that is, to continue to build a team around Mitchell, so it is imperative for Gobert to leave; However, fortunately, Gobert is very popular with the market, after all, he is a superstar with 3 best defensive player awards; I think Gobert should join the Lone Rangers and join Doncic.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Eighth, Ayton

At the moment, the Suns have not shown positive behavior to keep Ayton, and I think it is very likely that Ayton will change the team; Recall that paul snatched the rebound from Ayton in last year's Finals, which probably caused Ayton to have a rift with the Suns; Fortunately, Ayton is very popular with the market and I feel that the Spurs are a good fit for him.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Seventh, Owen

Although Irving has expressed a desire to stay with the Nets, the Nets have not yet given a formal contract extension; In fact, it is also understandable that Irving has a lot of off-court affairs, and it is also the kind of influence that the Nets management can't hold. I think it's still possible for the Nets to send Irving away, but fortunately Irving is very popular with the market, after all, the management of other teams may know Irving better.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Sixth, Embiid

I'm sure you should remember Embiid shouting many times after being eliminated from the playoffs this season, wanting to be teammates with Jimmy Butler; Yes, Embiid is indeed a sports person, and like many people who love sports, he has a special love for Jimmy Butler; I think Embiid might go to the Heat, but it might have to be through a three-way deal, like pulling the Magic in.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Fifth, Harden

I believe you should remember the fierceness of the bearded people's criticism from the outside world in these two seasons, it can be said that there is no bottom line; To put it bluntly, after the beard left the rocket, he did not escape from a mode, that is, the mode of doing the most work and being scolded the most; I think Bearded might get tired and choose to go back to the Rockets, but for a three-way deal, pulling the Hornets in might succeed.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Fourth, Durant

Don't think that Durant said that the Nets will eventually die, it will definitely happen, not necessarily; Recall that when Durant was in the Thunder, he was still the boss of the team, and after being defeated by the Warriors in the playoffs, didn't he join the Warriors? Durant was beaten by the Celtics in the playoffs this season, so I think while Durant is very popular in the market, he will most likely choose to join the Celtics.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Third, Wei Shao

At present, the Lakers have hired a new coach Darwin Hamm, and the new coach has revealed in an interview that he wants Wei Shao to sacrifice, as well as to make Wei Shao do a good job of running and defending without the ball; However, when I take a closer look, these are not what Wei Shao is good at and accustomed to, and we cannot use Wei Shao as Curry; I think Wei Shao will not be able to stand this kind of role arrangement, maybe through the relationship with the Thunder management, discuss a plan, and then join the Thunder, after all, the current Wei Shao will not have the team to actively pursue.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

Second, the alphabet brother

Don't think that Alphabet Brother went on a tour with two small children in the offseason, just think that his heart has become wild; I tell you, there is a reason why the alphabet brother can climb from the bottom so quickly to the highest level of the league, that is, the alphabet brother will judge the situation in the case of hard work; I don't think the Bucks have paid so much luxury tax this season to win the championship, and the next few years should not have a chance; I think Alphabet Brother may choose to join the Cavaliers, after all, the cavaliers now have a lot of young potential new stars, of course, this will require a three-way deal, such as pulling the Pelicans in.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

First, James

In one of James' own podcasts, when Asked which playoff team he would prefer to play with this season, James chose the Warriors; Although the reason given by James is not Curry and Clay, but because of chasing dreams, saying that dreams can use garbage words to motivate themselves in the game, James's remarks at least make James's preference for the Warriors.

The top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason: 4 people or three-way trades, 5 people are very popular in the market

In view of the current situation of the Lakers has no signs of improvement, If James wants to win the championship again, he really needs to make some bold moves, such as joining the Warriors is very appropriate, directly referring to Durant joining the Warriors to win 2 consecutive championships. I think James has the potential to join the Warriors, after all, the Lakers management still has no signs of improvement, and next season is really worrying. Of course, if James wants to join the Warriors, he needs a three-way trade, and I think it's good to pull the Grizzlies in and make a trade.

After talking about the top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason, which of the above superstars do you most want to change teams? Tell me, let me see your imagination.

Regarding the top ten superstars who may change teams in the offseason, if you have any feelings, leave a message directly, don't be polite with a good fire, and say what you have.

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