
How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

author:Weapons: Shawning

According to US media reports, people familiar with the matter revealed that the United States is trying to establish a framework to end the new crown epidemic.

Specifically, it means that setting a standard that the number of people dying from COVID-19 every day is lower than this standard, which can be considered the end of the epidemic.

But there was a dispute over how to set that standard, because U.S. officials were unsure how much death data Americans could tolerate.

Some people think that in a year, the number of COVID-19 deaths is about the same as the number of flu deaths.

Americans who die of influenza each year, about 70,000 people, should be able to tolerate the standard of 70,000 new crown deaths in the whole year.

But there are also voices that think that some more achievable standards should be set.

How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

This is a microcosm of the failure of the United States to fight the epidemic, and these politicians do not care about human life at all. What they want is not to save as many lives as possible, but to consider how many deaths the people can accept, and as long as the people can accept it, they can let the number of deaths continue to increase.

At present, the cumulative number of new crown deaths reported in the United States has exceeded one million, and the average number of new deaths in a single day is still about 300.

It should be noted that these are all data with moisture, and the real data will only be more exaggerated.

How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

This is the characteristic of the United States' fight against the epidemic, "digital" anti-epidemic. What U.S. officials really care about is not people's lives, but numbers. The goal of American politicians is not to save the lives of Americans as much as possible, but to make the data look as good as possible.

For example, at the beginning of the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the United States blockade began to unblock less than a month, in order to let the people go out to consume, many states have falsified the epidemic data, creating an illusion that the epidemic is getting better, but in fact, the epidemic has not been controlled at all, but only controlled the epidemic data.

How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

After so long, Politicians in the United States are still making a fuss about numbers. The lives of Americans, for them, were little white flags in the square, bells in churches, and candles at night.

It doesn't matter if people die, they die less than they plant small flags, they die more than they lower their flags to half-mast, as long as they show enough grief, people's lives are gone.

This is what the United States calls "human rights", not trying to save the lives of the living, changing the law to make a fuss about the deceased, and in the case of killing millions of people, it is still thinking of face work.

How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

Responding to the epidemic with such an attitude is unlikely to succeed. American politicians probably have not thought of truly defeating the epidemic, but only verbally, and have not taken any practical action, trying to forcibly declare a "victory" by making a fuss about data.

It is foreseeable that if the US politicians set the standard, the United States will soon "defeat" the epidemic, because the most important thing in the United States is to control the data, first test the bottom line of the Americans, after the test comes out, set the standard for human life, and then customize the epidemic data with this standard, and the United States will be "victorious".

How many people die every day is acceptable? US politicians want to set a standard and test the bottom line of the people

Such irresponsible practices are not only an insult to the deceased, but may also lead to more serious consequences.

The United States is currently at a new peak of the epidemic, and if a standard is set hastily and the epidemic is declared over, it will lead to a large number of Americans being exposed to the new crown virus, and then another wave of deaths will occur.

To some extent, it can be said that the so-called anti-epidemic work in the United States is not helping Americans cope with the virus, but helping the virus to deal with Americans.