
Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up

author:DrX said

The first thing many people do when they wake up in the morning is to quickly brush their teeth and wash their faces. If you don't brush your teeth, you don't dare to eat a bite of breakfast and drink a mouthful of water, for fear that you will swallow a lot of bacteria.

No matter how carefully you brush your teeth the night before, when you wake up early, there is still a bad smell in your mouth, does it mean that there are already countless bacteria and dirt in your mouth?

Some people keep in mind the instructions of the older generation, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning is better for intestinal peristalsis, so they are used to drinking some water and brushing their teeth and washing their faces.

So is this really the case?

Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up

Getting up early to drink a glass of water is equivalent to drinking bacteria?

The mouth is indeed a superbug petri dish. Within our mouth, there are about 700 species of bacteria.

What about quantities? It will be about 50 billion. However, it is naturally divided into beneficial bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

All beneficial bacteria are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with pathogenic microorganisms. Even if you swallow a lot of bacteria, it will not damage your health.

Moreover, drinking water is not so easy to wash away the "pathogenic microorganisms" into the stomach.

Many bacteria in the mouth are hidden in the plaque. It can be said that although it cannot be seen, it can be touched.

When you just finish brushing your teeth, rub your fingers on the surface of your teeth, can you feel a certain sense of friction? Sometimes you can hear a squeak.

At this time, there are basically no plaques. But after sleeping all night, touching your teeth, the surface of the teeth is often slippery, and you may be wrapped in plaque at this time. If you want to get rid of dental plaque, you generally have to rely on friction to do it.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up

The impact of drinking water does not wash away the plaque so easily. It is also difficult to drink a large number of bacteria.

What's more, some of the bacteria that are free in saliva, oral mucosa and other dirt have reached the stomach and intestines. It is also killed by stomach acid and beneficial bacteria inside the intestine.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up

Don't do these three things after you get up, it's dangerous!

01 Get up immediately

What's the first thing you'll do when you wake up in the morning? Many middle-aged and elderly people will get up immediately and be busy with breakfast, walking, morning exercise and so on.

But in fact, it is not recommended to get up and get out of bed immediately. This is because when we wake up, it takes time for the human body to change from a state of inhibition to a state of excitement.

Especially in the middle-aged and elderly, their waist discs are loose. If you immediately change from a lying position to a sitting position, you may sprain your back.

Not only is it prone to dizziness, but also cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents may occur. Therefore, it is best to move the muscles and joints in bed and get up again.

02 Urinate immediately

Many people do not like to get up at night, go to the toilet, and always hold back until they can't hold back in the morning, get up and go to urinate. However, this may result in urinary syncope. What's going on?

This is because when we are asleep, the body's metabolic level is relatively low, the heart rate is slowed down, and the blood pressure level is reduced. If you suddenly get up and run to the toilet to empty your bladder, it may cause a transient blood supply to the brain.

For some middle-aged and elderly people, the early morning of winter is more likely to induce myocardial infarction and stroke, and it is not recommended to get up immediately and run to the toilet when you get out of bed.

It is best to sit up slowly, slow down and then go to the toilet, in case the action is too urgent to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

03 Practice immediately

If we go to bed together, the more intense exercise activities before the body has eased up may disrupt our autonomic rhythms.

If the middle-aged and elderly people practice immediately in the morning, they will form excessive stimulation, resulting in sympathetic excitement and easy to cause emergencies.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up

After getting up, if there are these abnormalities, it may be a sign of the disease

01 Eye droppings are strange

Generally speaking, when we get up in the morning, the amount of eye feces should not be very large, there will be no odor, and the color tends to be transparent white.

But if the eye droppings suddenly become a lot and the traits change, being careful is a sign of the disease.

If the eye feces is a viscous white substance with a brushed feeling, it may be conjunctivitis or dry eye.

If the eye droppings are water-like mucus, it may be caused by a viral infection of the eye, or an allergic reaction or a foreign body on the surface of the eye.

02 Morning stiffness

When some people wake up in the morning, they feel that their joints are a little stiff and uncomfortable. Wait for a good activity to alleviate it.

However, if the morning stiffness is too long, generally more than half an hour has not been alleviated, consider the possibility of joint disease.

03 Hunger and panic

Some people wake up in the morning and feel hungry and weak. Not only was he hungry, but he was also a little weak on all fours and panicked. After eating, it is much better. It seems that this phenomenon is very common, isn't it hungry?

In fact, this may be a "blood sugar warning". If a similar condition always occurs for a long time, consider the possibility of a hospital checking for diabetes.

Dr.X said

Many people get up in the morning and do the first thing they do wrong, and they hurt themselves. Hurry up and learn to protect your body.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning, will you drink 700 kinds of bacteria in your mouth? Doctor: There are 3 things you can't do after you get up