
Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

author:Daily Healthy DAILY

Every year, many people are found to have gallstones. Some people wondered: "I always heard that I would get gallstones if I didn't eat breakfast, but I ate breakfast on time every day, how did I get recruited?" “

So why do you get gallstones? Let's take a look.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

What are gallstones?

We have a warehouse called gallbladder in our body, and its duty is to store bile.

When the metabolism of bile secretion is abnormal, or the contractile function of the gallbladder muscle is weakened, the bile in the gallbladder will precipitate crystals, and over time it will form gallbladder stones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

Biliary stones can be divided into two main categories according to their chemical composition, namely cholesterol stones and bile pigment stones.

Among them, gallbladder stones are mostly cholesterol stones or cholesterol-based mixed stones, the main component of which is cholesterol.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

How exactly did gallstones come about?

The causes of gallstone formation are complex and are related to a variety of factors.

Bile is mainly secreted by liver cells, and the main components are water, bile acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and bilirubin.

Cholesterol is insoluble in water, if there is too much cholesterol in the bile and the concentration is significantly increased, exceeding the dissolving transport capacity of bile salts/phospholipid microcollectronics, cholesterol is easy to precipitate and precipitate to form stones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

In addition, abnormal gallbladder function, such as weakened systolic and emptying function, so that the cholestasis in the gallbladder can promote the accumulation of cholesterol crystals and form gallstones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

These factors increase the risk of gallstones

Irregular diet

Irregular diets, including skipping breakfast, eating a lot at night, being greasy, or eating a hungry meal, a full meal... This state is most likely to lead to disturbances in the secretion of digestive juices, but also to the production of bile and secretion rhythm disorders, thereby increasing the risk of gallstones.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the fasting time is too long, and the time between meals is often greater than 12 hours, and the incidence of gallstones will be high. This is because not eating causes bile to be stored in the gallbladder for a long time to form a stasis, and overcondensitive will produce gallstones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

Eat high-fat foods often

High saturated fat (animal fats) and high cholesterol diets, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, etc. are high risk factors for gallstones.

If you often eat big fish and meat, ingest greasy, high-fat food, excess cholesterol is easy to crystallize in the body, forming stones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

Factors of autometabolism

Cholesterol is a metabolite in the human body, and cholesterol is produced in the body even if it is not ingested.

If the metabolism in the human body is abnormal, or the cholesterol produced at a particular physiological stage is too high, it is also easy to form stones.

For example, women in pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone will produce certain changes, while the pregnancy process, the growing uterus will also resist the gallbladder, weaken the gallbladder movement, resulting in poor bile discharge, more likely to lead to gallstones.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

What should I do if gallstones are found?

Don't take gallstones seriously, scientific examination, professional treatment.

Gallstones themselves are not terrible, the most feared is the blockage of stones, such as stones blocked to the neck of the gallbladder, which will cause acute cholecystitis. Blockage of the bile ducts can cause cholangitis. In addition, the long-term compression and stimulation of gallstones, the intestinal wall is prone to ischemia and necrosis!

If asymptomatic gallbladder stones are found on physical examination, and the stones are less than 1.0 cm, the risk of complications is small, and you should go to the hospital every 3 to 6 months according to the doctor's advice. Pay attention to a regular diet and avoid overeating.

If the stones are enlarged, increased, or have symptoms similar to stomach disease or dyspepsia, further testing is required. If chronic cholecystitis or cholelithiasis is diagnosed, treatment should be initiated aggressively. The treatment of gallstones is divided into drug therapy and surgery.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

Does the gallbladder have an effect on the human body?

Removal of the gallbladder does not affect bile secretion, the body's bile is secreted by liver cells, and the gallbladder is only a "small warehouse" for temporary storage and concentration of bile, the liver secretes about 800-1200ml of bile every day, part of which is concentrated and stored in the gallbladder, and the rest of the bile is excreted into the intestine.

After the removal of the gallbladder, there is still an impact in the short term, such as when just removed, a low-fat diet is required, and greasy foods and high-fat foods may be bloated and diarrhea. But when the bile ducts can replace the gallbladder to store bile, you can eat normally, and generally have no impact on life.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

How can gallstones be prevented?

Healthy eating

Adopt a healthy diet, appropriately increase the proportion of coarse grains in the diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables, fungi, and eat more white meat when choosing meat, such as chicken, fish, and shrimp.

Why do I get gallstones? Be wary of these three factors

This not only reduces the risk of gallstones, but also has benefits for various organs and systems of the body such as cardiovascular disease.

In addition, it is also necessary to control alcohol consumption, which can also easily lead to gallbladder disease.

Healthy work and rest

If you want to ensure good health, you can not only pay attention to one aspect of diet, but should carry out comprehensive and systematic management of your own life, which includes both diet, work and rest time, living habits and other aspects.

Prevention of liver disease

There is an idiom called hepatobiliary care, which also reflects the close relationship between the liver and the gallbladder, the liver is not good, the gallbladder is inevitably affected.

The incidence of gallbladder polyps is higher in patients with hepatitis B virus than in healthy people.

Therefore, we should also try to avoid infection with hepatitis virus or other liver diseases to ensure the health of the gallbladder and prevent the occurrence of stones.