
3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

author:Chu River Horticulture

As we all know, we all know that the moon season is very popular with everyone, the appearance is very good-looking, it is a very interesting variety, the moon flower is the best of many flowers, the appearance is generous and beautiful, the flowers will emit a burst of fragrance, the variety is a lot, we can rely on our own preferences to match, very suitable for us to decorate life.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

The vine in the moon flower is a more popular variety this month, in fact, we may have seen several varieties, but there is no careful distinction, want to plant well, we should be more familiar with habits and flowering period, etc., master the planting technology, will bloom a better looking flower, we can watch it wantonly.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

During the planting period, we can also exercise our aesthetics, with better varieties, making our yard more designed, the following will introduce you to several typical varieties of good planting, the form and appearance are excellent, this type of month is a climbing vine.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

1. The Great Parade Season

The parade season is very unrestrained and enthusiastic, very romantic, just like traveling abroad, to Italy, by the style of that side of the general, giving people a great feeling, enthusiastic, flamboyant and generous, although not very consistent with the name, the color of the flowers is red, giving people an auspicious feeling.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

The growth rate is very fast, even in the hot summer, in the yard will gradually form awning, for us to rest, we live very comfortably, climbing ability is very strong, do not have to worry about the threat of pests and diseases, the plant itself immunity is very strong, we do not need to spray pesticides, to give everyone a pure natural environment.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

The shape of the flower is very large, the formation of the flower wall is only a short month, the root system is very developed, the nutrients required for the growth of the flowers are very high, but the storage nutrients in the body are very powerful, so we do not need to apply fertilizer frequently, as long as we regularly replenish water and fertilizer, apply it once every half a month, only between the flowering periods.

2. Longsha Gem Moon Season

Listening to this name, we can also feel how beautiful this monthly season is, the appearance is super stunning, it belongs to the top of the vine this month season, it is very famous in the eyes of many flower friends, even if you don't like flowers, you will like it at first sight.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

Looks very delicate, but it is not difficult to plant, the growth habits are very controlled by us, the growth rate is very fast, once the flowering will open the whole wall, the kind of shocking beauty is what we do not plant people can not see, as long as we plant, will grow a lot of flowers, will not bother a lot of thought.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

The core is pink, just like a shy girl, the edges of the petals gradually appear white, super like a work of art, so many people feel that this planting plant is not as beautiful as it is true, spring will blossom, everything will recover, super beautiful, people who want to plant, must not miss.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

3. Mrs. Charlotte's monthly season

This kind of moon season is especially like the role of the lady in the court drama, graceful and luxurious, yellow and orange flowers, showing wealth, there is a feeling of imperial color, belongs to the variety of flowers, and is also very well pruned.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

Even if only three varieties are introduced, we can clearly feel the beauty of the vine this month, planted in their own yard, summer comes, the whole yard is fragrant, we can feel the beauty of the flowers blooming, people who like the flowers of the month, the best thing is to plant a few flowers at home, full of walls, highlighting our intentions, and the growth of the plant.

3 kinds of climbing vines in the moon season, the strongest growth, a branch of three or four meters, a large flower wall a year

Climbing vine moon season is a vine type of plant, most of them are very good to plant, as long as you have a planting area, planting down, you can harvest a lot of flowers, in a short time, we can see the flowers, do not hesitate, now is the warm season, very suitable for planting, do not miss this variety Oh!

Let's plant vines together this month! It can add a lot of color to our lives and can also cultivate our interest in planting!

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