
This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

author:Winter solstice snowy night
This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

This issue of the introduction: this dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

Celery is one of the vegetables we often eat, can be eaten all year round, the price is relatively cheap, celery is also called: dry parsley, its aroma is stronger, also known as "parsley". Celery is native to the Mediterranean coast, celery has a strong aroma and is called a spice vegetable. It can be eaten raw or cooked, or it is a flavored parsley.

This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

Celery is a treasure all over the body, celery stems contain a lot of dietary fiber, celery is rich in nutrients, of which the content of calcium, phosphorus, iron is more than other leafy vegetables. Celery contains acidic antihypertensive ingredients, often eat celery, has the benefits of flat liver blood pressure, clear heat, dispel wind and dampness.

This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

When many people eat celery, they only eat the stem, pluck the celery leaves and throw them away, but they do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, the carotene in the celery leaves is more than 20 times higher than the stem, and the content of vitamin C, vitamin B1, protein, and calcium in the celery leaves exceeds the content of the stem. In general, celery leaves are much more nutritious than celery stems.

People eat celery and throw away the leaves, which is a pity. This time I know, how to make celery leaves to eat?

Introduce several ways to eat celery leaves, you have also learned, do it for your family to eat, don't waste it later, the following share the detailed method of celery leaves:

This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

【Cold mix celery leaves】Ingredients required: celery leaves, salt, sesame oil, chili oil, soy sauce,

Procedure steps:

1. Pick the fresh celery leaves, pick out the yellowed old leaves, and then wash them.

2. Prepare the seasoning, garlic chopped, soy sauce, sesame oil, chili oil, seasoning soy sauce without salt

3. Bring water to the pot, add a little salt, add a little salt in the water when the celery leaves are blanched, you can make the celery leaves more emerald green. Add the celery leaves to blanch the water, the celery leaves are easy to cook, and blanch the celery leaves until the color becomes dark green.

4. Fish out the celery leaves, put them in cold boiling water to cool, fish out, use your hands to clean the water, put the blanched celery leaves in the cool boiling water to cool, you can maintain the crisp and tender taste of the celery leaves, will not overheat.

5. Put the celery leaves in a container, add salt, sesame oil, chili oil, soy sauce, mix well with chopsticks, and put on a plate.

This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

【Scrambled eggs with celery leaves】Ingredients required: 1 handful of celery leaves, 3 eggs, oil and salt to taste.

Procedure steps:

1. Prepare the required ingredients, celery leaves do not turn yellow, use greener, tenderer leaves.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add a little salt, blanch the celery leaves, blanch the celery leaves for about half a minute, blanch the water until the celery leaves turn dark green, and fish out the celery leaves. Blanching celery leaves can remove some of the smell of celery and the astringent taste of celery leaves.

3. After fishing out the celery leaves, quickly put them in cold water to cool, fish out, and use your hands to remove the water from the celery leaves. When blanching celery, adding a little salt to the water will make the celery leaves more emerald green. After blanching the water, put it in cold water and cool it, the celery leaves will not turn yellow in color, and the tender taste of the celery leaves can be maintained.

4. Chop the celery leaves.

5. Whisk the eggs into the container and beat well with chopsticks so that the egg whites and yolks are fully integrated.

6. Put the chopped celery leaves in the egg mixture, add salt and stir well.

7. Heat the oil in the pan, pour in the egg mixture, spread the egg liquid and fry.

8. When the egg mixture is fried slightly, then stir-fry the egg cake into pieces, turn off the heat, and put it on the plate. A dish of scrambled eggs with celery leaves is ready.

This dish is a treasure, many people only eat the stem, but do not know that the leaves are more nutritious, do not waste it in the future

【Celery leaf omelette】Ingredients required: 150 grams of celery leaves, 3 eggs, oil and salt to taste, 1 piece of green onion,

Procedure steps:

1. Prepare the required ingredients and wash the celery leaves.

2. Bring water to a boil in the pot, add a little salt, blanch the celery leaves, and when the celery leaves turn dark green, fish out the celery leaves.

3. After fishing out the celery leaves, immediately put them in cold water to cool and fish out the clean water. Finely chop the blanched celery leaves.

4. Smash the eggs into a bowl, add salt, whip and beat to break up. Crush the celery leaves, put the salt in the egg mixture and stir well.

5. Heat the pot with oil, pour in the egg mixture, spread out and fry over medium-low heat.

6. When the egg liquid solidifies, turn over, fry the other side, fry both sides to make golden brown, put out, cut into 8 cloves, and code in the dish.

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