
Salvage of the Lost Years: Sichuan Tooth Memory and Third-Line Heritage - Preface to Du Hui's "My Community, My Factory: Memories of Sichuan Tooth Under the Intersection of Time and Space"

author:China Heritage News

In China, there is a class of cultural heritage called third-tier heritage, not only because they are located in a special geographical location, but also because of the special industrial heritage produced in a special historical context.

The so-called third line refers to the fact that after 1964, because the Sino-Soviet relations became public, the two sides were tense, and the relations between the two sides were highly tense, and the top Chinese leader judged that China was simultaneously attacked by the United States and the Soviet Union from the north and the south, and the situation was grim, so it was decided to divide the entire national territory into the first, second, and third lines according to the front, middle zone, and rear line envisaged during the war, and the specific scope of the third line refers to the vast hinterland south of the Great Wall Yanmen Pass, north of Shaoguan in Guangdong, west of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, and east of Wusheling in Gansu, including a total of 13 provinces and regions. The central authorities have decided to lay out important military-industrial enterprises in the third-tier areas, and at the same time strengthen mine mining, metal smelting, and road construction. The state has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in this regard, and a large number of outstanding talents of the republic bid farewell to the bustling cities and dedicated their youth to the third-tier areas. The construction of the third line is an extremely large-scale industrial migration process in China's economic history, the purpose is to prepare for war, enhance the country's national defense strength, improve the layout of productive forces, and promote the industrialization of China's central and western regions, and also to leave a number of sparks and hopes for the survival of the Chinese nation in the special era. This large-scale construction of basic facilities such as national defense, science and technology, industry and transportation involving 13 provinces and regions in Chinese mainland has formed a number of famous factories and mining enterprises, including a number of new towns and cities that have risen in the deep mountains and old forests and desert Gobi.

However, due to the relative socio-economic backwardness and inconvenient transportation in the third-tier areas, the enterprise units that have been built have various difficulties in operating and developing for a long time afterwards. After the reform and opening up, the international situation has been greatly eased, in order to meet the needs of the people to improve their lives, most of the third-line enterprises have begun to develop in the direction of military-civilian integration, especially with the progress of science and technology and the transformation of economic and social development in recent years, many third-tier enterprises have accelerated the pace of adjustment and transformation, some enterprises have even shut down and turned, began to fade out of the historical stage, leaving a number of unique industrial heritage, the protection and utilization of third-line heritage has become increasingly prominent.

The third-line heritage records the storms of the times and is full of patriotic dedication, but there are also problems such as rushing to catch up with the wild, pursuing speed, sacrificing efficiency, and even bringing about the waste of talents, the destruction of the environment and resources. Therefore, the connotation of the third-line heritage that deserves to be remembered and remembered is very rich. Objectively and dialectically understanding this period of history, drawing historical lessons and national memory feelings from the physical evidence of heritage, at the historical juncture when the third-line heritage is facing withdrawal from the stage and a large number of disappearances, its rescue and protection are particularly necessary, and strengthening the systematic and in-depth study of the third-line heritage is also an indispensable historical lesson.

Some people say that the third-line heritage is the closest industrial heritage to us, but also at that time can represent the level of China's development of one of the number of industrial facilities, because in the incongruous natural and social background, heritage and the reality of the landscape often contrast greatly, both strong observability, but also has a wealth of documents and archives can be referenced, in the protection and use of inheritance is easy to achieve the close integration of material and intangible heritage, becoming a type of cultural heritage that interprets that period of history with considerable emotional and visual impact, It has also become a unique heritage resource for the transformation and development of their region into the future.

If according to the archaeological standard, the third-line heritage is not only a very special batch of industrial heritage in the history of the republic, most of its construction achievements can be regarded as the highest level of materialization representatives of China's science and technology and industry in that era, and as a special spirit of special decision-making in special places in special eras, compared with general heritage, the third-line heritage has more background and stories - the party and state leaders pay great attention to and value, the participation of a large number of intellectuals and professionals, and the strong support of the local government and people. The extraordinary speed of construction and development, and so on, are all distinctive features of the third-line heritage. As a result, the third-tier heritage is highly visible, socially relevant, informative, easy to tell stories, and often particularly appealing. The third-line heritage is dominated by military enterprises, but there are also many bright spots in infrastructure construction and later military-civilian integration, which have played an important role in promoting the development of the underdeveloped areas in the inland of the mainland.

The author once inspected Panzhihua, Sichuan, which is regarded as the epitome of the third-line construction, a city that has risen due to the construction of the third-line construction, which is not only known as a steel city and vanadium and titanium capital, but also a cultural city with a beautiful environment and a good climate, an ecological city, which not only preserves a large number of third-line heritage well, but also builds a Museum of China's third-line construction, which systematically displays the history of third-line construction from 1964 to 1981 in the form of cultural relics display and scene restoration, and treats heritage and sunlight, environment and other industrial and mining resources as local." Industry + tourism + health care" positioning of the new development strategy of important resources, the third-line heritage is regarded as an important source of gravity for tourism and health care.

Dr. Du Hui, the author of this book, introduced cultural anthropological methods into the collection, research and inheritance of the third-line heritage, took the Chengdu Gear Factory and its community as a new cultural field, systematically collected the oral information of the relevant people of this famous third-line enterprise, sorted out the ins and outs of the enterprise and the community and the development process, not only restored a unique factory history, but also tried to weave a network of memories of the three-line construction and historical changes intertwined by the individual-enterprise-community-country layer by layer, and for the all-round rescue and protection of the third-line heritage, Telling the third-line story well, inheriting the third-line spirit, and helping the development of the community have important data value and pioneering significance.

China's industrialization and modernization are not a straight line of rapid catch-up, since the Western Affairs Movement, there have been many cultural cognition and decision-making practices of wandering, there have been nightmares constantly interrupted by imperialism, there are various mistakes they have repeatedly made, and the process has paid an extremely heavy price. The construction of the third line, the inward migration of the advanced, especially the military-industrial enterprise system, and the migration of a large number of intellectuals and young workers to the mountains and the countryside, have also gradually spread and laid some rare industrialization genes and foundations, and finally after the reform and opening up, they have gathered many conditions that are favorable to the time, place, and people, and have leapt into a global industrial manufacturing power. The long-term agrarian society and the short process of industrialization have made our industrial heritage relatively thin, so the third-line heritage and its value are extremely precious.

There are no eternal enterprises or immortal individuals, but there are group memories and national spirits that have been passed down endlessly. The three-line heritage and the three-line spirit still have their own unique significance in the new period. In particular, the intangible heritage in the construction of the third line, individual and collective memory, is a number of valuable assets that are easy to ignore. The oral content collected in this book, the commander involved in the upper level, the ordinary workers in the lower level, and even the children of the factory and mine, their joys and sorrows jumped on the paper, and their vivid memories touched all strata and all aspects of Chinese society in that special era, and the physical evidence, human witnesses and oral memories jointly witnessed the China of that era. China and the Chinese in the three thousand years of unprecedented changes have not only successfully achieved the leap from farming to modernity, leaving a rich material heritage for future generations, but also leaving a precious national spirit, that is, indomitable, inclusive, open, optimistic, diligent and self-motivated, etc., which are all valuable assets that the Chinese nation with a long history should cherish in the face of the future.

(Du Hui, "My Community, My Factory: Memory of The Interlaced River Teeth in Time and Space", Science Press)

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Source | "Wenbo China" WeChat public account

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