
How many of the benefits of cherries do you know?

author:A girl with a lot of vitality

In early summer, a fruit quietly came to market – cherries. Cherries have also been high in price because of the very limited area and time they are grown. However, in addition to the high price and sweet and sour taste of cherries, they also have high nutritional value

How many of the benefits of cherries do you know?

Next, I would like to introduce you to what benefits cherries can bring us. At the same time, I would like to introduce you to what method you should use when choosing cherries. Next, let's look down with the editor~

Iron is abundant

Cherries contain a lot of iron (iron is absorbed highly if taken with vitamin C.) Cherries also contain vitamin C, so eating cherries can supplement both iron and vitamin C, while improving iron absorption.

In addition, cherries contain more dietary fiber, which can improve constipation.

How many of the benefits of cherries do you know?


Cherries contain β carotene, vitamin C and potassium to beautify the skin.

The red flesh contains antioxidant anthocyanins, which fight aging while nourishing the skin.

How many of the benefits of cherries do you know?

How to pick cherries

Choose a cherry with a dark color. The darker the color in the same type of cherries, the larger the fruit, the better the taste of the cherry.

In addition to color and size, the greener the cherry stem, the fresher it is. The fruit pedicles have turned brown indicating that they have been plucked for quite some time.

How many of the benefits of cherries do you know?

See here do you know the benefits of cherries? I believe that everyone also has a certain understanding of cherry picking!

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