
Qi depressed nodules, a Fang in the Song Dynasty, thin the liver and relieve depression, sweeping all nodular cysts

author:Director of Endocrinology Cordu

Chen Shigong of the Ming Dynasty pointed out in "The Theory of Orthodox Surgery and Gall Tumors": "The disease of a lady having a galloma is not a swollen knot of yin and yang and righteous qi, but is caused by stasis of blood, turbid qi, and sputum stagnation in the five viscera."

That is to say, nodules are related to stagnation, sputum coagulation, and blood stasis!

Qi depressed nodules, a Fang in the Song Dynasty, thin the liver and relieve depression, sweeping all nodular cysts

So how do they form nodules in our bodies?

Nowadays, many people are often emotionally unsmooth under various pressures such as economy, life, and work, their diet is not moderate, their liver qi is depressed and uncomfortable, and the operation of the gas machine is blocked.

Muwangke soil, liver qi transverse violation of the spleen and stomach, resulting in spleen loss of good luck, phlegm wet endogenous; Liver qi upward reversal, sputum qi beat before the neck is a gall disease, qi machine depression sputum qi obstruction, prolonged blood vein stasis, qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, blood stasis three combination of the three.

Therefore, the treatment should start from the liver and spleen, using the method of liver and spleen, so that the liver qi is sparse, the temper is healthy, the qi and blood are smooth, and the sputum is humidified, and the nodules are self-eliminating.

Qi depressed nodules, a Fang in the Song Dynasty, thin the liver and relieve depression, sweeping all nodular cysts

The formula we are talking about today should be familiar to everyone - idle.

This party is from the "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang", which is the representative party of liver thinning and spleen and blood nourishment, and is mainly used to treat hepatic depression and spleen weakness and blood deficiency.

Fang Zhongchai Hu relieves liver depression, adjusts wood qi, and is a king medicine. Angelica is sweet and warm, returned to the liver, heart, spleen meridian, nourishing blood and blood, for the blood of the qi medicine; White peony taste sour and cold, tonify the blood to get the yin and chai hu, one scatter and one collection, reconcile the liver qi return, peony and chai hu match, both can supplement the body of the liver and help the liver, so that the blood is congested and soft, and it is a common medicine.

See the disease of the liver knows the liver and spleen, so with baishu, poria and licorice spleen dehumidification, qi tonic, in order to play the effect of the earth and the wood, a total of adjuvant; Ginger spicy to disperse evil, warm to warm; A little mint, scattered liver depression, clear liver fever, the two are used together to make the medicine combined, liver qi thinning, temper health, qi and blood restoration, qi and blood balance, liver and spleen homophony, the whole party play the effect of liver health and spleen nourishing blood.

Qi depressed nodules, a Fang in the Song Dynasty, thin the liver and relieve depression, sweeping all nodular cysts

A few years ago, I received a nodule patient, it is on the basis of this side to dialectically add or subtract, three months of nodules disappeared, the patient himself feel incredible.

Patient, female, 38 years old, company employee.

The physical examination found that the thyroid nodules were asymptomatic at the time, untreated, and after the mood swings, they felt that the neck was swollen and uncomfortable, so they came to the doctor.

Complaints of swelling and discomfort in the chest and flanks since nearly 2 weeks, upset, insomnia, mainly difficulty falling asleep, self-induced pharynx with phlegm, small amount, difficult to cough out, neck swelling and discomfort aggravated when emotionally agitated, fatigue, poor diet, loose stool, palpation of thyroid lumps, smooth surface, hard texture, no tenderness, can move up and down with swallowing action, tongue red, thin white moss, smooth pulse strings.

Qi depressed nodules, a Fang in the Song Dynasty, thin the liver and relieve depression, sweeping all nodular cysts

Diagnosis: gall disease

Evidence: hepatic depression and spleen deficiency sputum coagulation evidence, treatment rules: liver relief, healthy spleen phlegm.

Therefore, the specific formula is as follows: chai hu, vinegar incense, bai shu, poria, angelica, ginger banxia, Zhejiang shellfish, fried malt, burning licorice.

After 7 doses, self-reported chest swelling and discomfort reduction, mood improvement, anterior cervical distension discomfort relief, effectiveness is not more legal, on the basis of addition and subtraction in the front, more than three months before and after, the patient's discomfort symptoms basically disappeared, review showed that the thyroid gland did not see abnormalities, nodules dissipated, follow-up so far, no nodule recurrence was seen.

The patient is identified as hepatic depression and spleen deficiency phlegm evidence, is not smooth emotional, liver qi depressed knot, so the chest flank is swollen and uncomfortable, liver depression fire, fiery disturbing heart, so upset, insomnia, spleen and stomach weakness, transport loss, so fatigue, poor diet, spleen weakness and weak transportation, water stopped gathering for sputum liver qi upward reversal, phlegm clamped dry neck, so the hair is nodule.

Fang Xuan qiao scatters addition and subtraction, so that the liver qi is drained, the temper is healthy, the qi and blood are smooth, and the sputum is dissipated, so the clinical effect is remarkable.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diseases to abide by the disease machine, accurate dialectics, legislation according to evidence, according to the law to choose the party, the square evidence unified flexible compatibility, so here do not write the dosage, if there is a similar problem, you can leave a message to help you identify.

Pay attention to @Director Endocrinology Kodu, I hope to do my best to help you. #Concerned Thyroid Nodules##Hypothyroidism#