
Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

author:Red Wave Doctor Popular Science

Junk food, simply let people love and hate, on the one hand, it is high in oil, high in salt, high in sugar, high in calories, no nutrition, threatening our health, on the other hand, its unique taste, and by many people like, young people like to eat a little junk food from time to time.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

But compared to its unique taste, junk food is very harmful to the human body. Junk food not only harms the stomach and intestines, but also destroys people's health, and regular eating can lead to metabolic disorders, increase fatigue, lead to physical obesity, disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, and increase the risk of multiple diseases.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat


How much damage junk food does to the human body

1, the main harm of fried food is: fried starch leads to cardiovascular disease; Contains carcinogens; Destroys the vitamin and denatures the protein.

2. The main hazards of pickled foods are: leading to high blood pressure, excessive kidney burden, resulting in nasopharyngeal cancer; Influence on the mucosal system (harmful to the gastrointestinal tract); Easy to ulcerate and inflame.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

3. The main hazards of processed meat foods (jerky, meat pine, sausage, etc.) are: one of the three major carcinogens, nitrite (antiseptic and color development); Contains a large number of preservatives, which increases the burden on the liver.

4, biscuits: biscuits also belong to a kind of junk food, now most of the biscuits sold on the market have added pigments and flavors, and their calories are very high, low nutritional content, eating more is not beneficial to the human body, but also become fat.

5, carbonated drinks: most of the ingredients in carbonated drinks are carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, these substances will not only corrode our teeth, but also cause the loss of calcium in the body. Regularly drinking carbonated drinks can make people obese, and the chances of developing diabetes are significantly increased.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat


Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

【Spicy Strips】

I believe that all of you here do not like to eat spicy noodles. Spicy strips are mainly made of wheat flour and other grain flour as raw materials, adding salt, oil and other auxiliary materials, through ingredients, extrusion, cooking, molding, seasoning, packaging and other processes.

In the production process of spicy strips, various spices, preservatives, food additives, etc. will be added, which is a food that is extremely harmful to the liver and kidneys. Excessive consumption of spicy strips can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure and a series of other diseases, and can also lead to carcinogenic risks.

Moreover, the spicy strips taste spicy, and the production process is not necessarily hygienic, which will have an impact on the digestive system, and symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea will occur.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

【Milk Tea】

Drinking milk tea can make people excited, and regular drinking will cause nervousness, excessive excitement, resulting in insomnia all night. And milk tea contains a large number of trans fatty acids, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In order to make the taste of milk tea more mellow, some merchants will add preservatives, flavors, etc. in the production process, which are harmful to the human body and may even cause adverse consequences.

Synthetic "junk food", hot pot balls are not on the list, most people love to eat

【Instant noodles】

Instant noodles belong to fried food, eating too much instant noodles will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, weaken the digestion and peristalsis function of the stomach, easy to lead to indigestion, easy to accumulate food, long-term consumption can lead to loss of appetite, and even nausea symptoms. And the seasoning package of instant noodles contains more saturated fat, which is not conducive to cardiovascular health, and the nutrients contained in instant noodles cannot meet the needs of the human body, which will lead to malnutrition for a long time and thin muscles.