
In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

author:Emergency room old seedlings
In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

Every summer, the elderly will repeatedly emphasize the fact that "children cannot go barefoot".

The child runs barefoot on the ground, the old man chases after the socks, chasing while shouting "cold from the soles of the feet, do not wear socks, will make a stomach, cold"!

So in the 30-degree weather, adults comfortably wear flip-flops, and the baby's little feet are wrapped in cotton socks to prevent "cold from feet".

But are your baby's feet really that fragile? Are the consequences of barefoot really that serious?

In fact, children barefoot in the hot day not only has no health risks, but there are many benefits, today we will talk about the baby's barefoot things.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

Will barefoot make a child sick?

In the eyes of some elderly people, barefoot will cause children to provoke "cold", and over time, children will have diarrhea, colds, fevers, leading to illness.

In fact, the so-called "cold" is nonsense, and the reason why children are sick is mostly because of the invasion of bacteria and viruses, and there is no causal relationship with barefoot.

For example, influenza is usually caused by influenza virus, when the virus is transmitted through air droplets, into the child's upper respiratory tract, it will trigger the body's immune response, the nervous system began to make people shiver, fever, the use of elevated body temperature to inhibit the viral response, lymphocytes began to kill the virus, making the human body become weak, these reactions, are not caused by barefoot, cold.

For example, diarrhea is often because of eating unhygienic food, or greedy, raw and cold food stimulates the stomach and intestines, and the human body is difficult to adapt to for a while.

Therefore, from the perspective of modern science, "cold from the foot" has no practical basis, and barefoot does not make the child sick, and everyone does not have to worry too much.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

Cold feet do not mean that the child is cold

Some parents feel that their children's little feet are cold, and they will worry about freezing their children, so they quickly put on socks for the baby.

In fact, children's hands and feet are cold is a normal phenomenon, compared to adults, children's metabolism is faster, and the hands and feet as the body's heat dissipation organs, it is easier to get cold, so the feet are cold, does not mean that the child is cold.

The child's body is in the process of development, blood will give priority to the most important internal organs, we should judge the child's cold and warm, should be the back temperature as a standard.

If your child has a chill on his back, proof that additional clothing is required;

If the back sweats, it means that too much clothing is worn;

If the back is warm, it means that the temperature is appropriate.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

There are many benefits to having children barefoot

1. Stimulate tactile neurodevelopment

On the baby's small feet, there are many nerve endings, and when the barefoot is on the ground, it can receive haptic feedback more clearly and stimulate haptic nerve development.

Especially in the summer, the temperature is suitable, we can take the baby barefoot to experience the beach, grass, cement, etc., so that the child has a series of tactile infections, thereby improving the sensitivity of the touch and carrying out tactile training.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

2. Help your child learn to walk

For babies who are just learning to walk, barefoot can significantly improve stability, help them maintain balance, not easy to slip, and learn faster and better.

Foreign studies believe that the bare feet are the baby's second pair of eyes, when barefoot, the baby can better perceive the ground information, learn to adjust the posture and direction of their walking faster, and walk more steadily and more coordinated.

And when we put on small socks for him, it is equivalent to covering the baby's eyes, so that when he learns to walk, he has to look at the ground, thus ignoring the foot movements.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

3. Enhance physical fitness

Babies often walk barefoot, which can stimulate the nerve endings on the soles of the feet, promote blood circulation and metabolism, and play a role in enhancing physical fitness.

Like some kindergartens abroad, teachers often take barefoot children to jog, which is very famous "barefoot education", which is very good for enhancing children's physique.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

Let the baby barefoot, these 3 points need to be paid attention to

1. Pay attention to ground safety

Baby's body is fragile, we let the baby barefoot at the same time, especially pay attention to the safety of the ground, try to keep the ground clean, no water stains foreign bodies, to prevent the baby from falling down and injured, or stepping on some sharp objects.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

2. The air conditioner temperature is too low to be barefoot

When the air conditioner is turned on in the summer, the cold air drops and the tile floor will be cooler, which is not recommended for babies to go barefoot.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

3. The child is not willing, do not have to force

The matter of barefoot varies from person to person, some children like to run around barefoot, some children are resistant to barefoot, we do not have to force, everything should be based on children's preferences.

Of course, in addition to the above 3 points, some children are weak, or are in the cold and sick, barefoot is not suitable, we can put on thin socks for the baby, or lay on the crawling pad, let the baby on the mat barefoot, walking and lying down.

In the summer, can children be "barefoot"? The answer is clear, parents don't believe the rumors

Old Miao Conclusion:

Although it is true that we should be careful in taking care of the baby, the baby's little feet are not as fragile as we think.

If conditions permit, and the baby likes to go barefoot, you may wish to take advantage of the summer to let the baby "sprinkle joy" and enjoy the joy of enjoying barefoot.

Today's topic: Will you let your child go barefoot in the summer?

I am Lao Miao, a super grandfather after the 80s, and the most eye-catching male head nurse in the hospital, welcome to discuss the issue of pregnancy together, and please pay attention to Lao Miao.

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