
Loch Ness Monster

author:Here it comes

I thought that the truth about the Loch Ness Monster had been conclusively established, but I did not expect that there had been new discoveries recently. An outdoor explorer named Richard Marvol was rowing on Loch Ness, when he inadvertently used a drone to capture the picture of the legendary Loch Ness monster

Marvel photographed the mysterious creature

As an outdoor adventure enthusiast, Marvell traveled to many places and was very knowledgeable, he himself did not believe in the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, and was always skeptical of various rumors of similar sightings. However, this time the experience shook him.

The image was taken by a drone at a high altitude on the south shore of Lake Yenis, and he did not notice the anomaly at the time, but only found the difference when he looked back at the image. The video shows a slender creature silhouette appearing beneath the surface of the water, moving slowly with the ripples, about 8.5 meters long, exactly twice the length of the wooden boat they were riding.

Because the creatures in the video screen did not appear for a long time, Mavour once thought that it was an illusion caused by the light and shadow effect, but after carefully reviewing the picture at that time, he found that there was no other place on the south bank that looked different, even there was no driftwood in the water, because Loch Ness was an inland lake, there was no tidal debris on the ocean, and the scene presented in the picture should not appear. Whether it was the Loch Ness Monster or not, Mavour could not be sure.

Coincidentally, in September 2019, a man named Steve Charis photographed a creature swimming on the surface of the water while on vacation. Since its exposed part reached 2.4 meters, he once thought he had found a terrible creature, and the mere photo sparked countless discussions, and rumors about the Loch Ness Monster were endless, and everyone had their own opinions.

However, some netizens found that the stripes on the back of this creature are very similar to the patterns on the back of a catfish found in 2018, and the photo of this creature is either PS or a huge catfish swimming through Loch Ness that day, in short, it has nothing to do with the water monster. Although Charis denied it was PS, he did not give the exact conclusion that it was a water monster, that is, what exactly the unknown creature was, it is still unknown.

The truth about the Loch Ness monster

The Loch Ness Monster is perhaps the most well-known unknown creature in history, and various adventure programs often include the Loch Ness Monster, and there are always people who claim to have witnessed unknown creatures in Loch Ness, and over time, whether there are really monsters in Loch Ness has become the biggest selling point of local tourism.

Marketingly, Loch Ness is undoubtedly extremely successful, and the man who made the rumor of the monster was definitely a genius. Of course, many scientists do not recognize the real existence of water monsters, because the hydrological environment of Loch Ness does not exist in the natural conditions for the birth of water monsters, and if there are really water monsters, it will not be impossible to find a trace of a creature in modern society.

The earliest Loch Ness monster even dates back to 1500 years ago, and there are local rumors that monsters often come ashore to devour people and animals in Loch Ness, and the real buzz is a photo that appears on the paper on May 2, 1933. However, although sporadic people reported seeing the monster, they did not leave any definite evidence and real images, so that everyone was always skeptical about the authenticity of the Loch Ness Monster. After various analyses, scientists believe that water monsters are nothing more than a few theories.

One theory is that the Loch Ness Monster was a plesiosaur left over from ancient times, with a long neck and flat head that bore a striking resemblance to a plesiosaur. And plesiosaurs lived more than 70 million years ago, after the extinction of dinosaurs plesiosaurs have not survived, if it is really plesiosaurs, it is undoubtedly a huge discovery in biology, even if it is the descendants of plesiosaurs, it is worth exploring. Later, a 67-year-old British elder, Gerald McSouri, found fossils of plesiosaurs in Loch Ness. Then even if the water monster is not a plesiosaur, it can also mean that there were plesiosaurs inhabiting in ancient times.

Another theory is that there happened to be an elephant playing in the water when the Loch Ness Monster was filmed, and there were indeed many circuses that liked to rest by the lake, and the elephants especially liked to bathe in the water, and this photo was taken when the elephant just exposed its nose, which finally caused this visual error, otherwise it is impossible to explain why there are few similar photos after the release.

In addition, there is a theory that the Loch Ness Monster is nothing more than an old eel. Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching the lakes for monsters through a variety of advanced equipment, but still found nothing. Later, some scientists found that there were only traces of DNA from fish, plants, cattle, sheep, dogs, and birds in more than 250 samples, and there were no genetic samples of other organisms at all. Loch Ness may have survived about 3,000 species of creatures, with a large number of traces left by eels, and it has been found that eels are quite large, even growing to 4-5 meters, so the water monster is most likely an eel.

Of course, what the real body of the water monster is, it is still uncertain, otters, elephants, eels, European giant catfish may be regarded as water monsters, whether there are unknown creatures in Loch Ness, it remains to be further investigated, at least this story will continue.

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The true identity of the Loch Ness Monster may be confirmed, and new DNA evidence may prove the true identity of the Loch Ness Monster

Foreign scientists claim to have finally found a credible theory to prove the existence of the Loch Ness Monster Nebula. She is not an aquatic reptile left over from the Jurassic era, nor is she an elephant in a circus bathing in water with its nose. A new scientific survey shows that if the Loch Ness Monster had ever existed, it would most likely have been a giant eel.

Beginning with an Irish missionary's report on the monster of the River Nice in 565 AD, repeated sightings in the modern period have allowed Scotland's greatest myth to remain. The most famous of these is a grainy photograph taken in 1934 in which a blurry outline of a long-necked creature appears, swinging up and down on the surface of the water.

In 1934, a foreign colonel took a deceptive photo of loch Ness Monster Air Force Base. Until now, such a glimpse has been something that everyone must continue. But a new technique allows scientists to sample all the creatures in the Loch Ness Monster by collecting environmental DNA, or well-known e-DNA. This is genetic material that is present in the cells of an organism and is dispersed into the surrounding environment. Discovering and identifying electronic DNA can tell scientists what organisms live in habitats without having to observe or capture them.

Foreign scientists announced their findings on e-DNA in Loch Ness. The team collected more than 200 1-liter water samples from the entire lake, including surface and deep water, and compared them to 36 water samples from 5 nearby "monster-free" lakes. Their survey provided a list of all the species that call Loch Ness home – from bacteria to plants and animals.

This photograph, taken in 1934, is a blurry photograph of the so-called Loch Ness Monster space station

The study found more than 500 million DNA sequences and 3,000 species. According to Neil Gemmill of the University of Otago in New Zealand, who led the study, the DNA sequences of sharks, catfish and sturgeon did not match. That excludes the possibility of large exotic fish in the lake.

You can see DNA matching of various terrestrial species around Loch Ness, including badgers, deer, rabbits, voles, and different birds. Sheep, cattle and dogs also appear in the records along with humans. This suggests that the sampling method is very good at catching species that rarely come to the surface of the lake – so it should be able to detect monsters that live in the lake for a long time.

The most popular image of the Loch Ness Monster is Plesiosaur, an ancient long-necked marine reptile that went extinct along with dinosaurs during the last mass extinction 65 million years ago.