
Travel considerations for Pakistan

author:External Recruitment

With the advancement of China-Pakistan cooperation, more and more Chinese friends choose to travel to Pakistan. We have listed the following precautions for everyone from all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and hope it will be helpful!

Travel considerations for Pakistan

01 clothes

Pakistan is a Muslim country, in order to respect their religious beliefs, it is recommended that girls choose long clothes and trousers, in some more remote places, it is recommended to use a headscarf, and men are recommended to wear long pants. It is a must to wear long clothes and trousers and a headscarf when visiting the mosque.

Travel considerations for Pakistan

Due to the proximity of most areas of Pakistan to the equator and relatively hot, it is recommended to choose a light long-sleeved coat to avoid sun exposure in the summer, and it is best to bring a sunscreen umbrella to prevent sunburn. If you are traveling around the desert, it is recommended to bring a sand mask, especially during the summer months (May to August).

Shoes as far as possible to choose lightweight flat shoes, in large cities are fine, small cities infrastructure is not perfect, inconvenient to exercise shoes will bring certain trouble to travel. Shoes are not allowed inside mosques, and there is a shoe storage room at the entrance of each mosque. To visit the mosque, it is recommended to wear socks to avoid being burned by the outdoor floor or damaged by foreign objects after taking off your shoes.

02 Food

Short trips

In Pakistan, try to choose restaurants with an average price of more than 1,000 rupees, or food safety and security recommended by locals, and do not eat any food and beverages sold by small vendors on the road.

Water is recommended to choose bottled water as well as packaged drinks, do not try any water other than packaged drinking water provided by Pakistanis, because Most Pakistanis do not drink boiled water, and the water is directly extracted from the ground and not filtered.

Sweets are delicious, but pay attention to the hygiene of the dessert shop and the production date, the cake try not to try, if you are really curious, be sure to ask the production date before trying, more than 4 hours is not recommended to eat.

Pakistan's various packaged cookies are very good-looking and delicious, and if you are interested, you can take a package and try it instead.

When buying packaged food in Pakistan, be sure to carefully check the shelf life and whether there is any spoilage visible to the naked eye.

Travel considerations for Pakistan

Long-term residence

  • A strong stomach (essential)
  • Hot pot base (plenty)
  • Star anise, peppercorns, yaozhu, shrimp skin (as appropriate)
  • Dried shiitake mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo, dried kelp and other dried goods (as appropriate)
  • Green vegetable seeds and mushroom packets (if conditions permit)
  • Tempeh, garlic paste, Korean hot sauce, etc. (as appropriate, there is no similar sauce in Pakistan)
  • Kitchen artifacts (garlic utensils, chopsticks, long chopsticks, etc.)
  • Snack a few
  • Various kinds of beans (soybeans, mung beans, red beans, etc.)
  • Red dates, dried cinnamon, white fungus, goji berries, chrysanthemums, green tea, black tea, etc
  • Everything related to baking (except flour, yeast and ovens)
  • Other specialties you like

Pakistan mainly has chicken, beef and mutton, seasonal vegetables such as potatoes and onions and tomatoes, seasonal eggplant, broccoli (white, green), tender peas, radishes, carrots, corn, bitter melon, pumpkin, okra, cucumbers, and various local beans.

Medications are available

Since the dosage of medicine in Pakistan is higher than that in China, it is recommended to bring the following standing medicines from the country.

  • Antidiarrheal drugs
  • Huoxiang zhengqi water (large amount)
  • Cold medicine
  • Painkillers
  • Allergy drugs
  • adhesive bandage
  • Yunnan Baiyao
  • plaster
  • Erythromycin eye ointment
  • Loquat cream (great souvenir)
  • Tampons (not available in Pakistan, tampons are more suitable for hot summer weather than sanitary napkins)
  • Drugs needed for various other chronic diseases
  • Contact lenses and care solution (there are few contact lens care solutions here, there are glasses stores in the Sagittarius mall in Islamabad selling nursing solutions that have seen brands in China, and miscellaneous brands are not recommended. Contact lens purchase is slightly troublesome, it is recommended to buy well in China. Glasses are also not recommended due to communication difficulties)

03 Stay

It is recommended to choose a better hotel or a Chinese-owned homestay, the former is safe and secure, the latter is convenient for asking for directions, exchanging cash and other services, and some homestays also have delicious Chinese food. Before check-in, it is recommended to call in advance to ask if foreigners are accepted.

If you have a Pakistani friend, staying in their home is the best option. Remember to buy rolls and draws before moving in.

Travel considerations for Pakistan

There are very few skincare products for sale in Pakistan, so be prepared with plenty of daily skincare products and sun protection before you travel to Pakistan.

Long-term residence should prepare winter down jackets, sweaters, thick pants, autumn pants, electric blankets, (electric) hot water bottles, thick socks, enough four-season pajamas, cool mats, moisture bags, simple dryers and other daily necessities, which are difficult to find in Pakistan.

04 Lines

Foreigners at some attractions need to apply for a visit permit from the local public security bureau to enter, please check the relevant situation in advance.

Renting a car is highly recommended for travel, Pakistan's public transport system is poor and if there is no car, travel is difficult. If you are not in a hurry, it is not recommended to use a tricycle, and the personal safety of passengers is not guaranteed.

Travel considerations for Pakistan

Do not choose the train for inter-city traffic, the delay here is very serious, it is easy to delay the trip. It is recommended to choose a bus or taxi, Pakistan's highways are more advanced, and bus stops are more common.

In Pakistan, you must fasten your seat belt, there are no traffic lights and zebra crossings in small cities, and you can often see ox carts and donkey carts full of goods, you must pay special attention to pedestrians and cars on the road, and inexperienced drivers should not easily get on the road.

05 Pakistan return souvenir recommended

If you want to buy homecoming gifts locally, it is recommended to find a reliable local to buy together, so that it is less likely to be deceived or slaughtered.

Travel considerations for Pakistan
  • Woolen products (winter only)
  • Ethnic costumes
  • Ethnic shoes
  • Towel scarf
  • Leather products
  • All kinds of cookies
  • Various dried fruits (dried figs, raisins, dried apricots, almonds, etc.)
  • Dairy products (milk powder, butter, etc.)
  • Desserts (most are 7-day shelf life)

06 Small gifts that Pakistanis like

  • pistachio
  • sweets
  • chocolate
  • perfume
  • Cosmetics (makeup)
  • jewelry
  • wristwatch
  • clothes
  • toy
Travel considerations for Pakistan

(Source: Hi Pakistan)

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