
Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

The country has become stronger, the living conditions of the people have become better, the days of starvation are gone, and most people can eat meat and eat well. Moreover, many people have always been on the road to pursuing food, and there is basically no resistance to food, and they eat their stomachs every day. In fact, the things in the world are extremely counterproductive, long-term eating too full, too much, the body will also have problems, such as obesity, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, etc. are very much related to eating too well.

Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

In addition to these diseases, many stomach problems are actually due to eating too much. Some people say that stomach diseases are "propped up", is this true?

We all know that all the food eaten needs to be slowly digested by the stomach, and under normal circumstances, it takes about 4 hours. The more food you eat, the longer it takes to digest it.

If you are in this state for a long time, it will cause damage to the gastric mucosa. At the same time, a large amount of food, super intensity, super long time work, will lead to stomach function is affected, the stomach self-repair ability is weakened, resulting in indigestion, gastritis and other stomach diseases.

Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

Many people think that since eating too much will lead to stomach problems, can a hungry one raise the stomach well?

In fact, many experts are also concerned about this problem, and a large number of experiments have been conducted, and studies have found that controlling the diet can help promote the improvement of inflammation compared with arbitrary eating.

However, this is not the same thing as getting a stomach problem and not eating. If you often starve, not only will the organs of the body get enough nutrition, which is not conducive to good health, but also aggravate the stomach disease. Therefore, it is not good to be hungry for stomach disease. However, we should pay special attention not to eat too much when eating, and the best state is to eat a seven-point full. In this way, not only the stomach is rested, but also the gastric mucosa can be effectively repaired, which is very good for the improvement of stomach disease.

Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

5 points of stomach tips, hope to attract attention:

1, three meals a day to be regular

Irregular diet is also an important cause of gastrointestinal problems, and many gastritis are affected by this. Therefore, we must first ensure the stability of three meals a day, and eat at a relatively fixed time every day.

2. Eat less and eat more

For people with stomach problems, this way of eating can avoid damage to the stomach and intestines due to eating too much, and can avoid malnutrition.

Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

3, to know how to avoid mouth

People with a bad stomach must be restrained in their diet and cannot do whatever they want. Studies have found that foods such as alcohol, glutinous rice, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, and some spicy and greasy foods are not good for the stomach. They can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, inducing or aggravating stomach disease. In addition, some relatively hard foods can also damage the stomach and intestines.

4. Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber

The steamed buns, rice, noodles, etc. we eat are all refined grains. However, long-term eating of refined food is not good for the stomach. We need to eat some grains often, such as corn, soybeans, sweet potatoes, etc. Grains can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, and they are rich in dietary fiber and a large number of trace elements, which can improve the immunity of the stomach.

Some people say that stomach disease is "propped up", is it better to be hungry? Nourish your stomach, please pay attention to these 5 points

5. Reduce the speed of eating

In life, many people have the habit of eating wolf,but eating too fast is relatively large, which is easy to cause indigestion and increase the burden on the stomach. Therefore, we must reduce the speed of eating and chew slowly.

The number of chews is large, and the brain is easy to accept the signal of fullness, and it will not eat. Moreover, chewing slowly can fully grind food, which is conducive to digestion and is very good for gastrointestinal health.

Note: The picture is from the network