
Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

author:Science on the planet

Now everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health, especially in the cigarette box also has the slogan "Smoking is harmful to health", but even if everyone knows the harm of smoking, it is still impossible to resist its temptation, and even some people have become a habit of smoking.

However, when British Tobacco Company sold cigarettes, it declared that smoking was not harmful, let people buy cigarettes in a big way, and used 48 dogs to do an experiment to prove that smoking is not harmful, so is smoking harmful? What are the specific hazards? Let's take a look at The British Tobacco experiment.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

Tobacco experiments on 48 beagles.

Legend has it that the Indians stumbled upon a plant that produced an addictive odor after burning, which was first discovered as tobacco, and later the plant was frequently burned and used and made into cigarettes, which became popular for a while.

But the good times did not last long, after 1920, some researchers found that long-term smokers are prone to disease, many people began to buy less tobacco, and some British tobacco companies in order to reduce the decline in sales, make greater profits, with beagles to do experiments to prove that smoking does not affect the human body Is this:

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

British tobacco manufacturers first purchased 48 beagles, and each dog was equipped with a smoking device, and the amount of smoking devices was 100 cigarettes a day, and at the end of the experiment, the beagles did not seem to have a significant change, so the results of the experiment that smoking was harmless, so the public began to buy tobacco unscrupulously.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

Is smoking really harmless? At that time, a reporter questioned this, and took action to enter the tobacco dealer's laboratory, found that the 48 beagles were locked in a confined space and forced to "smoke" every day, and also cut open the trachea of some dogs directly into the smoke, and the dogs who fainted due to excessive smoking would be awakened by electricity and then smoked, the whole scene was very cruel, and then she published the matter in the newspaper, and people really realized that smoking was harmful to health.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

Smoking is harmful to health.

When you light a cigarette, there will be a burst of smoke, and in this smoke in addition to the familiar nicotine, but also contain carbon monoxide, amines, nitriles and other harmful components to the human body, causing a variety of cancer, according to relevant statistics, every year 80% of lung cancer is caused by long-term smoking, and throat cancer is also smoking male majority.

In addition, smoking harms the brain, leading to a variety of brain diseases, such as stroke, people who often smoke have a stroke probability twice as high as those who do not smoke; smoking harms the stomach, smoking will stimulate the nervous system, accelerate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, lead to loss of appetite, causing chronic esophagitis, chronic gastritis and so on.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

If there is a gastrointestinal disease, it will also make it worse, and when it is serious, it will also cause gastrointestinal tumors, and finally smoking will also endanger the cardiovascular system, because the carbon monoxide produced by smoking will compete with oxygen to combine with hemoglobin, so that the human body is in a state of chronic hypoxia, causing cardiovascular diseases, and smoking will also have a certain impact on the bones, liver, intestines, reproductive system and other parts of the human body.

In addition, there is an important point, not only direct smoking endangers human health, smoking second-hand smoke will also affect human health, that is to say, if your husband often smokes, you will also increase the risk of cancer because of long-term absorption of second-hand smoke.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

"Smoking is harmful" on cigarette packs.

Many people do not understand that cigarette boxes marked "smoking is harmful" Is this not to smash their own signboard? According to the regulations of the World Health Organization, when producing cigarettes in each country, its packaging must have a "smoking harmful" logo, which can use text and pictures, but it must be eye-catching.

And this logo can not be repeated all the time, every three years have to do a replacement, because many smokers only identify a brand, for a long time, the logo is not so concerned, the purpose of replacing the new packaging is to make people can notice "smoking harmful", play a certain role in admonition.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

The law clearly stipulates that if there is no "smoking harmful" logo on the packaging of cigarettes, it is a illegal and criminal item, which will be confiscated and fined.

In fact, behind this "smoking harmful" sign there is a moving story, it is said that the wife of an old American lady often smoked and caused lung cancer to die, she was very sad, thinking that the death of her wife was inseparable from the tobacco factory, and the tobacco factory took the court, because the tobacco factory knew that cigarettes were harmful, but did not indicate on the cigarette box, until 5 years later, the cigarette box was added these words.

Is smoking harmful? British Tobacco experimented with 48 dogs and smoked 100 cigarettes a day for three years

Although it has not played any role, the number of smokers is still so large, but this is the old man to the world to wake up, smoking is really harmful to health.

In short, smoking is harmful to health is an established fact, so it is crucial to quit smoking, not only for yourself, but also for the health of those around you.

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