
In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

author:A brief history of the bureau

Nuclear weapons have always been a sensitive thing, and many countries want to have them, but such weapons are too powerful and harmful, and human beings really should not produce them in large quantities.

Under current international rules, not all states are qualified to possess nuclear weapons, but some have been challenging this bottom line and have succeeded.

In October 1986, the British newspaper The London Times surprised the world with the heavy news that Israel had possessed nuclear weapons.

But Israel is not qualified to possess nuclear weapons, so how did the Jews possess nuclear weapons? Who poked out this secret?

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

01, Israel's madness

To talk about the history of the Jews, there was a time when it was indeed tragic, and in order to put an end to the tragic fate, the Jews have long sought to establish their own state.

After a series of great power games, the Jews established Israel in Palestine in 1948, but this arrangement caused serious problems, leading to 5 Middle East wars, countless conflicts and serious humanitarian disasters.

Because the security situation was so dire, israel began preparing for the manufacture of nuclear weapons in the second year of statehood.

In the words of its founding president, Weizmann, "Nuclear development is the only way to eliminate the disadvantages [of national survival]." ”

Developing nuclear weapons is difficult, and the technology, sources of materials and huge amounts of money are all big problems. But the Jews were so lucky that they encountered three "nobles" to help them solve their troubles.

The only country that had mastered nuclear technology at that time was the United States, and the Soviet Union also had atomic bombs a little later, so in order to monopolize nuclear power, neither country could directly help Israel.

Just when the Israelis were struggling with how to make progress, the French, who were also developing nuclear weapons, came to the door to ask for cooperation, which was Israel's first "nobleman".

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

It turned out that Israel's president, Weizmann, was a well-known chemist, and the institute he founded developed a technology for efficient extraction of uranium, which the French hoped to obtain.

The French were really impatient about developing a nuclear bomb because the U.S. approach made them feel humiliated.

The French army was defeated by mysterious forces in Vietnam, and the request to the United States to nuclearly strike the Vietnamese army was rejected; the United States was asked to share the nuclear technology, and the United States not only refused, but instead provided help to France's old rival Britain.

France had to develop its own nuclear technology, eager to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, and eventually France and Israel reached a cooperation, israel to provide technology to extract uranium.

The impatient French offered something even higher: to help Israel build a heavy-water nuclear reactor and a corresponding reprocessing facility.

The nuclear reactor that the French helped Israel build in the small town of Dimona has a power of 26 megawatts, but Israel has increased the design power of the accompanying cooling system several times for future upgrades.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him


In 1961, the nuclear reactor began to operate, and according to the relevant materials, the final power of the reactor reached 120-150 megawatts.

The reactor's nuclear waste can be used to extract weapons-grade nuclear material, producing up to 60 kilograms of plutonium per year, which can produce 5-12 nuclear warheads, depending on the amount of nuclear charge.

France not only helped build nuclear reactors, but also shared nuclear test data with Israel, which gave Israel a technical reference for building a nuclear bomb, even if it did not carry out a nuclear explosion.

In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel prepared to use a nuclear bomb in a critical situation, which shows how much the French have helped Israel.

Israel's second "nobleman" is South Africa. South Africa's international environment at that time was very dangerous, it was the only developed country in Africa, and its huge political and economic influence was regarded as a thorn in the side of Britain, France, the United States and the Soviet Union.

South Africa itself is not entirely innocent, with blatant apartheid policies and tense relations with its neighbors.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Israeli nuclear reactor

Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union suppressed South Africa in the name of safeguarding human rights, and South Africa used the development of nuclear weapons as a means of breaking through the predicament.

South Africa and Israel, which had a treacherous diplomatic environment, reached a cooperation in 1967, with Israel providing South Africa with the tritium needed to develop nuclear weapons, and South Africa returning 600 tons of natural uranium.

South Africa's abundant uranium ore resources have successfully helped Israel solve the problem of nuclear material sources.

Cooperation between Israel and South Africa did not stop there with material exchange, and the two sides later cooperated in nuclear explosion experiments, such as the completion of atomic bomb explosion simulation experiments at the end of 1976 and the atomic bomb air explosion experiment in September 1979.

We are all familiar with Israel's third "nobleman" – Chiang Kai-shek. Around 1964, the Jews took the initiative to come to the door and made a proposal to Chiang Kai-shek: We will help you develop nuclear weapons.

With the help of the Israeli government, Chiang Kai-shek established the Nuclear Research Institute of the Zhongshan Academy of Sciences to prepare for the development of nuclear bombs and the construction of nuclear reactors.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Uranium ore

Israel showed generosity and later provided Chiang Kai-shek with large quantities of natural uranium taken from South Africa.

Israel will not make a loss-making deal, through this cooperation, from Chiang Kai-shek to obtain a huge amount of funds to feed back its own nuclear research, and borrow Chiang Kai-shek's hand to train the backbone of the second generation of nuclear technology.

With the help of "nobles", Israel finally has nuclear weapons, most of which are carried out in top secret and are poorly known to the outside world.

It was not until an Israeli nuclear expert defected that the world learned of the evil deeds that Israel has been engaged in over the years.

02. The conscience of nuclear experts

Historical suffering is by no means a reason to act recklessly today.

Israel's actions pose a serious threat to world security, and a nuclear expert named Modique Vanunu decided to reveal the truth to the world.

Born in Morocco in 1954, Vanunu immigrated to Israel as a family member in 1963.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Modique Vanunu

At the age of 17, Vanunu joined the army like all Israeli youth and experienced the Yom Kippur War.

After retiring from the army, Vanunu went to Tel Aviv University to study physics, but his academic performance was not outstanding, and he failed two major courses in one semester.

He felt that he was not suitable for college, and he had no face to face his teachers and classmates, so he voluntarily dropped out of school.

After two years of wandering in society, in 1976 Vanunu was recruited as a junior technician at the Naharasolek Laboratory.

The NahaleSolek Laboratory, located at Israel's Dimona nuclear base, is tasked with researching nuclear warheads and detonators, near a reprocessing plant for the extraction of plutonium from reactor nuclear waste.

Vanunu attended a series of physics, chemistry and mathematics training in the laboratory, and unlike his performance in college, his grades were outstanding, and he was praised by his superiors and promoted to laboratory duty manager the following year.

Of the 2,700 employees at the base, only about 150 were allowed into the reprocessing workshop, and Vanunu was one of them.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Vanunu became very studious, began to participate in academic education after work, and later obtained a bachelor's degree in 1985, getting rid of his status as a scumbag.

During his degree studies, Vanunu came into contact with many books and met many classmates, and gradually became dissatisfied with Israeli policies.

Vanunu often made statements against Israel, such as opposing Israel's military invasion of Lebanon and opposing discriminatory policies against Arabs in the country.

Vanunu is not alone, and once set up a "campus" organization with 4 other Jewish students and 5 Arab Israelis to demand that the Israeli government provide equal rights to Arab Israelis.

Because of Vanunu's remarks, the lab leaders intended to put small shoes on him, and in 1985, the lab leaders fired him on the grounds that the government had reduced investment and the lab needed to lay off employees.

The trade union group had intervened to help Vanunu save his job, but was again expelled for his public pro-Palestinian statehood.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

This time, before leaving his job, he sneaked into the laboratory and secretly took 57 photos.

The unemployed Vanunu was dissatisfied with the current situation at home, and in 1986 he chose to go abroad, worked as a taxi driver in Sydney, Australia, converted to Christianity, and lived a peaceful life away from everything Jewish.

There are always a bunch of people in the world who are not afraid of big things and vow to expose all the darkness, and Vanunu met such a person during his work: The Colombian freelance journalist Oscar Guerrero.

Guerrero learned during the chat that Vanunu had served on Israel's nuclear agency and encouraged him to betray the secret, saying the 57 photos were enough to sell for $1 million.

Despite dissatisfaction with Israel's policies, it was illegal to divulge defense secrets, but after some struggle, Vanunu decided to sell the photos after some struggle.

With Guerrero's help, Vanunu came to England and handed the photograph to the Times.

However, the Times was cautious and worried about making fake news, so it invited a large number of British and American experts to verify the information and sent someone to Vanunu's residence to inquire about the situation in person.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Photographs taken by Vanunnu (partial)

After a lengthy investigation, experts determined that Vanunu's information was true, and the Times made a blockbuster report. While preparing to pay Vanunu, the Times was surprised to find that Vanunu was missing.

While the Times carefully verified Vanunu's information, Vanunu was ready to sell the information to another newspaper, the Sunday Mirror.

It is not that Vanunu is greedy for money, but that before coming to Britain, there were large American media that rejected Vanunu's information.

Seeing the Times's hesitant attitude and sending someone to check his identity, Vanunu felt that he was in the same boat as the American media, and in anger, he was ready to contact another buyer.

What Vanunu did not expect was that the owner of the Sunday Mirror had a close relationship with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, and the boss directly reported Vanunu.

The Times also did not expect that its actions would harm Vanunu, and the staff went to Vanunu several times to find out about the situation, resulting in vanunu's residence being exposed.

Soon, a wave of doom loomed toward Vanunu.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

03. Mossad's revenge

Upon learning of Vanunu's betrayal of classified intelligence, the Israeli government was furious and ordered elite agents to arrest them across borders. But fearing damage to Israel's relations with Britain, the Mossad was in no hurry to take action in Britain.

The Mossad psychologists analyzed Vanunu's psychological condition, believing that Vanunu was alone overseas, no one around him was very lonely, leaked state secrets and felt guilty, and must need a woman to comfort his wounded heart.

The filthy Mossad believes that women's gender is a wealth in itself, and its former director, Amit, once said: "Women have some advantages that men do not have, and modern intelligence history is full of stories of female spies using gender advantages to make great contributions to their country." ”

The Mossad decided to use the Beauty Scheme to lure Vanunu out of England and then arrest him soon after, and a female agent named Lil Hanin was given a seduction mission.

Born in the United States, Hanin is 6 years younger than Vanunu, and she became an Israeli citizen at the age of 18, coincidentally her husband and Vanunu's age.

After being recruited by the Mossad, Hanin often operated as the wife or girlfriend of other spies, and this time it was not difficult for her to implement the beauty plan.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

On September 24, 1986, Hanin, under the pseudonym Cindy, appeared in Leicester Square in London and "happened to meet" Vanunu, who was distracted.

Hanin dressed himself up and looked at Vanunu affectionately. Vanunu could not imagine that such a beautiful woman could not reject herself as a middle-aged bald man, and he came forward to talk to him when he was lonely.

During the chat, Vanunu was surprised to find that the beautiful woman in front of her had the same artistic hobbies as herself, and her conversation and demeanor were charming, and most importantly, she hated Israel.

Hanin's dress, personality, and behavior are all specially designed for Vanunu's preferences. Vanunu did not know whether it was false or not, only thought that he had found true love and the goddess of dreams, and frequently dated Hanin.

When the editors of the Times discovered that Vanunu was in love with a woman of unknown origin, they reminded him that your identity is sensitive and that what you are doing is of great importance, and that the woman in front of you may be a Mossad spy.

Hanin was unmoved by the editor's reminder and insisted on dating Hanin. It took Hanin only 5 days to make Vanunu fall in love and unable to extricate himself, and when the time was ripe, Hanin began the next step.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Since the Times had been verifying Vanunu's information, the Sunday Mirror took the opportunity to publish an article accusing Vanunu of being a liar, and Hanin told Vanunu that she was preparing to leave Britain, three things that frustrated the nervous Vanunu.

Hanin took the opportunity to be both soft and hard, saying that Vanunu had no hope of staying in Britain, and it was better to accompany her abroad, and that the two could live together as long as he wanted.

Then Hanin threatened again: If you don't follow me, you won't want to see me again.

Vanunu eventually decided to accompany Hanin out of England, and on September 30 the two arrived in Rome, Italy, to Hanin's so-called sister's house.

Vanunu had just entered his "sister's" house when he was knocked to the ground by a Mossad agent who had been waiting for a long time, and was immediately injected with sedatives and passed out.

Vanunu was then taken to the sea in an ambulance, where a yacht took him to an Israeli spy ship on the high seas.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

On October 5, the British newspaper Times finally published a message from Vanunu that Israel's crimes had been exposed; on October 6, Vanunu arrived at the Israeli port of Haifa to prepare for trial.

Vanunu's behavior is enough to be sentenced to death, but what Israel has done has caused an uproar in world public opinion, and up to 20 well-known experts and scholars have voluntarily defended Vanunu, and Israel has been greatly pressured.

The trial and trial of Vanunu lasted 18 months, and in March 1988, Israeli courts found Vanunu guilty of treason and espionage, which should have been sentenced to death but a light sentence of 18 years in prison.

In 2004, Vanunu was released from prison, but life after his release was not good — not just a matter of difficulty adapting to society, but israel imposed severe restrictions on him.

While the Israeli government has imposed strict surveillance on Vanunu's prohibition of leaving the country, of foreign embassies, of unauthorized access to the Internet, of foreigners and journalists, and of him, Vanunu says he will not yield, apologize, repent, or pretend to be deaf and dumb.

In November 2004, the Israeli government took Vanunu back to prison for contacting British journalists online, was arrested in December 2009 for chatting with a Norwegian woman, and sentenced him to three months in prison in 2010 for contact with foreigners.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Vanunu was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, but Perez, the father of the Israeli nuclear bomb, was also the winner of the prize, and Vanunu felt too ironic and refused the nomination.

Vanunu paid a heavy price for his actions, but Israel did not seem to have suffered much except being scolded by the media and scientists for a few days, and the media coverage was not so much, and the first thing that came to mind when it came to the nuclear issue was North Korea and Iran.

04, doomed to futile acts of righteousness

Israel has been pursuing a policy of nuclear obfuscation, neither affirming nor denying that it has nuclear weapons, but according to Vanunu's information, Israel has long been the world's sixth nuclear power.

Why have the world powers failed to prevent Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons? Why, in particular, would the United States, which has been jumping at the nuclear capabilities of Iran and North Korea for so many years, turn a blind eye to Israel's actions?

Instead of turning a blind eye, the United States remained ambivalent about Israel's behavior, and even intended to help, as early as 1960, when France first cooperated with Israel, the United States had already received intelligence.

At that time, the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of the United States photographed the Dimona nuclear base, and President Eisenhower asked Israeli Prime Minister Gurion to give an explanation, and Gurion embarrassed to say that it was a factory that produced polyester textiles.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

Of course, Eisenhower would not believe this nonsense, but although the United States was unwilling to help Israel acquire nuclear weapons technology, considering the need for Israel to balance the Arab countries, Eisenhower chose to turn a blind eye.

Israel did not have the ability to throw a nuclear bomb to the United States, but it was only 500 kilometers from the soviet union, and the United States could tolerate rape, and the Soviet Union believed that it could not sit idly by.

In 1967, Egypt obtained a complete photo of the Dimona base confirming that Israel was about to possess nuclear weapons, and the Soviet Union supported Egypt and other countries in attacking Israel's nuclear facilities.

At this time, the United States once again stood up to support Israel, threatening that if the Soviet Union dared to move Israel, the United States would not hesitate to break out a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union hesitated to do so, but Israel began to preemptively attack the air bases of Egypt, Syria and other countries.

The Soviet Union saw that the situation was not good, and sent nuclear submarines to pose a posture to attack the Dimona base, while the United States sent the 6th Fleet to stop the Soviet submarines.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him


Soviet submarines never dared to fire, Egypt and other countries suffered heavy losses under Israel's blows, and after this incident, no one could stop Israel anymore.

However, the United States has done more than that for Israel, and in 1977 the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission found that the president of a nuclear plant had secretly sold Israel 330 kilograms of weapons-grade enriched uranium.

Then-US President Carter went so far as to accept National Security Adviser Uzzezinski's advice: More is better than less.

In 2010, the International Atomic Energy Agency adopted a resolution calling on Israel to accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; in 2012, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by an absolute majority calling for Israel's accession to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the United States voted against it twice.

The reason why Israel does not accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is to prevent the International Atomic Energy Agency from entering Israel.

The reactor that France aided in that year has been seriously aged, the International Atomic Energy Agency has not been able to enter the investigation, Israel has not taken the initiative to disclose the situation, and the outside world has never been able to know the local nuclear pollution situation.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him


Now Israel is also planning to extend the life of the reactor until 2043, which is terrible to think.

Bolton, former U.S. President Donald Trump's national security adviser, once said with great shame: "We tolerate Israel's development of nuclear weapons, just as we tolerate Britain, because Israel is not a threat." ”

The connivance of the United States has made Israel more and more unscrupulous in the Middle East.

The 1981 attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor killed hundreds of casualties, including Pierre Renan, a French engineer who aided the construction of the Israeli nuclear reactor.

Today, Iraq's nuclear reactors are in ruins, and no one in the locals knows what to do with the bombed nuclear reactors, so they can only allow radioactive materials to leak and poison to this day.

Before going to Britain, Vanunu contacted the United States to report on Israel's nuclear program, and the American media replied that they were not interested in the matter, combined with the attitude of the US government, perhaps it was not that the media was not interested, but that they could not be interested.

In 1986, Israeli nuclear experts attempted to leak secrets, and the "Mossad" female spy cross-country trapped him

The only comfort is that the United States has decided in its own interests who to support to develop nuclear technology, and has only indulged two countries, Israel and India.

After years of tireless efforts by the great powers, South Africa was able to end apartheid and put Mandela on the throne of The President of South Africa, and in 1991, South Africa announced its abandonment of nuclear weapons.

For the sake of world peace, the world does not need so many nuclear weapons, nor does it need so many countries to have nuclear weapons.


1. "The Fog and Dust That Erased Israel's Nuclear Weapons (Part 1 and Part 2)"; Lei Yan; Tank Armored Vehicles: New Military, No. 4 and 5, 2021

2. "Vanunu's Deadly Mistress - Mossad Spy Haning"; Zhang Yanming, He Ling; Global Military, No. 4, 2005

3. "'Nuclear Leaker' Vanunu Released Again Mossad sent female agents to set up a "beauty plan" to kidnap her"; Chen Keqin; Guangming Daily, August 15, 2010

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