
The "water turtle" that can be seen everywhere in the countryside is as high as 400 yuan a catty, which has become a delicacy on the table

author:It is better to go with the wind

The insects that can be seen everywhere in the water ditch swamp are as high as 400 yuan a catty in the Guangzhou area, it is the "water old turtle", the original name is dragon lice, which looks like a cockroach, so it is hated by people in many rural places.

Due to different places, the names of different places will be different, some places are called Zelao, there are also black shell worms, there are also people called water turtles, there are also people called pee-shooting turtles, and there are also people called jellyfish. It mainly survives in rural ponds, ditches, swamps and other places, don't look at it small, but it eats something, so the survivability is particularly strong.

The "water turtle" that can be seen everywhere in the countryside is as high as 400 yuan a catty, which has become a delicacy on the table

Its price in Guangdong is as high as 400 yuan a catty, is it really because it is delicious?

Actually, it's not just that. Dragon lice has the effect of kidney aphrodisiac, beauty whitening, anti-aging and anti-aging, etc., and is suitable for nephritis, premature ejaculation, nocturia in the elderly, children's chancre, prostatic hypertrophy and other diseases.

The "water turtle" that can be seen everywhere in the countryside is as high as 400 yuan a catty, which has become a delicacy on the table

Dragon lice

Drinking wine with dragon lice can also treat waist sore legs and soft legs, help prevent and treat high blood pressure, obesity, dragon lice in the protein content is relatively high, but also has a variety of fatty acids, mainly unsaturated fatty acids, but also contains a variety of trace elements, help to supplement the nutrition needed by the human body. Usually, after some weak people apply dragon lice, it helps to enhance the body's adaptability to exercise loads and can play a certain anti-fatigue function.

The "water turtle" that can be seen everywhere in the countryside is as high as 400 yuan a catty, which has become a delicacy on the table

Dragon lice under the microscope

Dragon lice is precisely because it has a good effect on the human body, so it has become a delicacy on the table, so how to make dragon lice delicious?

1. Steamed dragon lice

Soak the bought dragon lice in boiling water for about half an hour, then add oil and salt to allow the dragon lice to taste, and then steam together in the staple food.

2. Lean broth of dragon lice

The main method is to burn the dragon lice with boiling water, wash the lean pork, put all the ingredients into the pot, and then add the red dates, and cook the soup for 2 hours to eat.

3. Dragon lice bubble wine

The dragon lice bought back are boiled in boiling water, dried, crushed, put into a bottle, poured into white wine, covered, boiled on the fire for 1 hour, removed from the cold, sealed, opened after 21 days, filtered and removed from the slag can be eaten.

4. Fried dragon lice

This is relatively simple, the bought dragon lice are handled well, directly fried on the line, with condiments, a beautiful plate of wine dishes.

The "water turtle" that can be seen everywhere in the countryside is as high as 400 yuan a catty, which has become a delicacy on the table

Fried dragon lice

5. Skewered dragon lice

Leave the bought dragon lice in clean water overnight, then fish them up, salt them for half an hour, then put them in the water to wash them, skewer them with wooden skewers and grill them on the fire.

So are there any side effects of dragon lice?

Dragon lice as a medicinal material, must not be eaten in large quantities, occasionally can be eaten, if there is nausea, stomach discomfort, vomiting, headache, irritability and other adverse reactions after taking should be stopped.

Although the nutritional value of dragon lice is very high, but still dare not eat, friends have eaten dragon lice?

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