
The source of the new crown has not yet been found, and the US military has been exposed to the transformation of insects! Biological warfare is approaching the globe?


So far, the coronavirus has been raging around the world for more than two years. But where exactly does the coronavirus come from? There is no clear conclusion on this issue. In this context, the US military was recently exposed to carry out the "Insect Alliance" biological transformation program, which triggered concerns about whether the United States would use this to develop biological weapons.

The source of the new crown has not yet been found, and the US military has been exposed to the transformation of insects! Biological warfare is approaching the globe?

According to the Global Network, the official website of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a scientific research agency under the U.S. Department of Defense, lists a biomodeling program called the "Insect Alliance." The program claims to be seeking scalable, easily deployable and scalable countermeasures to address natural and bioengineered factors that pose a potential threat to the U.S. food supply.

The source of the new crown has not yet been found, and the US military has been exposed to the transformation of insects! Biological warfare is approaching the globe?

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency envisions that insects can be used to cope with crop losses in emergencies. For example, in the event of a drought, natural disease, or a surprise attack by biological weapons, major U.S. crops such as corn or wheat can carry genetically engineered viruses for rapid deployment, which can be genetically modified over a single growing season to quickly protect crops.

The current plan envisages three species of insects that are good at spreading diseases as "allies", namely aphids, leafhoppers and whitefly. Because in nature, these three types of insects often transmit viruses between plants.

The source of the new crown has not yet been found, and the US military has been exposed to the transformation of insects! Biological warfare is approaching the globe?

Although the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is silent about the military uses of the Insect Alliance, in the eyes of military experts, this agricultural project led by the U.S. Defense Research Agency is undoubtedly a biological weapon. Military expert Song Zhongping said in an interview that the "Insect Alliance" is a typical form of biological weapons, using insects to carry a certain virus to achieve the transformation of plant genes, the purpose is to reduce crop production in the target countries, artificially create food crises in these countries, and then lose independence in the field of food, and rely on U.S. food exports, including genetically modified food, which is part of biological warfare.

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