
It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

author:GP online

It is not an exaggeration to describe hot weather in this way, holding a boiler and steaming in a sauna. Staying in a high temperature environment not only bears the embarrassment of sweating, but also produces irritability, but also increases the risk of disease, so it should be done to cool down.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

What diseases can be caused by hot weather?

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

High temperatures can cause abnormal excitement of the sympathetic nervous system, increase the rate of heartbeat, and in severe cases, induce acute myocardial infarction or stroke. In addition, sweating more will cause a large loss of water in the body, potassium ions and sodium ions and other electrolytes will also follow the loss of sweat, easy to cause arrhythmias and cerebral thrombosis.

2. Digestive system diseases

High temperature and sweltering weather can reduce the secretion of jin fluid, the spleen and stomach digestive function is reduced, prone to vomiting and diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

3. Gynecological diseases

The high temperature and humid environment is suitable for mold growth and reproduction, and failure to pay attention to personal hygiene can easily induce fungal dermatitis or vaginitis.

4. Respiratory diseases

High temperature and humidity, coupled with the lack of air circulation, easy to breed germs, induce respiratory infectious diseases, common tonsillitis and colds, but also easy to induce allergic rhinitis.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

Who is susceptible to stuffiness?

1, sweat less people

Congenital sweat glands are underdeveloped, long-term use of drugs that inhibit perspiration, etc., can affect the body's heat dissipation function, increase the basal body temperature, and lead to heat stroke.

2. Heart disease patients

In summer, the air humidity is relatively high, but the oxygen content is very low, which is easy to cause hypoxia in the body. Indoor and outdoor temperature difference is relatively large, prompting vasoconstriction or relaxation, blood pressure fluctuations are large, easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially hypertension and coronary heart disease patients should be cautious.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

3. The elderly

After aging, the circulatory function is reduced, the sweat glands of the whole body are atrophied, the heat dissipation ability is weakened, and the lack of water in the body is prone to dehydration.

4. Overweight or obese people

Overweight or obese people have thick subcutaneous fat, which is not easy to dissipate heat, and is easy to induce skin diseases and heat stroke.

5, always stay up late

Good cardiopulmonary function is the premise of unimpeded perspiration, to ensure that the heart's ability to pump blood is sufficient, in order to normal perspiration. Frequent staying up late or not getting enough sleep can reduce cardiopulmonary function, which can weaken the ability to sweat.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

6. Poor lung function

High humidity and low temperatures can affect lung function, induce or aggravate asthma and COPD.

7. People with high pressure and short temper

Persistently being in a hot and sweltering environment can affect the emotional regulation center of the hypothalamus, causing palpitations and chest tightness.

8. Those who drink less water

Insufficient drinking water can affect the body's sweating and heat dissipation, which is easy to cause heat stroke. However, it is worth reminding that when it is too hot, you cannot drink iced drinks, otherwise it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and vasoconstriction, inducing cardiovascular disease or gastrointestinal diseases. It is also not possible to drink a large amount of water suddenly, which is not conducive to the absorption of the body, but causes heat stroke and increases the burden on the heart and kidneys.

It's hot and rainy again, and these people should be vigilant! These 4 diseases are the most popular to find stubble

A message from the family doctor

In summer, you should remind yourself to drink more water, drink about 200 to 300 ml every half an hour; if you sweat more, you may wish to drink light salt water or functional drinks to prevent electrolyte disorders. Ensure enough sleep, sleep enough for 7 to 8 hours a day, have a 30-minute lunch break at noon, and do not be greedy when sleeping. Adjust your diet and eat foods that have the effect of cooling off the heat, such as cucumbers, red beans, purslane and mung beans, etc., and stay away from spicy and greasy foods. Correct use of air conditioning or fan, air conditioning temperature should not be lower than 26 ° C, avoid air conditioning or fan direct blowing body.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction