
Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

author:Dr. Xin talks about health

Water is the source of life, is the origin of all things in the world, about 60% to 70% of the human body is composed of water, drinking water can promote the flow of blood throughout the body, timely discharge of toxins and garbage accumulated in blood vessels to maintain good health, improve the body's metabolic capacity. #爱乐养生 #

Medical experts have found that people can insist on not eating for three days, but can not insist on three days without drinking water, in the extremely dry and hot state of the weather, even a day can not be insisted, whether it is humans or animals, plants, are inseparable from the provision of water, only to ensure a steady stream of water knowledge can flourish on the earth.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

With the growth of age, the body water content gradually decreased, now is a national health era, many people in order to achieve the purpose of health care, have a good habit of drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning, drinking a cup of warm water after getting up can improve the awakening of the brain, laxative, instantly feel sleepy, improve the efficiency of work and study, but also some people think that drinking warm water after getting up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria, is this statement correct? Listen to the doctor's answer.


Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

I believe that most people have greater doubts about drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria, the reason why some people think so is because most people feel that not brushing their teeth after getting up in the morning, drinking water immediately, will introduce a large number of bacteria and viruses directly into the mouth, a large number of bacteria bacteria into the stomach and intestines, will increase the burden of the gastrointestinal tract, but also induce gastrointestinal diseases.

Experts have done a number of studies on this idea, and they have found that this idea is completely redundant.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

After years of visiting and research, experts have found that although each person's physique is different, gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion ability is different, each person's stomach has more digestive enzymes, this special digestive enzyme substance can effectively remove bacteria and viruses produced by the body, and the human intestine has a self-cleaning function.

That is to say, if it is the bacteria and viruses produced in the mouth into the stomach and intestines, the gastrointestinal tract is fully capable of killing them all, so the statement that drinking water immediately after not brushing your teeth in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria, it is completely a rumor, if you feel that you do not brush your teeth after getting up in the morning, immediately drink water After the oral odor is serious, it is recommended that you can rinse your mouth in advance or brush your teeth first and drink water, which will not have much impact on health, and the specific situation can be selected according to your own living habits.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth


What benefits does drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning bring to the body?

1. Replenish water

After getting up in the morning, the biggest benefit of drinking a cup of warm water is to supplement water, promote the flow of blood throughout the body, after a night's sleep, the water in the body is consumed in large quantities, the body is in a state of extreme lack of water in the morning, the blood circulation function will therefore become slower, at this time drinking water can accelerate blood flow, prevent blood clots and blood clotting problems, and effectively improve the discomfort symptoms caused by lack of water in the body.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

2. Laxative

Drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning can accelerate the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, moisturize the intestine, accelerate the discharge of waste waste, and effectively improve the problem of constipation.

3. Refresh your mind

After getting up in the morning, most people are in a very sleepy state, the organs and tissues of the body have not yet fully awakened, at this time drinking a cup of warm water can instantly awaken the normal function of the organs in the body, refresh the mind, drive away the sleepiness, improve the efficiency of work and study.

4. Promote the excretion of urine

The process of body urination is also the process of body detoxification, the human body takes about 35 to 45 minutes of time each time to drink water, will be through the glomerular filtration and renal sac reabsorption, the blood in the water, inorganic salts, glucose, protein and other substances into the original urine, with the ureter into the bladder, when the bladder is stored to a certain amount, it can stimulate the brain to produce urination signals, promote the discharge of urine.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

Drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning can accelerate the process of kidney production of urine, flush the urethra to promote urine discharge, and effectively prevent urinary tract inflammation and urethral toxin garbage accumulation.

5. Lose weight and lose weight

Weight loss as a very popular hot topic at present, under the influence of today's era of thinness for beauty, more and more people join the ranks of weight loss and slimming, drink more than a cup of warm water, can effectively improve the body's basal metabolic rate, accelerate the burning and consumption of fat for the body to add water, to achieve the effect of weight loss and weight loss.

Friends who are in the weight loss period must develop a good habit of drinking more water, at least 1500 to 2000 ml of water per day, try to drink boiled water and light tea when drinking water, drink less sugary drinks, stick to it, you will find that your weight will slowly decrease.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth


What water can I not drink after waking up in the morning?

1. Do not drink cold water

After a night of metabolic detoxification, the internal organs are in a very weak state, the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis will become weaker, the physical fitness of the people who get up in the morning is poor, and the organs have not officially entered the normal operation state.

Drinking water will have a greater impact on various organs of the body, and will also lead to gastrointestinal spasms, so that a large amount of cold moisture invades, the body increases the burden and pressure of the stomach and intestines, and there will also be symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea, affecting health and increasing the chance of women's dysmenorrhea.

It is recommended that you drink water after getting up in the morning, try to take warm boiled water as much as possible, and the temperature control is closer to 38 ~ 45 ° C and the surface temperature of the human body.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

2. Do not drink drinks with high sugar content

Try not to drink high sugary drinks, such as cola, milk tea, Sprite, etc., drinking a lot of sugar in the morning is easy to increase the blood sugar concentration after the meal, affecting the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion to reduce the ability to metabolism for a day, increase the rate of body obesity, is not conducive to fat burning and consumption.

3. Do not drink light salt water

When did the Internet start circulating about drinking a glass of light salt water in the morning to lose weight and lose weight, in fact, such a view is completely wrong.

After getting up in the morning, people's body is very fragile, at this time immediately drink a cup of light salt water will increase the burden on the body, light salt water contains more sodium ions, a large amount of drinking will inhibit the production of potassium ions in the body to increase blood pressure, drinking light salt water in the morning seriously affects physical health, will also increase the chance of cardiovascular disease after the birth, for health it is best to change this bad habit.

Is drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

4. Strong tea

As one of the world's three major functional drinks, tea is the birthplace of tea culture, and drinking tea has been included in the way of health care.

Drinking more tea can improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the burning and consumption of fat, tea contains catechins, tea polyphenols and other nutrients can also moisturize blood vessels, health promote blood flow, improve blood stasis problems, although drinking tea has many benefits for physical health, but it is not recommended to drink tea in the morning.

Drinking too much tea after waking up in the morning will excite the brain nerves and put the body in a state of extreme exhaustion, and will also affect the health of the intestines.