
Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

author:Xuan Dad Parenting Sutra

This article is original by Xuan Pa Parenting, all rights reserved, infringement must be investigated

After becoming a parent, many people have deeply experienced what the generation gap is in their relationship with their children.

Whether it is aesthetic or ideological concepts, there are huge differences between today's children and children in the past, take sex education, most of the past primary school students are still in a very ignorant state of having children, but now children have been able to very clearly say the difference between vaginal delivery and caesarean section.

Of course, the popularity of sex education is a good thing for children, but in addition, the precocious puberty shown by many children today will also cause parents a lot of headaches.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

On the Internet, some people use a comparison chart to show how the current children are different from the children of the past, and many netizens call out the truth after reading it.

Now the 8-year-old child vs the past 8-year-old child, netizens draw a comparison chart, do you think it is real?

In the eyes of many parents, 8 years old is a very young age, 8-year-old children are naughty and naughty, and parents look very unconscious.

But nowadays, many 8-year-old girls have shown maturity beyond the imagination of their parents, they are no longer obsessed with dolls and plush toys, but began to chase all kinds of trendy and popular things.

In terms of dress, some 8-year-old girls are also very assertive, they know what is the most fashionable hairstyle, and they also know which clothes are more body-catching.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

In contrast, many adults are much more childish at the age of 8.

In the past, when the Internet was not so developed, most of the games between children still stayed at home, hide-and-seek and jumping bands.

Taking the family as an example, the most heated topic of discussion is who is the father and who is the mother, and even some people rush to be the son...

At the same age, due to the different times, the children's ideas are also very different.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

Junior high school is the beginning of students' adolescence, and during these three years, many people have completed the transition from children to adolescents.

With the increase of age, the aesthetics of junior high school students have gradually improved, they are young and energetic, chasing fashion, whether boys or girls, are very eager for trendy dress.

During the holidays, junior high school students can't wait to change into beautiful clothes, put on some light makeup, buy milk tea in groups of three or two, and visit the mall.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

But in the junior high school period after 8090, youth is a completely different picture.

Boys are still like in elementary school, they love to chase and fight in the class, one will be caught by the class teacher if they are not careful, they rarely care about the image, when a boy has a new hairstyle, they may be quietly discussed by girls for several days.

Girls are more beautiful, but at most they toss bangs, in that era when ideological concepts are still somewhat conservative, everyone rarely wears makeup even if they go out of school.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

Regarding the changes in children in different eras, these two contrasting pictures also make many netizens call the truth.

Some people believe that with the development of the times, today's children will be much more mature mentally than previous children, which is the embodiment of social progress.

Some people also think that today's children have lost the innocence that should have been at this age due to over-maturity, and precocious puberty is also prone to cause various growth problems.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

It is undeniable that due to the development of the Internet, there are now more and more channels for children to contact social information, and their thinking is easily affected by various information.

From a physiological point of view, most of today's children are not short of nutrition, and their physical development is much faster than that of previous children, so whether it is physical or psychological, the growth of children will enter a rapid development track.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

In fact, parents of their children's "precocious puberty" do not have to worry too much, as long as the child's behavior does not violate the principle and knows how to protect themselves, then their "precocious puberty" can be regarded as a necessary stage of development in the process of growth.

Of course, if some of the child's behavior violates the family rules and school rules, or seriously affects the academic performance, parents need to intervene in time to understand the reasons behind the child's behavior through in-depth communication and actively guide.

Today's 8-year-olds vs past 8-year-olds, a comparison chart amuses netizens: too real

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I am Xiaoxuan's father, actively learning to take a baby "daughter slave", sharing the thoughts and feelings of the parenting process every day, if you like my articles, please pay attention to, forward, comment, your like is the biggest motivation for my writing!

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