
What kind of existence is the Roy case, a bill that has affected the United States for 50 years?

author:Ancient and modern say ancient and modern

If a country may affect the trend of a country because of the judgment of a case, do you believe it?

If this country is still a beautiful country, are you even more unbelieving?

What kind of existence is the Roy case, a bill that has affected the United States for 50 years?

Don't believe it, this case really exists and is very likely to be retried, it is the 1973 "Roy case", which affected a generation of beautiful countries and became the enforcement template for the case law of feminist abortion cases in beautiful countries, but this case that has been conclusively decided is very likely to be retried and will re-affect the case law judgments of beautiful countries.

Today, ancient and modern, I will tell you about the "Roy case" that is destined to have a lot of attention in the history of beautiful countries.

What kind of existence is the Roy case, a bill that has affected the United States for 50 years?

Simply put, the Roy case was a 1973 case in which a mother of three in a beautiful country sued a state court for abortion because she could not support too many children.

At that time, the beautiful country law forbade women to have abortions, and abortion was a crime, so no hospital was willing to serve Roy in the case of breaking the law, and Roy, who had nowhere to go, joined forces with other people who were also suffering to take the Texas court criminal judge to court and request that abortion be legalized.

In 1973, the Supreme Court of the Pretty Nation voted 6-3 in favor of Roy's claims, finding that Texas penal code excessively restricted women's right to free choice, violated the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, the protection of individual liberty by due process clauses, classified the right to abortion to the category of privacy, and set aside the determination of the right to fetal life.

After the case, there has been a constant debate in the judiciary and politics of the beautiful country over whether abortion is allowed.

Xiaobian is not a professional legal person, and can only roughly analyze the judgment of the Roy case at the legal level, please point out if there is something wrong.

What kind of existence is the Roy case, a bill that has affected the United States for 50 years?

In the Roy case, the Supreme Court classified the right to abortion into the right to personal privacy, and as we all know, the beautiful country can be described as perverted in its own so-called "personal privacy" protection, as long as it involves personal privacy in the beautiful country, many things cannot be interfered with.

Of course, the premise is that only in the case of the beautiful country itself, the beautiful country will mention the "right to privacy", in foreign countries, the beautiful country's interpretation of the right to privacy is different, such as the white building installed on the roof of major embassies abroad, but also understand, after all, the beautiful country is "internationally renowned double standard".

What kind of existence is the Roy case, a bill that has affected the United States for 50 years?

Let's not talk about this today, and then open an article to talk about the "well-known double standard" of the beautiful country.

Speaking of roe, in the Roy case, the Supreme Court classified the "right to abortion" into personal privacy, resulting in the legal level can not arbitrarily interfere with the "right to abortion".

There is no shortage of cases in beautiful countries that use privacy to expand legal jurisdiction, of which the Roy case is the most well-known case, in addition to the 1965 Case of Grossward v. Connecticut, which used whether or not to use contraception is within the scope of personal privacy, overturning the previous state court decision prohibiting married women from using contraception, and since then the beautiful countrymen have been able to use contraception according to their own wishes without being punished.

Since then, the Supreme Court of the Beautiful Country seems to have opened up the second vein of ren dou, and used the right to personal privacy to extend the law to single adult women and women under the age of 16, until the judgment of the "Roy case".

The protection of the privacy rights of beautiful countries not only involves private life, but also closely related to the morality and ethics of the whole society, and the protection of individual rights is not absolute, but comes from the actual needs of the government, and has compromise and compromise in practical application.

The "Roy case" and similar cases that occurred at the same time are all efforts or compromises made by beautiful countries to solve the rights of women in the country.

It is rumored that the Supreme Court of the Beautiful Country will retry the "Roy case", which is likely to be a compromise and compromise in some aspect, and we will wait and see how the specific situation is.

Well, about the "Roy case" today ancient and modern here, if you like, welcome to like, follow and leave a message, we will see you in the next program.

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