
Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

author:Danbao Star
Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

With the increasing number of cultural exchanges between countries, people have shown a strong interest in civilizations other than their own countries, the continent is vast, there are more than a dozen countries bordering the mainland alone, but I don't know if you have found that the name of the neighboring country in the west of our country is very interesting.

These countries are basically named after what Stan, so what exactly does this "Stan" mean? These countries named after Stan are basically concentrated near the mainland, is it a regional problem? And it is said that China is also called Stan, so what does it mean to be a Chinese Stan? Today we will talk in detail.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

The territory of the mainland during the ancient Chinese period

China has a cultural history of more than 5,000 years, starting from the Xia Dynasty, the territory of the mainland is constantly changing, until the territory of the new China continent was finally established, but in these five thousand years of historical evolution, the most important place for the emperors of the past generations to abandon is the western part of the mainland.

When it comes to the western region, the first thing that comes to mind is Xinjiang, Tibet, and other regions, so why do these people collectively have such a fondness for the western region? This brings us to the issue of resources.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

As we all know, the western region is vast, sparsely populated, has rich natural resources, and there are many famous mountains and rivers, such a geographical location is unique, if you take this opportunity to develop the country's indicators will bring huge benefits to the country.

For example, the fruits of the western region have always been recognized by everyone, because the temperature difference between day and night is very large, so the melon fruit that absorbs a lot of calories during the day will release a lot of sugar after encountering the low temperature at night, so that the melon fruit has become a tempting delicacy.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

The capital of the mainland is in the Central Plains, where it is not so easy to eat such delicious fruits, so the western region is more critical, in addition, the western region is very large, and the water and grass are abundant, suitable for breeding cattle and sheep and other livestock.

These livestock can provide a lot of fat and protein, for human body development and strength has a great use, because in ancient times people's diet is relatively single, and the requirements for this inside the palace are relatively high, so the tribute in the western region has become one of the few high-quality raw materials.

In addition, due to the large ups and downs of the terrain in the western region, it can be well blocked with the peripheral countries, which effectively avoids the crisis of aggression, so once the state occupies the western region, it will firmly grasp it and will absolutely not let it be lost.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

Secondly, the Western Regions and other places have always been rich in beautiful women, because of the temperature and climate there, as well as foreign immigrants, resulting in the western regions of the human skeleton three-dimensional clear, deep and charming eyes, so it has always been the reason why the kings want to conquer the Western Regions.

So in the past years when land and water transportation was not developed, how did our country exchange culture with neighboring countries? What does these western regions have to do with what we call "Stan Kingdoms"?

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

The true meaning of Stan

China is a multi-ethnic country, fifty-six ethnic groups shine in their respective ethnic groups, we have different cultures and histories, but we are a family, in Xinjiang and Tibet, there are many ethnic minorities, the most representative of which are the Uyghurs and Mongolians.

The compatriots of these nationalities are very different from those in the Central Plains, they are usually tall and tall, and they are very strong, and the western region is also much safer to guard the motherland with them.

But you know what? These peoples were not native to China thousands of years ago, some of them were of mixed race, most of them were of mixed blood with neighboring countries, and the neighboring countries here were the aforementioned "Stan Countries".

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

If you look at the map, you will find that west of the western part of the mainland, there are several Stan countries, and the names of these countries are also very tongue-twisting, such as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, etc. Their common Stan may be a proprietary word.

In fact, this Stan is the meaning of so-and-so, just said that there are exclusive cultures among our various ethnic groups, then there will also be special languages, Stan is the language of the Persian Empire that once existed, translated into why and what place.

At this time, many people are curious, although our country and Persia have intersected, but Persia is a small country, that is, now Iran, why will their language affect our country? Even said that China used to be called Stan?

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

Although Iran is a small country now, when the Persian Empire existed, the Persian territory was very large, and when the Persian Empire rose up, our country had not yet achieved the unification of the six countries, and even Qin Shi Huang was not yet born at that time!

Therefore, Persia was definitely the role of Big Brother in the world at that time, they also invaded and expanded neighboring countries, and the western region of our country could not escape the clutches of the Persian Empire, and the Persian Empire did one thing in order to show its ability.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

Persia invaded and occupied the places named in the language of their country, there is now Kyrgyzstan and other places, the Persian Empire's influence is very extensive up to the Qin Dynasty on the mainland, but also famous for manufacturing, textile industry, and even in the later Tang and Song Dynasties, there are cultural exchanges between us and Persia.

So what does China look like in their eyes? What do they call us Stan? It would be a shame to have Westerners name our country, but in the past, although we were a unified dynasty, we had not yet established the name of the country, so the Persians called us Qinnistan.

Most of the Central Asian countries are called "Stan", what does it mean? Why is China also called Stan?

Qinnistan means the place of Qin, because in ancient times our country was a divided princely state, so it could not be named, and it could only be used as a synonym for the place that was relatively influential at that time.


Now that we understand what Stan is, and what our country used to be named in the eyes of foreigners, this will lead to a lot of thinking, weak countries have no diplomacy, if we do not stand on our own, we will be bullied and treated as a meal on the plate by others.

So now is the time to do everything in our power to develop our own culture and to transmit it to all parts of the world in order to maintain peace and stability in the world.

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