
World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

Live well and improve every day. Okay, everyone! I'm your uncle meow and it's nice to meet again.

The TBC version has entered the end, the words of the Lich King's wrath are also just around the corner, today Uncle Meow will come to share with you the WLK Ultimate Regiment Ben Ice Crown Fortress BUG level jewelry TOP5, let's take a look at it! (The ornaments introduced in this article are all from the 25-player hero mode)

One: The removed foreign object, the Ice Crown Fortress BOSS rotten noodles

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

Uncle Meow, who is stationed at 170 points, asked who else was here! The removed foreign objects produced by the rotten noodles are definitely the handle jewelry of the law system output, and the extra spell strength superimposed can theoretically be stacked 10 layers, but the last 10 layers may not have a perfect 10 layer blessing because there are 2 seconds left in the time.

But for the jewelry Uncle Meow, I tell you like this, as long as your speed does not overflow, the foreign object is definitely your choice! Any legal output is a worthwhile one.

BUG-level index: The two hands together slammed into the ceiling, frightening the ceiling that had not been poked for a long time" "Ah-hoo" a loud smash, the energy directly hit the center of the universe twisted void is terrifying!

Two: Soul Coin, produced by the Ice Crown Fortress Gunboat

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

This thing you say he is generally true, but for many T will still be fanatical, although the route taken after the ICC is blood armor flow, the overall benefit of dodging will not be too high, but you think that he is a waste?


The jewelry professional T must-have, in the H mode small sa and deal with the LK soul harvest cost performance is invincible, understand all understand. Therefore, if no one in the later group recognizes the goods, then remember to buy this artifact at a low price in time.

BUG-level index: Full of stars poking at the ceiling only to see the stars shining Xiao Sa and LK just look at it and exclaim "Run"!

Three: The Will of Death, produced by the Ice Crown Fortress Death Messenger Chest

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

Whenever I saw the will of the God of Death, Uncle Meow couldn't help but shiver, after all, this was one of the most expensive ornaments in the history of world of Warcraft.

The built-in CD should be 95 seconds, and when triggered you'll be transformed into a handsome Viku, a thriving Yak, and a lightning-clad Black Iron Dwarf. Because of the production of Xiao Sa, between the problems of the WLK version of the national service, it can be said that there are almost only a few players who can really get the will of the 277 God of Death. And the jewelry for different classes to trigger the 30-second ability blessing is different Oh, Uncle Meow here to sell a pass, you can go to recall a wave of Oh!

BUG level index: deep horse step, swallow mountains and rivers. The sword qi went straight through the ceiling and crossed the black hole and broke through the void, which was simply terrifying!

Four: The Talisman Box of the Nameless Lich, produced by Ice Crown Fortress Boss Sindagusa

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

The item is often compared to the foreign object, but according to Uncle Meow's memory, in fact, in general, the trigger probability of the nameless Lich Demon's talisman box is not as good as that of the foreign object. But for example, if you want a high-critical fire spell, you must first start with the nameless Lich Demon's Talisman Box, and then enter the foreign objects, won't both be beautiful?

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

Of course, if you are not very fond of foreign objects, then the scorched black twilight dragon scales produced by this Red Jade Temple are also things you must enter, I don't know if you remember it?

Five: Athol's Abacus, produced by the Ice Crown Fortress Gunboat

World of Warcraft: WLK Regimental Ice Crown Fortress BUG-level jewelry TOP5, all straight to the ceiling

Many players have a first impression of the trinket, the item has a built-in CD long, and don't use it for treatment!

Then Uncle Meow and you said that it was all foolhardy and unused. The focus of this thing is on the strength of the spell, as for the trigger effect, you have been treating it anyway without delving into him!

BUG level index: 10 fingers poke the ceiling, a long time has not poked a little rusty, but it is okay, Uncle Meow gave the ceiling a poke!

Okay, then this issue of Uncle Meow has about the WLK regiment ice crown fortress BUG level jewelry TOP5 sharing is also here, if you have any better insights or omissions, please leave a message in the comment area to share with Uncle Meow, Uncle Meow will also be crazy for you to like Oh!

PS: I also hope that everyone can not forget their original intentions in the game environment of today's fast food era, and can regain their own Warcraft feelings of that year!

World of Warcraft, our other world!

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