
From the poison textbook incident, look at the current situation of China's ideological struggle

author:Lively squirrel Rr

By comparing the different approaches to teaching materials before and after the reform, we can compare the basic understanding and attitudes towards the ideological struggle in the past few decades.

Comrade Mao Zedong said to the young people who stayed in the Soviet Union: "The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours." You young people are full of vigor and are thriving, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope is in you. "To change the former party's first generation of leadership is to regard young people as the future of the motherland and the hope of the country, attach special importance to education, and regard education as the country's great plan." As early as the beginning of the founding of New China, the central authorities clearly pointed out that textbooks have a particularly huge impact on the national economy and people's livelihood, and the state should handle them. Under the sunshine and rain of socialism, the flowers of the motherland are growing vigorously. What kind of education they provide determines the future of the country, and Chairman Mao is particularly concerned about this important matter. Personally arrange the deployment, personally instruct the Central Organization Department to be responsible for selecting and dispatching a large number of well-known scholars and cultural and educational cadres to Beijing. Behind the small textbook is the deep concern of the party and the state, and many scholars and masters represented by Ye Shengtao have worked hard. From 1950 to 1966, the top writers, scientists and educators in New China participated in the compilation of primary and secondary school textbooks, which can be described as a bright star.

Mathematics has Hua Luogeng, Chinese has Lv Shuxiang, English has Xu Guozhang, physics has Yan Keats, geography has Zhu Kezhen... In that self-made era, in the country's ardent expectations for human resources, the wisdom of the whole society, through one textbook after another, cultivated the flowers of the motherland to thrive, sowing the seeds of knowledge for the country that was in ruins and waiting to be revived; it also left an indelible memory for that generation. Because of such high-quality teaching materials, the students of that era were full of vitality and the whole society was high-spirited.

In the past ten years or so, education and teaching materials have been regarded as an industry and a business, and some forces have taken the initiative to abandon education and teaching materials, which are the most important and important ideological struggle positions and the most core goal of ideological struggle. Under the guise of absorbing advanced technology, they opened the door and outsourced China's education to western agents in the name of the market. How can it not lead to the deterioration of China's education and teaching materials, and the emergence of poisonous teaching materials, poisonous teaching aids, and poisonous picture books such as Lü Jingren, Wu Yong, and Cao Wenxuan as the chief editors, and the black-hearted businessmen (who may also be agents) in charge of the compilation of teaching materials. In the past, there was a lesson learned from the former Soviet Union's ideological overturning, and then there was the disaster of teaching materials in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. But are there only a few people who influence the direction of China's educational development? Through this series of policies and operations, it is difficult not to worry that the "peaceful evolution" of the West has reached the center. At present, the top priority is that at present, this set of poisonous teaching materials is completely unusable, and it is completely unrealistic to temporarily organize personnel to compile a set of high-level teaching materials, and now China has not been able to find an education master like Ye Shengtao to do this, and it is expedient to suggest that schools at all levels fully re-adopt the set of teaching materials from the early 80s from next semester, and make a little supplementary modification, and that set of teaching materials has at least not been infiltrated by Western anti-China forces. Then try to scrape the bones and heal the poison, and comprehensively retake the lost ideological main position. As for the cover and illustration of the textbook, there is no need to dig out the mind, waste energy, students learn by no means rely on those fancy pictures to drive, more pictures but to give the people who are thinking about the opportunity, the 80s textbook cover illustrations are simple and simple, pleasing to the eye, excellent.

China's education and teaching materials are manipulated by the enemy, not to mention the current situation of China's ideological struggle, which is also called cultural war, mainly the dominant position of culture, art, and humanities. Culture, art and humanities is what everyone calls soft power, a country's soft power is based on the country's hard power, generally speaking, soft power and hard power should be matched, hard power determines soft power, soft power is the right to speak, the United States hard power is strong, American farts are soft power, by the Americans to provoke the Russian-Ukrainian war and lead the Indo-Pacific strategy can be seen. But there is also a special case that in Chairman Mao's era, the hard power was not very strong, but the soft power was extremely strong, and this soft power was done through the real knives and real guns of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, and the Americans, the first powerful country in the universe, that is, the soft power that was beaten out by the bones. After Chairman Mao left, his bones softened, and it was also because the hard power was not enough, and the soft power also decreased. Now China through the development of decades, think that the comprehensive strength ranked second, it is said that China's hard power is growing, the United States hard power is declining, China's soft power should also rise with the growth of hard power, but the Chinese people can hardly feel the sense of respect brought about by the growth of soft power, but the paper tiger in the eyes of the old man is dancing with its teeth and claws, repeatedly and unscrupulously infringing on China's core interests, why? The fundamental reason is that the ideological position has been encroached upon in a large area, and Western consciousness occupies a large number of powerful Chinese brains, just like the mass proliferation of cancer cells, it is difficult to be eliminated, and the psychology of advocating beauty and fearing beauty is the inevitable product of this Western consciousness. Some two-faced people have stolen high positions and colluded with Western interests to become time bombs one after another; the fifth column composed of literary and artistic social science circles and capitalists who have made their fortunes with Western support has become a climate, and it is only when they are constantly constrained that the Americans be so fearless. The strength of the healthy forces of Chinese nationalism may still be inferior to their (also known as traitors), and they will feel that they are holding back everywhere, and there is still a long way to go to recover the ideological position. Speaking of this, people can't help but think of the great cultural revolution, which was so crucial and so instructive.

The hard power competition is science and technology + military, or as Ren Zhengfei said, it is a competition in basic education, mainly a competition in mathematics and physics, and the reason why China is still being bullied by the great powers is because there is still a gap between hard power and the United States and the West, so it is necessary to further strengthen mathematical, physical and chemical education. Now that the liberal arts and the direction of education reform in science are weakened, it is definitely contrary to the country's requirements for strengthening hard power construction, and people can't help but ask who is in charge of China's education reform, and for what purpose do you want to bring China's education to where?

In the next step, in addition to recovering the core ideological position of education, other positions such as literature, social science, film and television, and music and beauty should also be recovered, and the western anti-China forces should completely eliminate the means of dividing and disintegrating the Chinese of the Western anti-China forces by poisoning the young Chinese with the "nipple music" culture, brainwashing the younger generation with the set of universal values, setting up various cultural and entertainment awards with rhythms, using various foundation projects to subsidize specific personnel, and cultivating the Public Knowledge And Leading The Way Party. It is all the more necessary to resolutely crack down on the literary circles outside the country of digging up graves, the social science circles that recognize thieves as their fathers, the film and television circles that are incorruptible and shameful, the art circles that have no lower limit, the sports circles that worship money and are incompetent, the capitalists who collaborate with the enemy and betray the country, the bureaucrats who form corrupt parties and the groups they have formed, hoping to use this incident of poisonous teaching materials to open the prelude to the counteroffensive against internal and external reactionary forces and not to disappoint the people.

Eliminate all pests and be invincible!

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