
Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

Water is the source of life, is the world's indispensable important substances, about 60% to 70% of the human body is composed of water, drink more water can promote the blood flow of the whole body, improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the discharge of plant waste, maintain good health. #爱乐养生 #

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Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

I don't know where to start, water has become a good medicine to detoxify the ward, even if there is nothing wrong with the body, the eyes develop a good habit of drinking more water, 8 cups of water a day, replenish the water needed by the body, maintain good health, and improve the ability of internal organ tissue metabolism to run.

Under normal circumstances, healthy adults in the right temperature and conditions, the normal amount of water should be maintained at about 1500 ~ 2000 ml, only in this way can better maintain the level of metabolism of the body, in today's health-based era, under the influence of more and more people have developed a good habit of drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning.

Drinking a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning can play a role in improving the effect of waking the brain, instantly driving away drowsiness, eliminating fatigue, and relieving stress, but some people say that drinking warm water after getting up in the morning is equal to drinking bacteria, is this statement correct?

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth


Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

The reason why some people think that drinking warm water after getting up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria, because many people who love cleanliness feel that if they drink water immediately after waking up in the morning without brushing their teeth, and a large number of bacteria and microorganisms in the mouth are directly introduced into the stomach and intestines, thereby increasing the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract and affecting physical health.

Relevant experts have made corresponding studies on this problem, they found that the human stomach contains a large number of digestive enzymes, these digestive enzymes can effectively eliminate the bacteria and viruses produced by themselves, this sentence means that if the bacteria and toxins flowing into the stomach are produced in their own mouth, in this case, it will not cause too much stimulation to the stomach and intestines, nor will it affect the health of the intestines.

If bacteria and toxins that are not produced by themselves flow into the stomach and intestines, it will affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whether it is brushing your teeth after getting up in the morning and drinking water, or drinking water after brushing your teeth first, it will not have an impact on health, and drinking warm water after getting angry is equal to drinking bacteria, which is completely exaggerated, and the specific situation can be selected according to their own living habits.


What water can't I drink when I wake up in the morning?

1. Light brine

After a night of metabolic absorption, people will be in a state of extreme thirst after getting up in the morning, drinking a cup of light salt water in the morning will increase the content of salt in the body, increase the intake of sodium ions, is not conducive to alleviating the symptoms of thirst, it will aggravate the problem of dehydration of the body, making the problem of dry mouth and thirst more serious.

For patients with hypertension, drinking a glass of light salt water after getting up in the morning will make it easy to induce hypertensive complications and seriously affect health, and it is not recommended to try.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

2. Tea

Tea as one of the world's three major functional drinks, drinking tea is currently a common way of health, getting up in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking tea is a very bad behavior.

In the stomach and intestines due to the lack of food, tea will directly enter the human gastrointestinal tract, drink tea on an empty stomach, the caffeine content in tea is high, which will accelerate the heart rate, and the chest tightness is not good for health.

3. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are a kind of drink with high sugar content, as the weather becomes hotter and hotter, more and more young people like iced carbonated drinks, many people also like to drink carbonated drinks after waking up in the morning to replenish energy, but this practice is very wrong.

Carbonated drinks contain a large amount of citric acid, which will accelerate the excretion of calcium, reduce the content of calcium in the blood, long-term drinking carbonated drinks will make the body lack of calcium, resulting in imbalance in the body's nutrition, excessive drinking will also make the blood glucose concentration after the meal increase, is not conducive to cardiovascular health.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

4. Cool water

Whether it is a cool white or ice cold drink, it is not suitable for drinking in the morning, Chinese medicine believes that: the morning is the time of yang qi, the stage of raising fire, a cup of cool water belly will lead to the accumulation of fire in the body, increase the invasion of cold moisture, is not conducive to physical health, increase the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract, easy to induce abdominal pain and diarrhea problems, time will also bring great threats and impacts to health.

5, put the water for a long time

Boiling water for too long, which will produce more nitrogen-containing organic matter, this substance will be continuously decomposed into nitrite, into the body will be combined with the protein in the stomach and intestines to produce nitrosamines, is a highly toxic carcinogen.

Frequent drinking of water that has been left for too long will make the body combine nitrite with hemoglobin, affect the nutritional function of the blood, lead to lack of oxygen in the economic order, affect health and increase the risk of cancer in the future.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth


What water is the best to drink after waking up in the morning?

1. Honey water

Honey belongs to a nutrient-rich natural tonic food, is also one of the common tonics, whether it is for young people or elderly middle-aged and elderly people, has a good health care effect, also known as "the body's natural nutrient solution".

The main components of honey are fructose and glucose, easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, drinking honey water in the morning can play a role in enhancing the effect of awakening the brain, the nutrients contained in honey can also effectively accelerate the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, with the role of moisturizing the intestines and laxative, especially in the case of not eating in the morning, drink a cup of honey water, the laxative effect is better, can effectively improve the problem of constipation.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

2. Warm boiling water

In the future, drinking warm boiled water is the best choice, because warm boiled water hardly contains any calories, get up and the stomach is still in a dormant state, at this time if you drink a lot of water with calories, it will increase the burden of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the long run, it will also lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, which in turn affects the process of digestion and absorption of food in the stomach and intestines, affecting the mental state of the whole day.

After a long time, drink warm water temperature should be appropriate, too cold and too hot will produce greater stimulation to the intestine, must pay attention to.

3. Lemonade

The main ingredient of lemonade is vitamin C, which also includes vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, these vitamins and Yu Yu are digested and absorbed by the human body to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract less, for long-term constipation friends have great help can effectively improve the problem of difficulty in defecation.

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning is equivalent to drinking bacteria? A lot of people don't understand, the doctor tells you the truth

Drink a glass of lemonade after getting up in the morning, can improve appetite, accelerate gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function, it should be noted that due to the acidic reason of lemonade, there is a certain damage to the teeth, after drinking lemonade must rinse the mouth in time, so as not to damage the health of the teeth.